  • Report:  #228032

Complaint Review: Tower Of Power Sales - Gig Harbor Washington

Reported By:
- Poway, California,

Tower Of Power Sales
5775 Soundview Dr Suite 103C Gig Harbor, 98335 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm just going to cut and paste what happened to the person in Venice, since it's the same thing that happened to me....

"2 youths came to the door asking what you do for a living as they are looking for careers to inspire them. Once they have you talking they start on about being part of a team who are competing to win a trip and they get bonus points if you fill out a comment card about their manners. So far they have not asked for any money. Then they ask what books you would like to see schools have in their Librarys etc.

Once you pick a couple they start telling you that you can dontate them. I asked how much that would be and they avoided answering and just repeating that they are worth a certain amount of points."

That's basically what happenend to me as well. Alisha and Ruthie were the girls who visited me and they were very cute. After I wrote them each a cheque, and they left, I looked up Tower of Power and Empire Sales on the internet and saw I was scammed. So I hopped in my car to try to find them and there they were talking to the Sheriff. Someone else must have called them in. I walked up to the Sheriff and asked the girls for my cheques back. They lied to the Sheriff and they had told the Sheriff they weren't selling anything. I was lucky the Sheriff stopped them so I could get my money back.


Poway, California

13 Updates & Rebuttals

Not a Scam

United States of America
Tower of Power IS a Legitimate Company

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 02, 2011

I just want to try to help those who feel they have been scammed by this company. You should know, we ARE a legitimate company, not a scam. We only have one name, Tower of Power Sales...we do not go by other names. PCCS or Pacific Coast Clearing Services is the name of the clearing house we use to process our magazine orders. PCCS does have other magazine crews that use them for the same service, but we do not go by those other crew names. They are completely different companies.

If you place an order, it can take up to 12 weeks to receive your first magazine. If you are concerned about the status of your subscription, you can call the clearing house direct at 1-800-571-6789 to have your order tracked. You should have a number on your receipt to give them.

Mistakes are sometimes made, and orders have been lost, but this does not mean that we are not a legitimate company. We will do whatever we can to help. Our sales agents work hard, and we thank you for your orders.

Clearing it up

United States of America
Lavon Allen WAS the problem for most of us

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 26, 2011

Hi, yes, i am ever so sure that L.A. (as he calls himself) knows exactly who this is rebuttling him. I happen to have been one of if not "the" top sales agent four years in a row when L.A. was working for Interstate Subscription Services, Inc. (The root of all henisee that is causing all the backlash in magazine companies). I can from personal and extreame experience tell you that what L.A. CHOSE to do with his crew members/crew girls (whores as he calls them) is in no way what was the norm or even tolerated in this industry. I can tell you that if Tom Roach knew what was actually going on through the hands of L.A. that none of it would have even continued no matter how many sales he would have tried to make just to beat me. He is discpicable in every way. I had nothing but problems with him, I have always been the "good girl" and along with my other "good girl friends" we made his life hell. We were always shopping, and traveling, and happy, and had the best boss at the time who was Denise Downs.. Ya know who this is now, dont you L.A. ~ anyway, to set the story straight, it is a fact that this business was not a string of druggies and prositutes as L.A. would love for you to believe, but of young adults trying to prove their way in the world. As a matter of fact I believe that it was L.A. that got pulled over on the side of an interstate with a butt load of pepole who decided to smoke weed while working and they were asked for registration and information, when L.A. comes back to the hotel advising all of (anyone who would listen) that he and Reed (his only white friend he could conn) gave the officer all their cash just to get out of the ticket. YA RIGHT..(L.A. is a natural lier) as if. none of us believed him. he is a joke, always has been, just trying to fit in. Get real. I find that this person who spent what 8 years on the road, highjacking Matt Parker and his new company's trucks and new people and taking off with them, would ever EVER be on any public site bashing anyone, and i can pretty much gurantee that if congress had the time to investigate things as little as a struggling business such as magazine sales, dont you think that YOU L.A. would be at the TOP of that list as well!! DUH! Your name is all over so much in ISS & PCCS, so dont think you would not be evident in this so called "investigation" (that has never occured) as well! You still try to think your playing the high road, but your just as low as anyone has ever been. You will never change, and that is why most that are in the business still only know you as the duech bag who theives, conns, and as always lies to get his way. Still crying over spilled milk. I think it is so halarious. the so called BIG DOG that you claimed to be has been knocked down, and now your trying to put your two cents in where no one really cares to hear.
L.A. is the reason managers such as Matt Parker get a bad rap. Because of things he has Chosen to do to people who did not deserve anything like that. He is the reason and the example. Now that he is no longer ALLOWED to work with any magazine company, all I can say is One Down and On With Bigger and Better Managment!!! You should have your face plastered all over every single one of the complaints we get, because i can bet without loosing that most stem directly from you, and the people who you had working for you! Then when things got too hot, you bailed & took things that didnt belong to you! You are a cheap peice of garbage, and we are all better for you being gone!
Grow up, dude.
~ You know d**n well who this is. I dont need to tell you.


