  • Report:  #75887

Complaint Review: Yasny Group Inc. - Cydcor - San Diego California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Yasny Group Inc. - Cydcor
707 Broadway Ave, Suite 900 San Diego, 92101 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well doesn't it feel good to write about the terrible embarrassment that I, along with others, let myself get swept up in.

We were all so clueless, because we were brainwashed. And everyday before leaving for the field they would run a meeting that would boost our spirits.

But, you ask...why would they need to pump everyone up every single day?

For many reasons. The biggest reason was to get their employees to see past the fact that they couldn't even afford gas to get out to their territories- let alone pay rent or eat.

The whole thing about keeping from negging the new guys out by maintaining a happy face and a great attitude (#6 of the 8's) and asking them "How was your day" over and over again was just bullshit- as if we cared anyways...we don't make money off them. We were trained to keep them there so Sara Beth King (the redneck blood sucking no brained devil) could make her pathetic overrides that couldn't even buy her a living room.

Basically, we were lying to everyone outside of the office.

We were also lying to ourselves (not to mention our friends and family-the most important people).

Poor, poor people that let themselves get sucked in and become so pathetically intertwined that they cannot see the light. Don't they realize that even if they get their own office, they are going to spend their days screwing people over???? HELLO!

And we still have people caught up in the middle of it- friends that we once respected. Now we look at them and feel so sad... Everyone is so typical Alpha-personality, yet they are all lemmings, about to follow the leader off of the cliff.

And Sara Beth King has so much integrity. She is sleeping and newly living with her assistant manager, who was just recently promoted (he made the leap from the regular sex to a*s sex apparently)

And how in the hell can you even read the paychecks? It's just another run around. It's the perfect set up for when people quit because the ex-employees want to forget the nightmare so badly that they don't do anything about chasing down their missing money.

Its not like they can go in the office and pick up their check...Sara Beth forbids that.

It was so sad when we watched our brainwashed friends one night, the best dressed guys in the restaurant, fight over who was going to pay what and who owes more for tip on a measly $50 check. No one else had any problems, and we were all ex employees.

It's all a lie. It's people playing dress-up...pretending to be important. Pretending to have their businesses.

But you must think of yourself for what you really are: a number. A number who either gets put in the percentage of people who make it (to rip off people like themselves) or who don't make it (failing, as Sara Beth likes to call it).

And if you do become part of the percentage who stays, you are merely an override making robot, reporting for duty to your various owners who have dragged you all over the country looking for the cheapest rent.

Bottom Line: Just stay away, don't waste your time. You don't need some cookie cutter a*s blueprint of how to run a business. If you have a degree and you are motivated, don't let them tell you that you need them to do it.

P.S. There's no better opportunity in Austin...

P.P.S. The grass is greener on the other side! Where you're standing, is where it's lacking in green.


San Diego, California

14 Updates & Rebuttals


yall where thongs, boi shorts, or g-strings? cause yall some girls.

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 16, 2008

look just cause SBK is dirty doesnt make cydcor the culprit. we dont have this growth POTENTIAL anywhere else stupid. but the girls, u losers, tucked ur tails between ya legs and went cryin to ure CPUs. just admit u hate sacrifice or that u suck @sales and quit sayin u were in a cult u bi**h made muhf***as. firstlink marketing, columbus, oh

Regular Joe

YASNY, Inc and JM Concepts, SCAM!!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 08, 2008

