  • Report:  #1479600

Complaint Review: ChaseBros - Utah

Reported By:
Pissed - United States

Utah, United States
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I contracted the ChaseBros to design and create a website for me and all I got was a headache. First of all everything I said I didn't want, they did. I said I don't want the backend on word press and gave them a site I did want to use, when I was given the login for the site...guess what?! It was WordPress.

Secondly I told them everything I wanted it to look like, drew pictures and emailed them examples of sites I did like. I was told they would generate a custom template for me, HA HA what a lie that was. We went through 20+ revisions of this template and it was never ever what I wanted, ultimately they told me it couldn't be done...well that's interesting because I see it on dozens of websites.

What they really meant was THEY couldn't do it. I would contact these guys daily to see what the status was and sometimes would get no response for 3-5 days. When I did finally just want the website to go live, looking like a 5 year old made it, it took me 6 days of contacting them every single day asking for it to go live before they finally hit live.

I never used the site, it sat looking like a 5 year old made it until I found another web developer to fix it which required completely scratching everything and starting 100% over. Furthermore while my website was under their "management" I had such limited access to my site, pretty much all I could do was post blogs in designated areas.

They weren't updating software and plugins and I couldn't update them myself either. If I wanted a new tab, font color changed, every little thing had to go through them which of course was an extra fee. They are not upfront and honest. Lastly I was told "we simply have a lot of clients right now and sometimes it does take us a while to respond" wtf are you serious?!

If you can't manage all your clients you shouldn't take so many on, it is never acceptable to make people wait DAYS to get a simple response. My high school coding club made better websites than these guys. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Sorry to hear about a poor expirience

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 09, 2019

I'm not 100% sure who submitted this report but I would like to make some clarifications.

1) (claim) "First of all, everything I said I didn't want, they did. I said I don't want the backend on word press and gave them a site I did want to use when I was given the login for the site...guess what?! It was WordPress."

REBUTTAL: We specialize in Wordpress websites ONLY as clearly stated on the hero section of our website and in many many other areas (see image):

Not sure how they arrived at the conclusion they would get a website running anything other than Wordpress.

2) (claim) "Secondly I told them everything I wanted it to look like, drew pictures and emailed them examples of sites I did like. I was told they would generate a custom template for me, HA HA what a lie that was. We went through 20+ revisions of this template and it was never ever what I wanted, ultimately they told me it couldn't be done...well that's interesting because I see it on dozens of websites."

REBUTTAL: If there was a clear vision from the beginning using example sites there would be no need for 20+ revisions.  Sounds like this client did not have a good idea of what they wanted and changed their mind many many many times.  We can't make up for poor planning and no vision of what is wanted.

3) (claim) "I would contact these guys daily to see what the status was and sometimes would get no response for 3-5 days. When I did finally just want the website to go live, looking like a 5 year old made it, it took me 6 days of contacting them every single day asking for it to go live before they finally hit live."

REBUTTAL: From my experience rarely does anyone receive an immediate response back from a web developer. That being said every client receives access to a project management software with live chat tied directly to the developer managing the project. It is not normal for a response to be delayed if a request was submitted in another manner (email for example) it is possible it could have been missed (we are human).  Every client has the personal phone number of the developer managing their project and has 100% freedom to call them directly when needed if communication slows.

4) (claim) "Furthermore while my website was under their "management" I had such limited access to my site, pretty much all I could do was post blogs in designated areas."

REBUTTAL: We give every client an Admin user with 100% control of the website. After payment has been completed the client owns 100% of the website/code and can access every section of the site, including removing our user if they desire.

5) (claim) "They weren't updating software and plugins and I couldn't update them myself either. If I wanted a new tab, font color changed, every little thing had to go through them which of course was an extra fee."

REBUTTAL: Clearly we cannot maintain a website inevitably so if time is needed post-launch we work with clients on a project by project basis. I also echo the previous rebuttal, ALL clients have Admin access to their sites, we don't create non-admin users for clients unless they specifically request that (for a member on their team perhaps).  This client has the ability to run updates with the click of a button.  We also off personalized training videos to teach clients how to manage their website upon request.

IN SUMMATION: We are not a massive development team and that is the way we like it, we prefer to have a relationship and a one on one connection with clients.  Every client we have worked with has the personal phone number of myself or one of the other developers on our team (all numbers are found on our website or in our email signatures if it is ever lost).  For any current or potential clients, if we ever miss your email or don't get back, feel free to give us a call and we would love to help.

I am sorry this client had a poor experience but as shown above, it sounds like there were some definite errors or miscommunications on their side.  I wish they would have reached out to me directly so we could have taken care of there needs and resolved their issues.

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