United States of America
Only rip-off was the price.. received product

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 13, 2010

Well about 4 months back I had the same experience as most of you.. A young man came to my door, very charming, fast talker, talking about going to Italy.. blah blah blah... I ended up subscribing for 20 issues of a certain magazine, and just like everyone else, was very suspicious of whether or not this was a scam. I paid with a debit card, figuring maybe I could talk to my bank later on if I don't receive the magazines as promised. After reading all of these comments, I got really nervous thinking, yep, my money's gone... Anyway, I decided to wait it out instead of stopping the transaction just because when I thought about it, I signed up for the magazine to help the kid out... I didn't order it because I knew I always wanted a subscription to that magazine. I actually don't really even like magazines... so anyway, as I was saying, I did this to help this kid out, so whether or not this money was actually going towards receiving a magazine didn't really matter much to me. I just figured, well, if I don't get them, I know to never let them talk me into this again. So now for the surprising part...

Today I am very happy to announce that my first magazine has arrived! Yes, it took 4 months and yes, I still think I greatly overpaid for it but, I did in fact receive my first magazine and I'm sure the rest will be coming too. I was shocked, but pleased, so I felt I had to come and give them some positive feedback for once. I will admit, I do not like their process like everyone else. They're fast talkers which make it hard to say no, and I really feel uncomfortable with door-to-door sales as it is because these days, it's hard to trust people.. So anyway, if you're wondering if you made a bad decision, all I can say is, I have had a positive experience (as far as actually receiving my product), and since most of the people on here stopped their payments instead of waiting it out (which I honestly don't blame them, I was tempted to do so also), I say you just never know unless you wait and see. If you're more worried about getting something in return rather than just signing up to help someone else, than don't take the risk. But, if you're genuinely willing to help the kid out, then you've done your part and just have some faith that they'll do the right thing (and I would recommend not paying cash...). Ok so, thanks for reading. Hope this helped some people out!

Levon Allen

I was a magazine manager for 8 years-we ruined lives!!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 15, 2009

I have read a ton of these reports now-and I will say, I patiently await for Congress to begin investigating again-and then I will give the details to prove what a rip off this business is-how it uses sex and drugs to influence young people-how magazine managers 'w***e" their new girls out to the highest bidder, how the "books" scam works etc. I am not proud of my participation-I did make tons of money-but more lives were ruined than helped. My information is available here for any attorney -who really wants the inside story-I mean the book would be a best seller! Levon A CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Goooo Sps

best thing i ever did !!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 29, 2009

ok so i was homeless and jobless in washtionton state . i found the number in the paper and called i asked lots of things i talked to my family and they asked a few things the person on the phone was so nice and gave me all the right info ... they day i called and said yes they put me on a bus and sent me to texas .. much to my suprise everything they said was true everyone was so awesome and upbeat .. i did not meat the owner for 3 months however the managers car handlers and crew was fantasic ... i became more out going and confident just to test it out i bought a magazine from myself under my momthers name tothis day she is still geting it every month yes it takes a little time to the paper work to prosess... joining the biz i got to see things i never would have go places i never dreamed i would go every day was so much fun .. the managers treat u with respect and like ur there kids chops my boss brought us into his home and cooks us thanxgivinn dinner .. as for the prizes the trip anywhere in the world and the $5000 its not that its a lie yes u are working to get them its just a little more complcated the #1 person who gets the most points wins the trip that is real however the money works like this for every sell u get paid cash u get 200 points for every 10,000 CASH AWARD POINTS u get a $500 check in the end it adds up to for every 100,000 points u earn u get $5,000 i just want to say that this is real there are some scams and yes tower of power is a company and is NOT a scam ... i have met them and worked side by side with them and they r all fantasic


The Company Changed My Life!!!!!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 19, 2008

I worked for Tower Of Power Sales and its affiliates for 2 1/2 years. At first i was overwhelmed by how much enthusiasm my newfound associates had. They were all overly motivated, enthusiastic, and amped up for a long day of door to door sales, and countless rejections. I stuck it out because I wanted to give it a chance, and Im glad I did. I became one of the many top agents working for the company. One year my father had gotten a kidney transplant. It was a success at first, but quickly became a traumatic event. My fathers anti bodies which were dormant, became active, and attacked his kidneys. I was in North Carolina training a new employee, when my boss Lance Harp called and told me he was sending me home to Florida on a plane that day, but would not say as to why. I quickly found out what happened, and it cut me deeply. Lance had just finished purchasing a new flat screen TV for us all to play video games on, but returned it upon hearing the news, and gave me the 2,000 dollars to take with me to help out anyway it could. I was able to pay for a hotel for my family and to stay in til they tried to figure out what happened to my dad.That money paid for the hotel, medicine, and food. On top of that, if that was not a good enough story, I was treated with such warmth the entire time I was on the road, I even fell in love and created a beautiful baby girl with a girl I met out there, and with help from the company was able to move on to a normal life with my new family. Since then I have bought many subscriptions from the mag kids, but only from the ones i thought had a great lasting impression on me. I figured if I was one of the best, Ill only buy from the best. I just met a David Smith and a really cool guy named Wayne and they both came off as just a really cool pair of agents, and had me dying with laughter. They were not rude or pushy, though i gave them a hard time. i bought 12 mags all together.