Reading all the scams on here brought back memories. I was working with JM Concepts when JM and YASNY were both sharing an office in Irvine, CA. It was weird, that we had to park in the parking lot across the street in SoupPlantation? I, as most of you, thought this was a kickass opportunity to work in the Marketing field and have some fun. What a cult that place was. Can you remember playing those stupid games to get everybody "JUICED". Creat "JUICE". WTF?? Not only were they lying about the opportunities, but they also lied about how they lived and who they were! I had this one "Leader" that was needing a ride to his territory each morning. I asked him where his car was, and he replied that it is in the shop and he needed to sell it because he was going to buy on of our VP's cars. Well it turned out, from other sources, that he had his car repo'd because he couldnt pay his car payment!! It was a piece of crap Toyota. I was so involved with this company at one point that my "Leader" was told he was going to open an office in Seattle ad he wanted me to move with him. I was totally excited, because this was my chance to be the senior person in the office. I was ready to go. Then things just didnt add up. He never "Rang the bell" when you make $100 in the day. He was suposse to b this big shot but never made money. Then I would hear how SBK (YASNY, Inc) didn't have furnature in her apartment?? If these "Owners" were making 6 digits then why can't they afford furnature??? Anyhow, I only worked there 3 months before I left. I saw the light after 60 days, but found it hard to search for a job while making commission only. If you are a person that is excited to get into Marketing. Do the research first and don't get caught up in the MLM scams these companies offer you. Good luck, Regular Joe


Boca Raton,
Shady Company

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 04, 2008

I'm glad Sara Beth King was finally exposed! Thank you Chad! I wonder how she sleeps at night knowing she's ripping off big amounts of people on a daily basis...Wish I had seen this report before joining that shady company, what a waste of my time, energy, and car miles!!


I won't forget either, Heather.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 14, 2005

Heather, I'll never forget the day I heard about G.H. either. Of course, I was in the passenger seat of his car when the decision was made. And I spent the next few days with him in our OC apartment while he navigated the fallout. G.H. was one of those people who always believed in acting in the interest of "what's right" and not "what's chic." He always felt that if you surrounded yourself with people who thought and acted that way, and taught them the simple system that makes Cydcor function, you would have a massive organization and would insulate yourself from the negative stereotypes that surround this business. In the end, though, it was Goliath defeating David. We never had a chance. 3-ball


West Chester,,
looking back on yasny/ cydcor

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 12, 2005

I will never forget the day that I was told over 2,000 miles away that G.H. had left Cydcor. I forget who "broke the news" to me at the time but I remember thinking, "Finally, a RED FLAG"! I did't know him that well but I knew that he was someone genuine that I met at Cydcor- one of few. And I thought that if he finally woke up and realized his worth- then I should also. When I inquired why he left- everyone suger-coated the reasonings because they had used him as examples and success references for all our new leaders. No one who was supposedly "tight" with him could give me any solid reasoning for his departure. If you are reading these PAGES AND PAGES of unethical cydcor/dsmax/yasny info- please wake up and get yourself into a business environment where you can grow and not be a sales monkey. Any good sales jobs should have a base salary. I know that you are all worth more than this- you all trained me... So tomorrow when you're picking someone up for a road trip from the airport and you hardly have enough money for gas to get there, turn around and pick up a local paper and search the classified ads- you are worth more.......... Thanks for the wake up call G. My employment went far enough...


New Mexico,
Former SBK/YASNY Employee ..people at Cydcor are still up to the same stuff

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 10, 2004

I worked for SBK in San Diego and then we moved to Baltimore. At first I thought she was cool and I thought that my leader was cool to. I want you to know that she and the people at Cydcor are still up to the same stuff. SHe had all these ideas and plans and as soon as we got out there and were around John Wiggins everything changed. She told my leader all of this stuff and as soon as we got to baltimore everything changed. I feel bad for her and all of the people still left there. THey will never get promoted out. Wiggins siad she was there on a retrain and was broke. How could she have no money. The current office has a bunch of loosers and 3 owners. So much lying and BS. to bad! The people i worked with from san diego were cool as and i hope they are all doing good.


