  • Report:  #1106944

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo Sacramento - Select State/Province

Reported By:
Stay away! - Iowa,

Tracy Bernardo Sacramento
Select State/Province, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Please everyone, save yourself the trouble and stay away from this vile and disgusting man. He does nothing but string his victims along his web of lies and deceit. Doing business with man you will gain nothing, he claims to be in business with “20 years of experience”, so after two decades he cannot even rack up one positive testimonial on the web? Don’t believe his lies; have you notice he has never been honest once?

One client calls him about an update on their $4000 pig they paid for, “Oh it’s been raining on the farm..blah blah blah”, mind you Tracy does not own a farm nor does he raise pigs, hell he doesn’t even know a thing about teacup pigs, the only thing he knows is that they’re expensive and people pay huge money for them so using his internet marketing tactics to become a pig broker.

Another client calls for an update. “Yeah I’m in the car right now taking the pig to the vet”. When he’s actually sitting at home in front of his computer doing nothing but stringing along helpless victims; this is what a manipulator does, they lie to their victims in order to get them to feel comfortable, that’s one of their tactics. If someone ask for an update he’ll say something like “Yeah we had a little problem, they’ll be ready in 2 weeks”. This gives him two weeks to think of other bullshit to spill out his mouth, two weeks past, “Oh this happened, that happened”. He’ll keep in stringing you along till you stand up to him that’s when he starts getting nasty.

This man has stepped over everyone, he has made many enemies, and nothing matters to him but himself. This time it seems as if he bit off more than he could chew, he’ll probably cry out slander and defamation but everything that is said about this man is true. We have backed it up many times, with screenshots, his fake alias he used to accuse a teacher of child molestation, that same alias was tracked down to his other profiles online. We have court records of him being taking into court and sued for his scams.

We have voicemails in which he lies and contradicts himself over and over; he covers up one lie with another. He sent an anonymous death threat which the source code had an I.P address embedded which came from Sacramento, where Tracy resides. This man is nothing but a disgusting hypocrite, he wants everything his way and on his terms even though his websites states otherwise.


Reading his FAQ.

How come your services are so inexpensive?


“We believe in adding true intrinsic value to Sacramento businesses without cleaning out our clients wallets. We would rather have a long-term relationship with our clients than just a one-time design project. That way we can be of service to our clients time and time again over the course of many years.”

YEAH RIGHT! That’s all Tracy been doing is cleaning out his clients wallets! How about those victims who spent $3,000-$4,000+ on a teacup pig only to be shipped another one after? How about taking contracts and not notifying the broker? How about marking up the price of the pigs hundreds of dollars more than your broker source is selling them for?

“ He is filled with lies, deceits, misrepresentations.  He is not a breeder.  He is a broker and reseller out to make money.  He does not care about the piglet, the person buying the piglet, or the breeder from whom he may or may not turn over the contract and payment.   Over and over again.  We have been contacted by those that were cheated by Mr. Tracy J. Bernardo.  They had waited months to get a piglet from his website, he sent a completely different piglet,”

“ He has attacked long suffering and waiting buyers in emails and at their place of work.  He threatens them and has called them as late as midnight to intimidate.  He is vicious, rude, nasty, mean, lies, smears, and will do whatever it takes to keep selling piglets as the breeder, when he is not.  Some cheated clients have hired attorneys and are pursuing this legally.  Bait and switch is a criminal offense.  We have also received calls and emails from cheated clients where it was clear that he is double selling piglets on his website.”

“ My posts about him, has lead him to block me from seeing his website.  I have even received an anonymous death threat.  Mr. Bernardo does not tell the truth in many regards.  He represents himself as the breeder, 

as I can in emalil show many, many complaints about him.  Even one of his clients owns TracyBernardo.com and posted about the treachery of doing business with him.  Mr. Bernardo, then called every associate in the client's office and smeared the client and threatened.”

NOW ask yourself this, does the man that does that care about his clients? Or their money? The real reason he’s able to sell his services cheap is because I researched his clients website and all I saw was that he bought cheap $40-$50 Wordpress design templates and installed it for them and is charging hundreds if not thousands for it.  His own website is created from a theme called “Doover” which is a web design template built by another company. How pathetic!