Gig Harbor,
this is the wrong phone number

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2008

all the other reports have the correct number iam still getting people herasssing me


Gig Harbor,
please check the your info before posting

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 06, 2008

the phone # posted here is the wrong # this is my house # i am really tierd of getting calls for these people i got 2 today one at 5:45am. i have also been threated when i say its the wrong #. there # is 253 851 8414


Great experience with Tower of Power

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, April 26, 2008

I purchased a magazine subscription from Tower of Power and had a great experience. The kids were very friendly and curtious and I received my magazines with no problem. This company has great customer service and I am very pleased.

#1 Seller

South Carolina,
Insider Info.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 07, 2008

Ok so I got into this "business" back in June of 2007. Now the reason that I got into it was because I needed a job and the people that I saw and were talking to seemed like really cool people. Well, after 2 months of being in the "business" and almost 2 out of 10 homes that I went to told me that they had been scamed by something like this before I started to believe it. But wait I was getting paid and I got the magazines that I ordered so was it really a scam? My boss told me that I was #1 seller and in the competion I was #1. Well, we all got the same paper every Thursday about who was in what place in the competion. I was so excited because every week I kept going up in the competion. The week that I told my boss that I was going to quit I was also notified that I was in 1st place but I still quit because when I check to see how much money I was suppose to have when I got out one day they told me 2,200 dollars and then not even 2 days later I told them I quit and I only got 900 dollars so yes I was pretty upset. As for inside information, the boss of the company I don't know but for south pacific subscriptions the boss is Rodney Marques. He is Asia and he is married with a step-daughter that sells magazines as well. He calls himself Chops. That is what everyone knows him by. They teach the same spill to every person that sells magazines for them. Here is the spill you will hear. knock knock....I just stopped by to see you for a second. I'm pretty sure you don't know me. My name is___________ and you are. Great nice to meet you. Well the reason that I stopped by is to get you back me in this years NCA contest. You haven't heard about it or back anyone else have you? No. Great well, what it is is the National Career Awards contest and I've got to collect 100,000 points and when I do I win 5,000 dollars towards my career and a trip anywhere in the world for 2 weeks paid for. If you don't mind me asking what do you do for a career? (Listening) Well for the trip I wanted to go to London. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? (Listening) Now, I need you to get really excited for me and ask how I earn my points? How do you earn your points? Great thanks for asking. The way that I earn my points is bathroom reading material(as I flip out a tri-fold that has magazines on it) the points next to the magazines is what I earn and they are multiplied by 8 at the top 7 in the middle 5 at the bottom and 4 on the back. Now I just need you to pick out a couple of your favorites. But heres the cool thing if you get one as a gift for someone I get 500 extra bonus points. After ordering the magazines I would ask do you really want to help me out? After they ask how I tell them you can pay 5 different ways. Cash, Cash, Check or Cash we also except Credit but I get 1,000 extra bonus points if you pay in cash and it also secures your order and gets your magazines here quicker. Instead of waiting 6-8 weeks you would only be waiting 2-4 weeks. After they pay I would thank them for their time and ask if they could send me off to anybody. Also another insider in order to solicite you need to have a permit nobody selling magazines in SPS has a permit because they are only in the area for 1-2 weeks. So if someone comes to your house to sell something to you just ask to see there permit and if they can't show you one don't buy anything. Ok back to the question at the top Is it a scam or is it real. It is real if you pay by check i haven't tried the credit but cash I didn't get any of the magazines I paid for by cash only the magazines I paid for by check. I hope this helps to everyone that had questions


More company aliases South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services

#12Author of original report

Sun, December 31, 2006

The company uses at least 4 different names. One girl worked for Tower of Power Sales, Inc. The other girl worked for Empire Sales, Inc. Both companies have the same address and phone number. I'm not sure why they work for different companies. Then searching google, I found the company uses 2 other names. South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services. Who knows how many more aliases there are. Here's their web pages.... http://www.spsitraveljob.com/ http://www.pccsonline.com/


More company aliases South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services

#13Author of original report

Sun, December 31, 2006

The company uses at least 4 different names. One girl worked for Tower of Power Sales, Inc. The other girl worked for Empire Sales, Inc. Both companies have the same address and phone number. I'm not sure why they work for different companies. Then searching google, I found the company uses 2 other names. South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services. Who knows how many more aliases there are. Here's their web pages.... http://www.spsitraveljob.com/ http://www.pccsonline.com/


More company aliases South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services

#14Author of original report

Sun, December 31, 2006

The company uses at least 4 different names. One girl worked for Tower of Power Sales, Inc. The other girl worked for Empire Sales, Inc. Both companies have the same address and phone number. I'm not sure why they work for different companies. Then searching google, I found the company uses 2 other names. South Pacific Subscriptions, Inc. and Pacific Coast Clearing Services. Who knows how many more aliases there are. Here's their web pages.... http://www.spsitraveljob.com/ http://www.pccsonline.com/

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