  • Report:  #554657

Complaint Review: www.myhcgplus.com - InternetAcworth Internet

Reported By:
Kyle - Wilmington, North Carolina, United States of America

3330 Cobb PKWY suite 17-236 InternetAcworth, Internet, United States of America
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I went to www.myhcgplus.com to get the supposed "licensed support" they offer.  Once I started reading on the page, the "professionals" as mentioned in their about me section spew nothing but opinion and personal experience.  The entire page is nothing but ill trained self taught "professionals".  When I called them out on their licensing to give dietary advice I was BANNED and BLOCKED form their page.  WWW.MYHCGPLUS.COM employees are not trained HCG professionals.  They claim to be licensed when in fact the ONLY licensing they hold is a "Life Coach".  When you look up life coach on the internet, you can achieve the same license in as little as 2 weeks.  Also I was advised that the "life coach" is 2 classes away from a doctorate, and is currently a certified midwife and a lactation consultant.  While I applaud you in your lactating midwife education, this does NOT make you licensed to give any HCG dietary consultations. 

Here is an excerpt from their Facebook page: "Hi Kyle, to continue with your questions, the issue of adding protein is on a case-by-case basis. Our Certified Life Coach, who specializes in the HCG protocol, asks a list of 18 to 20 questions, and depending on the answers sometimes more protein is prescribed."  Your LIFE COACH got his/her certificate in 2 weeks, there are NO HCG life coaching classes anywhere on the internet, so you NONE of you specialize in HCG IF YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR HOW CAN YOU PRESCRIBE ANYTHING???????......... PURE OPINION AND EXPERIENCE!!  STOP LYING!

I simply asked to provide your HCG certification as far as your Doctorate and your Professional Licensing.  The response was a bitter email response and being banned form posting any more questions.  OBVIOUSLY you are hiding something from your customers.

WWW.MYHCGPLUS.COM IS A SCAM!  And I can not in good conscience allow them to keep the sheet pulled over their customers.  These 4 women are NOT HCG experts as they claim on their facebook page www.facebook.com/myhcgplus.  Below is what Janet claims with NO proof:

"our team of HCG Protocol experts (none of them are HCG experts, pure opinion and self experience) to offer medical-grade homeopathic HCG at the lowest price and provide Protocol support to all." www.facebook.com/myhcgplus

Also, below is the email chain between myself and the owner.  I would put the facebook questions on here, but the "licensed professionals" deleted my questions. 


The company I purchased from is www.hcgdirect.com not www.powerhcg.com as I thought. Mistake number one. Two, you mention you are licensed professionals and can "change" the diet if needed, my questions were simple HOW are you licensed to give dietary information? "2 classes away from finishing a doctorate" in what, what school? How does being a midwife and a lactation consultant have ANYTHING to do with this diet? If her doctorate is in Health Science or nutrition please accept my apology. My assumption is it's not. I only see YOUR posts. Are YOU the certified Life Coach? If so would you mind providing those credentials? I feel you are ill trained, sellf taught "professionals".

You state on your answers back to your customers to never stray from the original protocol, HOWEVER, you do go on to explain that YOU have licensed professionals who can change the diet if needed. So you are saying a lactation expert and a midwife are qualified to change a doctors protocol? Do you see my point?

Thirdly, if you didn't like my questions, delete the questions not me. I felt I posted a valuable comment, and I had several email responses stating the same..... "What are they licensed in?" and "I was wondering the same thing"

What is a licensed life coach anyway? I went to UNC, I have a masters in Criminal Psych and a minor in Psych. A licensed health coach is an uneducated counselor. Look online and see what you can find....... "certified life coach" here is one http://www.lifecoachinstitute.com/ I can achieve my LCI Life Coach certificate in as little as 2 weeks. HOW does that make me "licensed" to give dietary support?

Valid questions I think.


This is Janets reply

"Ahh...just what I thought...a colossal waste of time responding to you. We're finished - not because I can't answer your questions, but because it doesn't matter what I say, you're going to find fault and belittle it all. And you were banned from posting last night because I went to bed and I didn't want you polluting our page with your ugly posts when I wasn't there to see them. Good luck with whatever you do."

The posts were NOT ugly.  I asked to prove your Licensing and was banned.

THESE WOMEN ARE NOT LICENSED HCG COACHES BY ANY STRETCH OF THE TERM.  They advise based off of a book from the 50's and personal experience. 

IF YOU AREN'T A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL, DON'T SAY YOU ARE! I have a degree, does that make me a licensed professional?  So after I do an HCG diet does that mean I am an expert?

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