Stay away!

Tracy J B



5 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Sun, March 30, 2014

These are his known victims we've found throughout the web, we were able to track down other companies he owned in the past which also had complaints of Mr. Bernardo stealing money from them, lying and slandering them as well. this man must be exposed, we have found a total of 22+ victims!

Victim 1

Another complaint and more overwhelming evidence that Tracy Bernardo is a liar and cheat. Beware of him:

Regarding Tracy Bernardo, I've been monitoring the situation through your postings and feel extremely lucky we didn't suffer the same fate as some others. I'm sorry for you and the customers he caused so much trouble for! Tracy mislead us as well, but we were lucky that he didn't cheat us out of our money at least. As you may recall, he stopped answering my emails immediately after we paid him, and he mislead us regarding our pig's size, and he lead me to believe that he was the breeder and that the pigs were nearby. He never mentioned you or your ranch in Texas. I discovered the truth by searching the web and recognizing our pig's photos on your site so I contacted you. We were fortunate that for whatever reason he must have told you of our adoption, but I knew then he had not been honest with me in the process. I am very glad not to deal with him anymore and I hope the mess he's caused you and the others is resolved soon. 

Victim 2

Tracy Bernardo, now known as TB, has again pulled another scam: bait and switch. Read below from one of his victims.

Hi...I am sorry sorry to bother you and know that this is not your problem, but I saw your website after I wired money (4,500.00) to teacuppiggies.com for a male white pocket nano mini pig 'Alexander' who is on my contract. Your comments are correct about Tracy. The only time I have actually talked with him on the phone is the day I was sending the money. It took weeks, but I am at least thankful that I finally actually received a piggy, although I am positive the piggy I received is not the piggy on the website. I did not receive any paperwork for the piggy such asany vet visit or health certificate/shots etc..He will not return my many phone calls/emails and I have no support or ideas of how to care for this piggy now that he is here.

The reason I am writing you is that the pig 'Alexander' (attached) that I thought I had purchased, is the only one on the website in this particular valentine's box and setting, and I was hoping that you could perhaps identify the photo to see if you maybe know this litter or are familiar with the breeder where I could go to get help. There are no other piggies on his website that have the same valentines setting or anywhere online that I can find. Alexander was born (1/8/2012), I believe around the time you posted that you were having issues with Tracy. I was hoping perhaps you were familiar with this litter and I could start there in trying to find out if I actually received the same type/price piggy that Alexander is. His photo is still on his website.

The piggy I received yesterday is a white male, but it is very spotted on his temples, various black spots on his body, and has black pigment on his nose. I don't believe such marked pigment would show up, but I am not familiar with it either and if this is possible. Alexander looks solid white with no black pigment anywhere that I can see. The piggy I received is pretty small (4lbs) and has one blue eye, so maybe that will help to id him. He is very cute, but I am hoping that I did not receive a pig that will be more than the 16-18lb contract we signed. I have only had him for one day and have not taken any photos of him yet. If I took a picture of him and sent it to you, do you think you may be able to identify if he is one from your litters or another breeder Tracy works with? Any guidance would be very appreciated as I am at a complete loss.

I would be happy to call you if you think you can help. I am hoping that someone may be able to tell me who/what this piggy I have is. I am just sick over this whole ordeal and wish I would have seen your website first. I can imagine that if I cant get Tracy to call to even make sure the piggy arrived safely, he will certainly not stand up to his contract.

Victim 3

Message: I am overjoyed!!Thrilled beyond belief that this man is being exposed. I have numerous email conversations from Tracy weaving a web of lie after lie- I have a voice mail that complete contradicts his emailed promises and claimed he'd been working on his ranch all weekend because of the rain- after a little research I discovered he is an internet market "specialist" which explains his nicely laid out website... I had family backing me in my communications with Tracy and was able to put enough pressure, after weeks of ridiculous lies, to allow me to speak to CJ himself. I finally felt I was getting somewhere once I spoke to CJ and I did receive my piglet. I have to say Tracy Bernardo is a twisted delusional man who will certainly do a lot of damage to the world of mini pig lovers if he is not stopped. Thank you CJ for making efforts to stop him..I have been on my own tirade since the moment I began the pursuit of getting my much loved pig. I have used my website, twitter account and forum in my classroom to avoid purchasing from teacuppigsforsale.com I fully support your attempts of putting these beautiful animals in the hands of those that want nothing more than to love and adore them regardless of their tiny mini status... Thank you again for informing us- my day is made brighter knowing Karma has bitten back!!

