  • Report:  #1211309

Complaint Review: TJ Trent - Internet

Reported By:
Chris Jimenez - Augusta, Georgia,

TJ Trent
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

TJ Trent is a complete scam artist. He charges $400 for life coaching and doesn't believe or practice confidentiality. He gives any and all information about his clients on the Internet. As an individual giving advice his own life seems to be in shambles. He talks to you as if you were beneath him and proves that he is no way intelligent. Don't waste your time or money on him because he is the ones that needs a life changing moment and obviously has serious self issues.

16 Updates & Rebuttals

Crustopher Sockowsky

This is Atlanta!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2015

I want this letter to serve as an oasis of sanity in Mr. TJ Trent's desert of foolishness. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: TJ has been fairly successful in his efforts to quote me out of context. That just goes to show what can be done with a little greed, a complete lack of scruples, and the help of a bunch of crapulous skelms. What I have been writing up to this point is not what I initially intended to write in this letter. Instead, I decided it would be far more productive to tell you that TJ is doing some pretty crude things. Or, to restate that without meiosis, he alleges that his hatchet jobs are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. Has anyone, at any time, ever been more wrong? I apologize if my answer is perceived as ignotum per ignotius, but what I'm about to say can't be understood unless one realizes that TJ has been creating a new fundamentalism based not on religion but on an orthodoxy of frotteurism. That's just a tiny facet of what all of us will face if we let him reconstitute society on the basis of arrested development and envious malevolence.

TJ's base-minded musings are a sin against nature. That, in itself, will condemn us to live with filthy caitiffs in a lustrum or two. Sure, it'd be great to make technical preparations for the achievement of freedom and human independence. However, we must stick to the task at hand and restore the ancient traditions that he has abandoned. Otherwise, only a precious few people will understand that TJ is too cranky to read the writing on the wall. This writing warns that it has been said that his slimy ipse dixits indicate that he hasn't a clue as to what constitutes an intellectual argument, at least not when his prejudices and prerogatives are challenged. I, in turn, proclaim that we mustn't let him replace intellectual integrity with short-sighted sloganeering. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy.

I myself have the strength, ability, desire, and courage to push the boundaries of knowledge ever farther. Do you? While I am not attempting to argue openly in favor of any particular position, there is a great temperamental and ideological divide between those who make bribery legal and part of business as usual and those who reinforce what is best in people. So what's the connection between that and TJ's practices? The connection is that I am stunned that he somehow managed to find enough meddlesome blaggards to populate his plunderbund. That's too big of a subject to get into here so let me instead discuss how TJ's terrorist organization is not a civil debating society. It is not interested in new ideas. That's why you can't expect to sit down and talk to its members or have a civil debate. The best you can do is try to tell them that TJ is astonishingly evil. However, as the Buddha remarked, there has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it. I'm sure that if the Buddha lived in modern times, though, he'd also comment on how TJ has written more than his fair share of lengthy, over-worded, pseudo-intellectual tripe. In all such instances he conveniently overlooks the fact that he's sincerely interested in turning scaramouches loose against us good citizens. Accomplishing this, alas, is a mission to which his squadristi appear resolutely pledged. They will stop at nothing until they've managed to prevent the public from realizing that TJ plans to snuff out the last embers of courageousness burning within us in a matter of days. I'd like to see him try to get away with such a plan; that should be good for a laugh. You see, most people have already observed that TJ has brainwashed a large number of people into believing that divine ichor flows through his veins. Alas, we can't change people's minds overnight, and we can't instantly and totally dispel the delusions implanted by TJ's aggressive lies, but we can point out the glaring contradictions between TJ's idealized view of racism and reality. That might help a few brainwashees see that it's easy to tell if TJ is lying. If his lips are moving, he's lying. There is one final irony to my story. Mr. TJ Trent prefers defamation to dialogue.


is your pocket lighter, Bob?

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2015

I hope you are getting all you can from Mr. Trent. I mean at 400 a week...wow, it must be worth every cent.



#4Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2015

I feel I must assert my freedom to comment on an important public issue that TJTRENT has thrust into the vortex of public comment. Let's start with my claim that the vigilantism “debate” is not a debate. It is a harangue, a politically motivated, brilliantly publicized, disingenuous attack on progressive ideas. TJTRENT says that two wrongs make a right. Although TJTRENT doubtlessly cut that statement out of whole cloth, I and TJTRENT part company when it comes to the issue of resistentialism. It feels that there is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of infantile stereotypes while I avow that it's doing some pretty inficete things. Or, to restate that without meiosis, TJTRENT always looks the other way when one of its confederates gets it in his head to ransack people's homes. Apparently, the principle laid down by Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois during the French Reign of Terror still holds true today: Tout est permis à quiconque agit dans le sens de la révolution.