Las Vegas,
I hear you.... personal vendetta against SBK, and I know that he has a valid reason to have one

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 19, 2004

Hey guys, I wasn't crapping on what was written. I know first hand about how disappointed you can be when things don't go the way we expected. The last response from Mike...that was real! He has a personal vendetta against SBK, and I know that he has a valid reason to have one...I was there with him. I just feel that every situation has two sides, and I can almost guarantee that most of you are forgetting what YOU contributed to your own results or failures...Human nature is design to blame it on someone else...but I'll be the first to say that it was my own stupidity that kept me there.(that as well as people that I really cared about...such as you Mike...I still read "Shung Tsu" because of you) Cydcor is NOT for everybody...the best advise I can give the people who are reading these reports is to ask yourself what you want from your next job...100% commission, long hours, growth opportunity, or a salary, regular hours, and different ways to grow, and then make your decision...and by the way Mike...how dare you go to the SJ and not invite me..hehehe. I'm at [email protected] if you want to send me a few lines...Take care


You're Right. We are angry

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 19, 2004

Carlos said - Guys, it's not SBK, it was us!! We could have left at anytime, but something kept us there. I agree with you bro, that's why I'm angry. I'm angry at the atmosphere that convinces someone that this is the only way to be successful. We've both seen the system put people in financial jeopardy. Your perspective is a little different though, because you were able to kill it in the field. I'm sure you remember all of the guys we took out on days of "o" who never had a chance, but were excited. We offered them the same opportunity, trained them (albeit in vain), and sent them out to fail. Shame on us. The only reason I come here and speak my mind is so someone out there will do a search and find this thread and be wary of accepting a position with Cydcor (especially Yasny). Oh, and I have a personal vendetta agains SBK, too. Anyway, thanks for laying a different perspective on things. I was just in Vegas last weekend. Can anyone say Spearmint Rhino? How about Saphires? I swore I was going to run into you there. Contact me Carlos (and anyone else out there who wants to go off about Cydcor, I welcome all comers): post your comments below... Peace,


Las Vegas,
There's a lot of angry people outhere!!!!

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 19, 2004

Welcome to the real world, ladies and gentelman. You can blame it on SBK, Cydcor, Yasny, and the rest of the world, but no one seems to take responsibility for their own actions. I used to work with SBK, as a matter of fact, I worked in the Boston, MA , Washington D.C., Irvine CA, ect.. office. For all of you that remember me, you also remember that I rocked the field making over $10,000 in a month (as a leader). To me it was a sales job, and I learned a lot from it. It thought me how to not run my business, how to make a quick buck, and BUDGET MY $$$$$!!!! Guys, it's not SBK, it was us!! We could have left at anytime, but something kept us there. Unfortunatly at one point or another we got a change of heart. Today I own my own business and I'm very happy. I don't work for Cydcor nor do I have hard feelings. I met a great bunch of people who I still keep in touch with. Some are "owners" and some moved on....rather than bitching about it and acomplishing nothing, maybe you guys should move on as well....By the way Mike...I'm glad things are going good for you. Congrats!! Say hi to G.H if u talk to him...Take care


San Diego,
Lies on top of lies on top of a scam

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 29, 2004

Sara Beth King is a liar and she runs a company that scams hard working people in her company and the community. I feel sorry for the people I worked with and I feel sorry for the customers I scammed (I didn't know I was at first) but I do not feel sorry for myself. There is something wrong with many of the people that worked there. They were tricked like me into buying into this 'cultish' organization, but I've never seen a group of so many soul dead conformists in my life who work for a goal that is simply not there. Why lie to yourselves? They have been holding on for so long that they're afraid to let go as they seem to have a dirt poor pride of putting themselves on a cross thinking that they will reap riches when it simply isn't going to happen. Think about it, door to door sales and you're going to get rich? I did all the steps and I did all and more that was asked of me, but when I couldn't put gas in car and was unable to feed myself I realized that I was the real person being scammed. Call it Karma for the people I lied to. SBK, you're tough love (as you called it) approach and false sense of security is the ingredient for a dysfunctional organization, which is what you have successfully spawned. You wake up every day and live a lie. You exploit people who have dreams who are trying to make a living, how dare you?