Victim 4

I have noticed message on your web site stating that you are not working together with Tracy Bernardo. Over six weeks ago I have orderd a pig from Tracy's website and I still have not got it nor any information regarding when I would get it. Can you tell me by any chance if Yoshi from Tracy's web site was one of your pigs? Or maybe you know the breeder where Yoshi comes from? Now I am trying to get my money back so I can buy pet for my kids in more reliable place. I would really appreciate some info on it.

Victim 5

Again, one of my piglets that Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com was not authorized to put on his website, or take a contract and payment. He had them sign a contract, took payment, then never notified me of the contract. He did not send payment for one of my piglets that has a contract and payment.

Victim 6

Mr. Bernardo acquires a piglet to replace my piglet "Yoshi" that he illegally and unethically sold to this family after I terminated him for illegal and unethical practices. They inform him that they know it is not Yoshi, because they talked to the breeder, me. They ask for dob, current weight, and projected adult size. He has nothing to say or write back, except, that he is not a broker, he is not one that resells. He is the breeder, the best breeder and seller in the country. Again, a huge lie. I had been placing my piglets through Teacuppigsforsale.com for almost two years. I terminated him in January 2012 after a scam he ran on Shaela K in October 2011, and another to Susie P. in January. We have now had three clients of Teacuppigsforsale.com and Mr. Tracy J. Bernardo contact us and try to solve the mystery of why he takes their money and does not deliver a piglet, or any real details. He has even sold the same piglet twice. He takes the money, promises, promises, then desparately tries to find a switch piglet from another breeder, as he is not a breeder. He may be attempting to get a breeder pair at this point to refute that he is not a breeder. He has been terminated as a broker with Piggy Essence. It seems that he will lie to any length to get money out of people.

Victim 7

J's wife related to me how Mr. Bernardo would give them all sorts of tales in concern to being the breeder. One comment was that he was on his way to the vet with a piglet. He does not breed, he does not have barns down the street as another of his client has called me and given me more insights.J and his wife adopted Xavier from me. They wired money on 3-15-12, and I shipped on 3-16-12, as Xavier was already neutered. Getting a great micro mini piglet that is weaned should take a week to two weeks after payment, depending on whether it is a male or female.

Victim 8

Contract signed between Teacuppigsforsale.com and Susie. On January 9, 2012, she wired Lighthouse Media Corp, LLC, owned by Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com a nonrefundable deposit on a Piggy Essence micro mini piglet. January 19, 2012 she provides proof that she wired the money, yet Mr. Bernardo never gave her updated pics. Mr. Bernardo did not ask for updated pics, because he had not notified me of the contract with the $3600 in payments.

Victim 9

Another couple called TLCPiglet.com, due to seeing the same pics of micro mini piglets on www.teacuppigsforsale.com. They had wired over $4000 to Tracy Bernardo, dba Lighthouse Media Corp, LLC, teacuppigsforsale.com back in late December 2011. The were told to be patient. Tracy Bernardo never contact me in December at the time of their first payment or the following payments in January and February. By the time they contacted us in March, their piglet had been sold by Trace Lovelace Cousaire of TLC Piglets, my girlfriend. They are pursuing this legally.

Victim 10

Contacted by a mother for her young adult daughter. They signed a contract and wired over $4000. After a month, He never notified Piggy Essence, the breeder for Teacuppigsforsale.com that he had placed another piglet in contract with full payment. I had them verify all contracts and wire transfers. I also verified with Chase Bank, the bank that was being used by Mr. Bernardo at that time. They verified that the funds had been in his account. I did not want them to litigate and pursue an acknowledgement smear of Mr. Bernardo, as he was responsible for a vast majority of my sales and placements at that time, so I had them choose another comparable piglet. I paid for all the shipping and health expenses to send this piglet to another country. Mr. Bernardo agreed in email to reimburse for the piglet, as he did not have the funds.