Regardless of the past as reckless of the future, the present alone influences TJTRENT's actions. That's why it's good at one thing, and that's keeping its ulterior motives secret. Only a few initiates in the inner sanctum of TJTRENT's junta know that it's planning to convince spleenful slangwhangers that there is absolutely nothing they can do to better their lot in life besides joining it. Even fewer of these initiates know that if you hear TJTRENT spouting off about how the Universe belongs to it by right, you should tell it that its canards stink. Better yet, tell it to stop getting its opinions from inarticulate riffraff and start doing some research of its own. Now, it is not my purpose to suggest that TJTRENT likes to have difficult social issues presented to it in simple, black-and-white terms but rather to get the facts out in the hope that somebody else will do something to solve the problem. TJTRENT's threats are more than just scornful. They're a revolt against nature.

If I want to throw in the towel, that should be my prerogative. I indeed don't need TJTRENT forcing me to. One of the great mysteries of modern life is, What demons possessed TJTRENT to trivialize certain events that are particularly special to us all? The answer has two parts to it. The first part regards the manner in which TJTRENT invariably supports politicians who have been groomed from childhood to obliterate our sense of identity. The second part of the answer is focused on the way that TJTRENT and its jackals are pertinacious exponents of ableism. This is not set down in complaint against them but merely as analysis. There is one crucial fact that we must not overlook if we are to perceive our current situation as it is, rather than in the anamorphosis of some “ideology” such as particularism or Satanism. Specifically, TJTRENT hates, with a pure and perfect hatred, all those who put an end to its evildoing. I know you're wondering why I just wrote that. I'll explain shortly, but first, I should state that it remains to be seen whether TJTRENT's gang is capable of self-critique.

Will its members acknowledge their own insularity and excesses, or will they continue down the path of smug self-congratulation and vanity, never passing up an opportunity to procure explosive devices, gasoline, and detonators for use in an upcoming campaign of terror? In either case, this is not a question of simplism or tuchungism. Rather, it is a question about how sometimes I think that TJTRENT is simply a willing pawn of those frowsy wheeler-dealers who ruin people's lives. I typically drop that willing-pawn notion, however, whenever I remember that TJTRENT's ugly record of brutality is widely known. Okay, that was a facetious statement. This one is not: I personally claim that there are in fact many people who possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability to enable all people to achieve their potential as human beings. My goal is to locate those people and encourage them to help me ensure social harmony. While this letter hasn't provided anything in the way of a concrete plan of action, it may help us focus our thinking a little better when we do work out a plan. For now, we must bring TJTRENT down a peg. I will clearly be happy to have your help in this endeavor.

Eric Draven

Stoop the hating SUN!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2015

Mr. Trent is the real dealio boooy. You have to trust the man with your cash. He has helped me in so mannny ways!! I feeel like I am a brand neeew persn. There are all these hatrs on thiis site, they are suilly boyz and havve no clue of the real Mr. Trent.



#6Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2015

I am glad that your company has such confidence or arogance, but you never answered the questions of your legitimacey or your qualfications and thats why my company will look else where. Take is from a person who has built a company from the ground up, you are taking a huge liability operating without a liecnese and in my years of experience, when you cut coners in one area, you will cut coners in others, therefore you have solitified everything that Chris has said.

TJ Trent

No Need for Damage Control

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 25, 2015


There is no need for damage control becausee these claims are totally false. Mr. Jimenez is lying about his speaking with me and the rebuttals are their in support of me.

Have a great day!



Damage Control

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2015

Where is the Damage Control? Damage Control helps repair repuatiation and I don't see any.Let me start off my saying, that I came across this post by accident because I was looking for a motivation speak or coach for my reputable company in the area. I've read the reviews and Chris has brought up some very legitament concerns with this company or persons (I haven't figured out what it is) I have seen some rebuttles, but none of them have any weight to them. ( one being from a friend and the other being from a vendor, who still wants to have a consumer) I've seen the website, I've seen the posts and a lot of things just don't add up. The website lists his experinces with Military IT, (Conrgrats on your IT accomplishment) which I'm not sure what the business is at this point, IT support or Transformational Life Coach. This peaked my interested, so I dug a little further, I can't find anything that shows he was registered as a business, which leads me to believe that this is not a legitament business..Which would make any consumer wonder if legitiament services are being provided. Nonthess, my advice to everyone is do your research before you dive in. (That advice is for free)

Chris Jimenez

Denial from a scam artist

#9Author of original report

Wed, February 25, 2015

Mr Trent you can deny me contacting you all you want. The fact of the matter is you are a scam artist and you are trying to do anything and everything to defend your fake company. When we spoke you disrespected me and made an attempt to belittle me all because of my honest opinion of your extravagant prices which could literally be classified as highway robbery. If you and your supposed "clients" think I am jealous of you then please think again. I am just a person looking to make sure no one else can be scammed by you and to also recommend an Investigation of your business to verify if it is truly reputable or fraudulent. If I can help at least one person from being scammed by you it will be worth it. Stop scamming people and taking money from individuals with your supposed life changing company. 

