  • Report:  #501673

Complaint Review: WebMoneyTraining - Seminole Florida

Reported By:
Susan - Memphis, Tennessee, USA

13799 Park Blvd Suite 330 Seminole, Florida, United States of America
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I signed up recently for WebMoneyTraining and then also for a FunWebProfits service... I got severael charges on my account that I am not sure about.

I want to report about this happening, I have seen so many people online say the same thing for these companies. A lot say they were scammed, but I don't think what they are saying is very true.

Apparently like them, I also did not know of any charges to be billed for my account.. This is really all because I did not read the terms, and most likely these other people did not either.

So I never read the terms properly and saw a small charge stated for under $2 and I imediately rushed through making my order because I was so excited to get started.

Now I wanted to start to think this is fraud because I did not know of the charges that hit my account. But after reading this explanation below, I know that this whole thing is my fault, so I can not make myself believe I was scammed like others have. And I will not claim that a company is a scammer if they clearly

let you know what they are charging in terms agreement.

I never bothered to actually take a moment to read the terms and conditions,which is obviously something that is very important to do since it does sort of act as a contract.

So I rushed through everything and it turns out I was charged over $60, so I called my bank and called customer service which told me I had agreed to everything but I did not believe so. They said to atleast put my free money making website up in less than 10 minutes and offered to give me coaching, but I imediately decided to cancel and not listen to them because they did not sound like they spoke the best english. But I think they might know alot about the internet which is why they are used, so I think I will now ask them for

some coaching after learning some things.

After reading this explanation I found online, I went back to the websites and read the terms and conditions (http://www.webmoneytraining.com/terms.html) and sure enough it was clearly explained how much I was going to get charged If I did not cancel within my trials period. I wish I would have read this before I submitted my order and atleast have read the amounts and their cancellation policy and refund policiy.

Its obviously very important that to make sure all terms are read and everything understood before submitting something online from now on, so theres never an issue of an account getting billed for amounts that are unknown.

I hope everyone who reads this can learn from my mistakes and understand that companies like this are not out to defraud customers because they do make charges known on their websites and especially in their terms & agreement contract.

I think I have learned alot here, and after reading this explanation that was posted online I now have a clearer understanding. I will never rush through ordering a product online ever again unless I know the terms I am agreeing to, I will only hurry my order after I have made myself knowlegable of all the charges I will have.

I think others might be mad they did not read terms and want to blame the company and call them a scam.. Shame on them, they need to learn better.. I know I have now learned so they can to.

Also when I received the first email from them with username/passwrd, I had only skimmed over it. I just checked it again to read it clearly, and I see the charge info in the email, but I just never took the time to read it all at first.

Here is what I read online and allowed me to understand some things better...


Clear Online Customer Enrollment Experience: Any of the programs mentioned, are not scams.

These are very reputable company that can help just about anyone start easily making money using the internet. Many people have found the programs to be really easy to use, allowing them to begin working from home and earning a steady income

We apologize for any inconvenience with customer service that you may have received.

We're very sorry if you may have experienced irregular hold times and may not have received the level of support that you needed at the time of your call. Sometimes the Customer Support and Resolution Center will get overloaded with calls for service questions and coaching but online support is always available

for your convenience. We ask that you please be patient with your call and if you require immediate assistance or simply wish to cancel, you can always submit your concern via the contact form on the websites customer support page.

All concerns submitted online are logged and handled in a timely manner for your satisfaction.

All required product offer information can always be found clearly presented before you enter any methods of payment for the product or service that you are ordering. This provides access to all the terms and disclosures, as well as the customer service information for both the product you are ordering and any

companion program(s) that may accompany it.

For your convenience, the program you signed up with sends an order confirmation or welcome email when you place an order. The email you receive provides complete details for your account, such as steps, websites,

username/passwords, and billing information. Upon request, the welcome email message can always be re-sent.

When you place an order for a risk-free trial with the service, you receive a free trial period to the membership websites. You will always receive the order confirmation and or welcome emails the day you submit your order. If you submit an order and you have not received any email messages in a timely fashion, then

you should contact customer support immediately.

When you're in the process of signing up online, the Terms and Conditions for the offer can always be found on the website page where you are placing your order. This is a strict requirement by all payment processors, and all companies do try their best to have terms presented clearly for the consumer to read. There are also clickable links to the full Terms & Conditions which can always be found on every website page where you place an order.

It's very wise to take your time when surfing online and signing up for offers. You can avoid a lot of frustration when ordering products or services online if you slow down the process of finalizing your order submit. You can become a safer and more responsible consumer by always taking a moment to read the full

terms of an offer. At least read the part or sections pertaining to any dollar amounts ($) that are scheduled to be charged towards your account.