Victim 11

There is a new smear campaign initiated by an anonymous person. This posting is almost certainly from www.teacuppigsforsale.com by Mr. Tracy Bernardo. I had to terminate my contract with him due to four people that tracked me down, due to not receiving a piglet from him, after contract and wire transfer payments. If you go to my website, you will see that on the home page and the available piglets page, he was terminated in January 2012. Yet, he refuses to remove my information and my piglets. Three people recently have contacted me to the whereabouts of the piglet he sold them, one of my piglets. I have a new page on my website: Teacuppigsforsale.com. They sent me proof of the contracts and the payment. With much regret, Mr. Bernardo did not forward me the contracts or the payments for the Piggy Essence piglets. He has been desparately doing a bait and switch to sell them a completely different piglet from another broker.

My posts about him, has lead him to block me from seeing his website. I have even received an anonymous death threat. Mr. Bernardo does not tell the truth in many regards. He represents himself as the breeder,as I can in emalil show many, many complaints about him. Even one of his clients owns TracyBernardo.com and posted about the treachery of doing business with him. Mr. Bernardo, then called every associate in the client's office and smeared the client and threatened. Keep in mind, we have a prescribed care program from my vet, Dr. Williams. We do a physical examination prior to departure. Post care advice and support is given. Monthly Care Monitoring is required for a minimum of 12 months in guiding the client in proper care and socializing..

I strongly encourage you realize that the above posting is from a desperate individual who will lie, manipulate, scam, cheat, smear, and attempt to destroy. He wants to take the spotlight from himself and his wrongs by any means. Please do not buy any piglets from Tracy Bernardo who owns www.teacuppigsforsale.com, owned by Lighthouse Media Group, LLC. March 20, 2012: Another Testimonial from a swindled Tracy Bernardo of www.teacuppigsforsale.com client: Tracey Bernardo promised me a pig, I signed a contract and wired him $4,400. After not returning my phone calls, emails, or voicemails, I got suspicious. I searched different pig sites and found the pig I had purchased on CJ's site. CJ nicely explained what happened and I asked Tracey for my money back. Not only did he not provide me with a pig but he embezzled 3 years worth of savings from me. I have a lawyer trying to get my money back. Tracey has thrown a huge wrench in my finances and has been an incessant headache. I have received an anonymous death threat through my website form response.

Victim 12

I'm writing because of the negative experience I had with Tracy Bernardo of teacuppiggiesforsale.com when purchasing a mini piglet. When making arrangements for shipping my piglet, I explained to Tracy that from where I live, there were only two airport options. The closest being a three hour drive, and that I would need to make arrangements at my office so I could be gone that day. A date was set, and then I received an email from Tracy Bernardo telling me that "his shipper" couldn't ship that day. Then another date was set, only to be changed again. This happened at least five times. The last time it was changed, Tracy lied when he told me that it was too late in the day to book the flight. I knew this was a lie, because that particular airline didn't pre-book pet cargo.

By this point, I was extremely annoyed and frustrated with the runaround I was getting from Tracy Bernardo, and I became concerned about the possibility of being scammed. I started doing some research on the internet about him. Tracy had led me to believe that he was the breeder of the mini pigs, and that the man in Texas whom he referred to as CJ, was "his shipper". 

My research on the internet discovered that Tracy was not the breeder, but "his shipper in Texas" was actually the breeder. This raised a huge red flag and my concern about being scammed grew. I found Trace Cousaire's web site and called her. I explained my situation with Tracy Bernardo. She was very helpful and gave me CJ Tobler's phone number. I then called CJ and told him about my frustrating situation regarding Tracy Bernardo changing the shipping dates so many times. CJ then informed me that while he was away a new employee was caring for the animals and something had happened to my piglet, and it couldn't be found. He said that he advised Tracy Bernardo of the situation, and told Tracy to tell me what had happened. Instead of being honest and telling me the truth about my piglet, Tracy chose to withhold this very important information and instead thought it would be a better idea to keep changing the shipping date. I don't why he could possibly think this charade or tactic could have a positive outcome. Needless to say, my experience has caused me to question Tracy Bernardo's ethics.