TJ Trent

I Was Never Contacted By Mr Jimenez

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 25, 2015


I was never contaced by you and we never discussed fees because you I have never spoken with you.





Chris Jimenez

Mr. Trent,

#11Author of original report

Wed, February 25, 2015

I found your website online and was curious on what services you provided. I spoke with you a few weeks ago and you told me about your fees and then I knew you were out of your mind. You spoke down to me in a way that was unappreciated all because I gave you my opinion about your fees. You are in no way a professional life coach and I am still getting an investigation completed to even verify if you are a legitimate business. I want to find out if you even have the qualifications to be a life coach and if your business is even legal. Your supposed current clients (which sounds like you just creating random names in defense of yourself) must be getting robbed and if you're getting paid by these supposed people is it even legal? All I want to do is prevent you from robbing someone with low self esteem and who is easily coerced by lies. So at least no one will have to deal with the consequences of dealing with a scam artist like yourself.

And as for your military career I believe you are in the military but I sincerely and highly doubt you have done anything commendable and honorable. Instead of charging individuals for feeding them lies and random quotes, how about you make the effort in just being more humble and less of a scam artist.

TJ Trent

Mr. Chris Jimenez was never a client or potential client

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 25, 2015

Mr. Jimenez,

I have no idea who you are, I have never spoken with you, and you have certainly never been a client. Any information posted about clients on my website are done so with permission.

My military service is easily verfiable so please stop questioning my service to our country.


Damage control ????

#13Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 25, 2015

I'm neither for or against this company, I came across this by accident looking for some kind of professional coach for my team at a reputable company. The one thing I have taken from this review is that a problem was identifed and the only people to rebuttle was a friend of the individual and vendor, which tells me they are profiting of this person(s). I'd like to see what the owner has to say in thier defense. To me, the fact that 2 individuals who know this company and owner have not informed them of the aligations which tells me something doesn't add up. As I tell all my clients and employees, if they don't have paperwork, they probably aren't legit, so do research. Another red flag, which was stated by Chris, if this company is collecting funds with out a liecense or paperwork, it's probably illegal and falls under fraud by the IRS. I would also be cautious about the aligations of confidentiality? like I said before, I would like to see the company do some better damage control and not soley rely on the consumers.


North Carolina,
TJ Trent is a man of honor

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 25, 2015

I was made aware of the liable statements made toward TJ Trent on RipOff Report. I am a vendor, working closely with TJ and my experience has been that TJ's name can no way be associated with scam artist.

He has been and is a man of character...the highest character. His military record and long list of commendations speak to that fact loud and clear. In fact, integrity should be his middle name. TJ is truly a man of honor and has a record of excellence that follows him wherever he goes.

The person who wrote the disparaging remarks is either very jealous of TJ's accomplishments or has extreme insecurities himself.

Chris Jimenez

Fake or brain washed

#15Author of original report

Tue, February 24, 2015

Bob, it sounds like you are either fake or you have been brain washed by TJ Trent. Or if you are a friend then it is best to at least state the truth. Who in their right mind would charge friends or any individual all of that money for a life coach who himself needs therapy. He speaks in such a degrading tone that he feels he is above his clients. As an individual he needs to be more professional and at least conduct himself in a more professional manner. I will stand by with the initial complaint that he is a scam artist and only out for personal gain. I will conduct research to verify if he is registered as a business and to find out if anything he is doing is even allowed. Scam artist with selfish intent!

Chris Jimenez


#16Author of original report

Tue, February 24, 2015

It saddens me to the amount of people that have been brainwashed by TJ's lies and scams. Michelle as a vendor I'm certain you haven't taken the time to verify the legitimacy of his background, military awards, and so called accomplishments. For any individual to pay that much for a life coach only needs therapy from a true licensed therapist, not someone who can wake up one day and call themselves a life coach and charge extravagant amounts of money for information he steals from quotes online. I can promise there is nothing to be jealous of unless it's being jealous of not being a good person and stealing from people. Only insecurity I may have is making sure he's not given an opportunity to scam me ever again. If anyone else has been scammed come forward so we can stop these scams!


Hobe Sound,
I have found this not the case!

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2015

I have seen the complaint about TJ Trent, and found this is not the case.  I have been TJ Trent's client for quite a while and have found him to be extremely helpful, professional, and a competent life coach.  I have not been ripped off in any way.  I would recommend his services to anyone.   

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