After you review the terms and conditions you should make an educated decision as to whether or not you should continue with the offer. Your educated decision should be based upon how important the product is for you to have, how much the product will cost, how comfortable you are with making a payment to cover the costs of this important product that you must have - which may require monthly payments, and whether or not you're fully capable of affording the total cost in the long run. Depending on how much money you have available, without making an educated decision after reviewing the terms, you could end up leaving yourself without enough money for other obligations and needs that you may have.

If you are quickly submitting an order online without fully knowing the most important aspects of the offer, such as dollar amounts and schedule of payments - then you are essentially not caring to read and be knowledgeable to the full extent of the charges & the agreement that you just entered into and have

fully authorized with your electronic signature.

The trial period or risk-free period gives you the opportunity to try the service and see the real value of it before you are ever billed for a full service fee. During your trial period, if you're not interested in continuing with your membership to the service, you can simply call to cancel or easily submit your cancellation online. When cancelling during your trial period, you will avoid being charged any full service fees that may be required for the continuation of your membership.

When you cancel your account, you should receive a cancellation confirmation code. If you don't, you should always make sure to request for a confirmation code for your records. At the time your cancellation is submitted, you will also receive a detailed cancellation confirmation email delivered to your email

address on file. Once you submitted your cancellation, your account is immediately removed from the system. The programs Customer Support toll-free numbers are found in several places and the hours of operation are from 9am to 8pm EST, every business day, Monday thru Friday.

When contacting the customer service department, we're only capable of addressing concerns for this product alone, because we do not have access to any other companies databases and nor are we capable of providing support for other companies.

As a courtesy, customers receive a recurring billing email message that alerts you to the next scheduled billing and if you choose to cancel before getting billed - the information is readily available for you to do so. For customers who believe they were billed even after they canceled and received their confirmation code. That is not true, because if you cancel your account before the next scheduled billing date, then your account is guaranteed to be canceled, and will no longer be billed. So it is not possible for a customer to

be billed again once their account is canceled.

Sometimes a customer may experience a charge on their account after they canceled because the scheduled billing date was most likely the same day or the day before they submitted their cancellation. The transaction may not have been completed 100% by the time they reviewed their bank account and called to cancel, because sometimes a credit card transaction may take up to a maximum of 2-3 days to complete. So the customers billing most likely had already ran the day before they canceled their account, and the very next day after that - the

transaction completed. So now the customer thinks they were wrongfully billed, which is not the case. Please understand that there are Negative Consumer databases that are slowly building every day with more and more people who are flagged as negative consumers (ones that do not resolve concerns with customer service, or do not accept company policies and perform chargeback's). There are several of these companies, BadCustomer, NegativeConsumer and ChargebackDB. You do not want yourself to be listed on any of these companies databases. If you are listed, it could potentially damage your reputation and possibly your credit or "purchasing power", in which you will be identified as a customer that company's do not want to do business with. You could even lose the ability to open a new credit card or receive a loan.

When a consumer signs up for a product online and is unsatisfied with the service received. There are a few steps that should always be followed before ever making an attempt to contact a bank or credit card company and having a charge reversed.

Here is an important checklist that all smart and responsible consumers should follow:

1. Place a telephone call to the merchant's customer service line. If you can't find one, you can always try GetHuman.com or seek out additional forms of support such as a company like CSRegister.com, which may be help you resolve concerns that you may have with a company.

2. Visit the company's website and use the online forms of contact that are made available, whether that's a customer support contact form, a live agent, or simply an Email address listed which you can send a message to.

3. Be prompt. Make the initial call or email immediately. Follow up on any requests

from customer service.

4. Once contact has been made with customer service, make sure you find out the company's cancellation policy and refund policy. If you're seeking a refund, make sure you confirm your eligibility as you may not be eligible for a refund if a certain amount of time has elapsed since your product was ordered.

5. If you have made contact with customer service and you are canceling an account, make sure to have the agent confirm your request with a cancellation confirmation code. If you make claim and request for a refund, and a refund is available, make sure you get specific dates and times of when a refund is to be expected. Typically companies will have a 7-14 day maximum refund expectancy, which is normal. If a refund is extremely important for you to have immediately and you feel that you are owed the refund ASAP for an inconvenience received, make sure to express this and seek for a manager's help in expediting a refund.

6. Keep copies of all emails and confirmations.

7. Get the name and contact information of your customer service representative,in case you may need to contact them again.

8. If necessary, ask to speak to the person's immediate supervisor for further assistance.

9. Above all, don't lose your cool! Keep calm and sincerely work toward an equitable resolution.

If you are a customer that is reading this and you have already tried customer service, but feel that we have failed you in some way or you feel you weren't treated fairly, please email [email protected] for instant customer support, we will be happy to address your concerns ASAP.


Online Customer Support Team __ It might help others to read this too and understand. If anyone wants to talk and share experience you can email (((Redacted))) Susan CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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