After speaking to CJ and finding out the truth about the piglet I purchased, CJ was very responsive to take and send photos of piglets that were similar to the original one I purchased. We now have our piglet and CJ has been supportive throughout the entire process and continues with his support.

Victim 13 

My website was hacked with some of the accurate detailed information about Tracy Bernardo of www.teacuppigsforsale.com was removed.

Yet another Teacuppigsforsale.com and Tracy J. Bernardo client has come forward. He also sold her the same piglet that he sold to another client, and one month later, no piglet. She did more research on the internet and found www.tlcpiglets.com. There she saw the pics and bio of her piglet. She called Tracy L. Cousaire, only to realize that Tracy Bernardo has been cheating some of his clients by not turning over the contracts and payments to the breeder, Piggy Essence. HOW MANY MORE CHEATED TEACUPPIGSFORSALE.COM CLIENTS WILL COME FORWARD?????

Victim 14 

Let me start by the pain Tracy Bernardo put my family through. We purchased a expensive micro pig last year. Tracy was difficult to reach and he often did not know much about my piglet (he doesn't have a ranch or farm he keeps these pigs on--mine came from a breeder in Texas). After one week of having the little guy I woke up and he couldn't breathe! I took him to the emergency vet immediately where he passed away some hours later. I called Tracy immediately and left a couple voicemails. Eventually I heard back from Tracy saying I needed a necropsy report or they couldn't replace my pig--he didn't ask for this nicely but said it like "if you killed the pig then why would I send you another?" I had already lost my little guy and then I had to drive 2 hours to UC Davis (a premier pet hospital with doctors who deal with pigs all the time) for the necropsy.

This was all traumatic enough, but what Tracy Bernado did after this caused my family more pain than I can describe. The vets at UC Davis determined that my little guy had a birth defect in his nose and he was seriously ill when shipped. He had pneumonia as well as bacteria in his brain. Clearly I can not put bacteria in a pig's brain in one week, yet Tracy insisted that I probably wasn't caring for him properly and accused me of keeping him in a cold room all day, which was anything but the case! That pig didn't leave my arms for the week I had him! I asked in multiple emails for the accusations to stop until the necropsy report came back because speculating was just causing more damage. I have all the emails if he claims that didn't happen....

Still even after the vet report clearly stated I had nothing to do with the pig's death Tracy relayed false information to the breeder who provided the pig and would not send through the necropsy report--he instead summed it up over the phone! After 2 additional weeks of hell the breeder (NOT TRACY BERNARDO) replaced my pig and I have never been happier with my new little guy. 

All I can say is Tracy Bernardo is a man who does not value the lives of the piglets, proper business or ethics! If you have a choice, take your money somewhere else!

Victim 15 

This could be a little long just a heads up.

After doing a lot of research we decided to purchase a POCKET NANO 12-20lb pig. I searched many sites and although the price was a little bit higher it appeared to be that using http://teacuppigsforsale… would be a good option. I contacted the "OWNER" Tracy Bernardo who was quite pleasant on the phone and answered every phone call the first day and answered the many remaining questions that I had. We decided that day after talking to Tracy that we would be putting a deposit down on our new teacup pig. We decided to purchase a tuxedo male pig for $3500. After our deposit I was promised a "information packet" and updates to when my pig would be born. I sent multiple emails, called multiple times, and left multiple messages with out any response. A week went by before I got any response as to even if my deposit was received.

BTW DO NOT DO A DIRECT DEPOSIT (WIRE TRANSFER is the way) he will provided you with all of the bank account information to do the deposit. FINALLY I received my information packet and response back that he did receive my deposit. With in a week I had made another deposit and again it took at least a week to get a response back that it was even received. All while calling his cell phone (NO ANSWER), emailing his email (NO ANSWER), calling the 1-800 # (this is a hired answering service amazing people but they have nothing to do with Tracy and only take message to be emailed to him.) I continued to inquire about our pig to see if it was born with no answer. Finally I receive an email stating that the pigs were born SEVERAL weeks ago!! I just put over $2000 down on a pig and you can't even communicate with me that my pig was born!?!