San Diego,
Hey Chad....sorry 'bout that one bro. I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this

#12UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 27, 2004

Hey Chad, I always knew that you had a mind of your own and that you'd soon realize that this was all garbage. I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this...when you're own friends are in the company it makes it a bit hard without stepping on some toes and hurting feelings. Remember the Dallas trip? Remember how we were all supposedly "kicking a*s?" Remember all the excuses that we had to make up because we couldn't sell a d**n cooler? But yeah we did have a good time there! On another note....if anyone is reading this, don't make acusations of me being lazy and not putting in a 100% into this nonsense...because I was brainwashed at one point and I worked my a*s off!! I went out there when I was sick beyond all belief and still pounded the pavement!! Still pulled in my 15 accounts! But you know what...I feel bad about all the obs, all the trainees, and all the customers I lied to, whether or not I knew it at the time. But you know why I stayed? Simple....it was almost impossible for me to find another job at this company when you're working in North County and all the jobs are in San Diego (the ones I want) So what..miss a couple of days to go job hunting and do interviews when it was a straight commission job? Hell no! Not when rent and bills are due...and you want to keep your credit score in check! No... I didn't fail, I just saw the light (it just took me a while go get out...had to have an exit strategy.) And if you're going to accuse me of just rewording that to make it sound a lot better....think about the things you say to your customer. "It's not a contract...its a two year 'agreement'!" or...you see where xyz telecom has this $5 federal line charge? Well...SBC doesn't charge that!! Bullshit again, its a hidden charge people! Add up the bill, ever wonder why all the numbers never add up? Speaking of never adding up...paychecks vs. expenses...I never had that problem since I was always pulling in my sales...however, I do know of a lot of co-workers of mine that got jacked because of that...they simply weren't making enough to sometimes cover gas to get out to the field. Shouldn't a reputable company give a car allowance to their outside sales reps? I'm done ranting. Don't waste your time with this company. To all of those who knew me and are pissed that I wrote this: Shrugg it off, that's what we were taught to do! Best be maintaining that attitude!


We wouldn't say it if we didn't believe it

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 22, 2004

Amanda, There are volumes and volumes of traffic on this website about SBK and Yasny. Sara Beth never once helped me out. You make her out to be some kind of philanthropist. You want to help me out? Set me up with an ob who isn't 17 or 57 years old. You want to help me out? Send me my W2 form (seriously, I think the Panthers have a better shot at the superbowl then I have at getting my W2). The pay is performance based. The opportunity to take out obs SHOULD be performance based too, but it isn't. No matter how consistent you are, she will find a way to give the ob to her favorites. The funny thing is, when I worked there, her favorites were getting busted for mis-repping right and left. I don't know how long you've been around, but when she moved to San Diego, most of the leaders already had at least a year of experience under thier belt. I remember Alex, Shannon, Brett, Chad, Jason, Dave, and a few others. How many of them are owners now? How many are still pounding the pavement? How many have blown out? Take my advice, get out now before you dig yourself into a hole you can't escape. Chad, can you cook?


San Diego,
She does everything to make sure her employees are happy and they are taken care of

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 16, 2004

I have read some of the negitive comments posted about my employer and all I can say is that it is absolute crap!!!! I have worked for this company for several months now and I have seen some employees come and go, but nothing that is written here about Sara Beth is true. It's funny how some of these past employee's write about how their paycheck is being withheld from them and how they are owed money.... maybe they forgot about all those times Sara Beth helped them out? did you forget about that? She does everything to make sure her employees are happy and they are taken care of. They are also forgetting that the position is based on performance...if you don't perform well you are not going to make any money. You get what you earn. If you are out doing nothing all day then you are not going to make any money. If you don't plan on working then don't expect to get paid for it. On another note..... I don't understand how someone could go out of their way to say such awful things about someone..and make up stories about some's personal life that are completly un true. I don't know how you sleep at night. You don't have to go out of your way to hurt people. That is way below the belt. Just remember "what goes around comes around"


San Diego,
They are so corrupt and dirty... SBK should be arrested for fraud!

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 28, 2003

Isn't Sara Beth planning on moving out of San Diego soon? What's the scoop on her leaving, where is she going? BTW, so you have her personal e-mail address? I hope everyone that lied to me when I worked there burns in the deepest pit of hell. Typical Sara Beth too if she's f ing her assistant manager. She's so white trash... are you sure they're not related? She either f' s people over or f' s her way to get what she wants... classless pig!

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