Our next problem was getting photos!! "We have not taken pictures of this new litter yet Nicole, so I can't really get you an update today. As soon as I do (this week), I will let you know." I was always given a TIME LINE in his email of this week or by the weekend or Friday and was NEVER given a follow up by the time line that he set. So again we waited and waited. We finally get an email of the pigs and are told by Tracy that they have no tuxedo MALES which is what we were originally going to get. Ok fine, not the end of the world but we finally decided on our beautiful little girl! So needless to say we had made our final deposit now paying $3500 and just have to wait for her to be old enough.

So again, we wait. I send multiple emails, multiple phone calls with no response about when our shipping would be. Finally I hear from his stating that "Shipping will be next week. I'm sorry, but I had to move some things around due to shipping outside the states of a large quantity of breeder pigs and if they don't go out on time, all the thousands we spent on testing and health certificates will expire. I can't get them out and get out this week's current shipments here in the U.S. at the same time. I will have your Itinerary for you this weekend for the flight." I understood that as a business person he would not want to loose money however I SPENT $3500 as well!! This isnt chump change for anyone along with what was spent at home to prepare for our piggy! 

So two weeks went by before I even heard anything. Again multiple calls to his cell phone, emails, and contacts with his answering service with NO RESPONSE. Here is the point when I went a little crazy googling information and calling other pig breeders and finding out a whole bunch of awful information about Tracy and learning that he doesnt even own pigs he is used as a broker (finds the pigs and sells them with out usually even touching them!)

So finally a email was received: "I will have your micropig delivered next week. I will book the flight this weekend. I am having some serious problems with the piglets, many of which had diarrhea and it spread throughout the litters. I have had numerous vet appointments this week, many more delays on deliveries, including much longer wait times than your experiencing now (not that that is any consolation) I lost my phone somewhere on the ranch and have ordered another which came in on Tuesday. The phone was not programmed correctly for my phone number on the Sprint Network, so I had to have another sent which arrived last night. I'm in the midst of answering 225 phone calls, voice mails and of course lost all the texts on my phone. I have tried a couple times to figure out a flight into Reno, but that has also figured out to be much more difficult than I anticipated for "pet flights".

So finally our pig arrives! Again he wont answer any emails about her birthday or the "weight guarantee certificate." She is about 3 months old (per the vet) and is already 8lbs and we have had her a week and three days. She had worms per the vet but at 3 months and 8 lbs I can do the math for a full pig..Oh well a birthday would be nice! I will continue to send pic and weight updates per the contract we signed!

Victim 16

**SCAM** Tracy Bernardo represents himself as a breeder when he is only a pig broker!! He switch and baits the pigs. I bought a pig from him which has a weight guarantee of 16lbs. He told me she was 4 lbs. when he sent her when in all reality she was 5.5 lbs. She is only 6 months old now and weighs 9lbs. I highly doubt she will make the "weight guarantee" that is in the contract. He is a nightmare to deal with, my emails come back as spam, he won't return my phone calls. Once money is in hand he wrote us off. Will not refund any money for her spaying which was supposed to be done per his advertising. He has a weight guarantee and a peace of mind guarantee which is a total utter falsity! Beware, people.... Tracy Bernardo is a scam artist at his finest! Do not fall prey to this man! You will be paying top dollar thinking you are in fact getting a teacup pig, when you're just getting any breed of pig. Also, I do not believe the pig I bought off of his website is not the same pig I recieved. She was supposed to be pure white and has brown spots on her head. Please save yourself heartbreak and go with a reputable breeder not a scam artist pig broker!

Victim 17

Complaint: not honoring guarantee, selling a pig that is not what was shown and advertised. unreasonable to work with. we bought a piglet on March 13, 2012. Was told our pig weighed 4 lbs. when she arrived she weighed 5.5 pounds. I contacted them and was told my weight guarantee was not valid because i was feeding her too much. She was listed as being spayed, sent to us and was not spayed. He then told me he would refund the money for her spaying. He now has blocked me from his website, emails come back to me as spam and he will not return my calls. I have a copy of her listing where it states spay and neutering is included in the price. She is not the teacup pig that we purchased. I beleive it was a switch and bait scheme. She had a 16 lb weight guarantee and is now 9 lbs and only 6 months old! I've been in touch with another breeder who sent me a feeding schedule which is right on track as to what I've been doing and she still is gaining weight.

Victim 18

Complaint: Purchased a micro pig from ******. After taking my money has finally stopped from all forms of contact with me. I purchased a micro pig called pepper from ******. After making initial contact I filled out a RightSignature.com contract with ******. Then filed an for an online transfer of funds to his company Lighthouse Media Group on January 2nd. After trying several email attempts and phone calls I received a final email on February 15th 2012 telling me the pig was coming just to be patient. It is June the 22nd now. I've called and left voice mails for him as well as emails with no response. He has the money and the pigs and I have nothing.

Victim 19

We have been in business since 1999 and with large professional clients such as Microsoft who trust our stats, we certainly have a reputation to uphold and thus do our best to keep our customer's happy. In Tracy's case, the continued threats we have received via email and phone calls made us decide to let Merchant Services handle any further direct communication.

One of his business he ran was an online currency broker website called Forexfacet.com, we found it by typing his name on Google and it's also present on his website portfolio on his web design website, after typing in Forexfacet we came upon a ripoff complaint by a webcam model who said she was never paid money for her work, the company went bankrupt and now they're running Forexfacet.com. We searched up the Webcam company's name on Google and there you have it, the person who owned that webcam model website was none other than Tracy Bernardo.

Lighthouse Media Pro has an annual sales volume of 1M – 1,999,999. For more information contact TRACY BERNARDO, OPERATIONS MANAGER or go to www.lhmltd.com.

Upon learning this information we research for his companys review and we saw the trademark scam Tracy's been known for.

Victim 20

I have worked for this studio for a year, and they went bankrupt in September and have withheld all of their models money. We haven't seen a dime of it, and they ignore all attempts to get in touch except to say that they have gone bankrupt- so basically we're all out of luck. 

DO NOT apply to model for them, they may put you to work on a site but they WILL KEEP YOUR MONEY! I promise! They are dishonest, and so shady. They are still accepting new models, allowing them to work, and stealing their profits because the girls don't know any better.

DO NOT waste your time. I know I'll never see a penny of the hundreds I'm owed. They are HORRIBLE!!!

Victim 21

I was a webcam model for Lighthouse media, and I haven't been paid last week and I've been trying hard to get in contact with them and no one is responding to emails. 

Is anyone else having this problem? 

Has anyone been able to contact them? 

Victim 22

Lighthouse Media Group LLC- the webcam modeling "agency." They are liars and cheaters. They supposedly went bankrupt (when they stole all the money from their models) but seem to now be running a currency swap site called Forexfacet. The story about the model scheming and stealing credit card info and taking money is a lie. It's sad they feel the need to make up lies in order to cover up their own dishonesty. Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience.

Victim 23.

Went to teacuppigsforsale.com and seen the cutest pigs, I wanted to get one for my daughters birthday. I was told I would have the pig 7-10 days after I wired the $3500.00. After they recieved my money I never heard from any of them, I spent hours and hours of calling to not recieve a phone call back. I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and they would not even repsond to them. 

This has been going on since Feb. 2012, I even recieved an email with a shipment conf. # from the business, then on the day I was supposed to recieve her, Tracy emailed me and said he did not get her there in time and he would schedule another date. Never heard from them again . Never buy anythign from these people complete rip-off and scam no I am out of $3500. and the worst part was since I spent all that money on a pig for my daughter I never recieved. I couldnt get her a birthday present. -Jenn

Victim 24

I ordered a teacup nano micro pig from Mr Bernardo and have as thus far not received him. I have made numerous calls and emails, which at first he responded to in order to keep stringing me along. Paypal will not help me as it is past their 45 day rule. To date he will not return my calls or my emails. I feel I have been scammed and would like either to have my piglet or my money returned. I have all of our correspondence from the start which begins in July 2012 when I first started my search. I signed a contract which I also have. PLEASE HELP ME! -Kelli

Also keep in mind these are his victims that actually spoken out, imagine how many victims he has out there that hasn't come forward? The lies, scam and deceit this man has pulled for years is staggering. He's been getting away with it so long he feel confident, this is why we do what we do to expose this man!

His known websites.








His court records.


Be warned, don't be his next victim!


Tracy Bernardo is a sociopath conman.

#3General Comment

Fri, March 21, 2014

He's been out there too long with his shady business practices, I'm glad it has finally caught up with him. He usually will be confident in scamming others because he would just lie and slander his way out of it with anything he can make up. Now it seems like he has bit off more than he can chew, with all the information on him and all the victims that has piled up there's no way he can longer lie his way out of it. It's really sad people like him are doing business out there, someone who does not invest interest in others only his personal self-interest.

He will lie, cheat and steal from others then harass and threaten them not to speak out and once they do he will again engage in lies and slander to take the spotlight away from his dirty deeds. He has been doing this for years and years. We’ve all seen the same pattern from him; the funny part is that he lies so much he’s not able to keep track of his lies and starts contradicting himself in some instances.

This man is a clear cut example of someone you need to watch out for when doing any kind of business online or in person. This man is filled with lies, deceit, scams, anger, hatred, evil…etc. He’ll tell you one thing on the phone and then do another behind your back, he does not care who he steps over as long as he gets his way and money.

I have a psychology degree and I can attest to you that this man exert signs of a being a clear cut sociopath. He believes he is smarter than everyone else which is why he did not even bother to cover up his tracks and is being exposed beyond repair. He is a narcissistic physiological liar that believes he can talk his way out of any situation. He’ll be caught red handed, evidence upon evidence, victim’s stories upon stories yet he still will try to lie and slander his way out of it.

Report Attachments



#4General Comment

Sun, February 02, 2014

This man is conman at the highest level, he has no problem manipulating, cheating, slandering, threatening and stealing from others by the moment they fight back he cries slander. He has been asked many times to take down stolen pictures of pigs that he used to run his bait and switch scams but he refuses but the moment someone takes his pictures and post them online he wants to file a DMCA copyright complaint? What a disgusting hypocrite, if you can’t take the heat stay out of the d**n kitchen, old man.

Report Attachments


Run away!

#5Author of original report

Tue, December 17, 2013

Work with this lunatic at your own risk, you're better off flushing your money down the toilet and I'll tell you why. You're either going to lose money falling into his scams and to top that off you're going to lose money with legal fee's after trying to get your money back, it's a lose/lose situation working with Tracy Bernardo. He knows how to play the system, go lookup his court files; he's been sued since 2003. 

The legal system isn't about honesty but rather more about who knows how to play the system and Tracy Bernardo does which is why he's comfortable in scamming people. He's so comfortable scamming people that afterwards he attacks them, send death threats, harass and slanders them with all kinds of horrendous allegations you've wouldn't believe. This man is nasty and offers you nothing of value, all he wants is money and he is money driven.

Also check out his portfolio he is brave enough to put his teacup pig scam website up there as part of his portfolio. Stay away from Tracy Bernardo, I've seen enough people taken in by him and it had affected them traumatically.


Wow, scary!

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, December 15, 2013

What you wrote about Tracy fits my experience with him to the tee! The lies, the excuses, and the run around stringing me along; then when I demanded a real explanation he got mad and defensive as if it were my fault that I caught onto his scam. This man is a lowlife; I bet he enjoys bullying people around because his own life sucks, he is full of anger and hatred. He’s a disgusting human being; he lacks character, remorse, honesty and compassion. He want’s everything; he wants to take everything without giving back. Don’t fall into the trap that many have fallen into. This man will tell you everything you’ll want to hear which is why he has so many victims, people believe in honesty yet don’t realize they’re monsters lurking out there and one of them is Tracy Bernardo.

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