  • Report:  #776941

Complaint Review: Aetna health insurance - El Paso Texas

Reported By:
sharmie - sebastopol, California, United States of America

Aetna health insurance
po box 981106 El Paso, 79998-1106 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I spend a lot of time online, thanking and recommending companies who do a good job. I like putting out good and accurate info; good for my soul, good for their business. And it may help someone who needs a service. 

What I'm trying to say is, I'm not a complainer, and you have to really work hard to make me angry.
Aetna health insurance is the worst. Don't get it. Get rid of it if you've got it. I've had health insurance all my life and never, ever, have I encountered this kind of idiocy. 

I'm paying, now, nearly $500.00 a month, which is a big chunk of my income. I never have used health insurance for anything more than a checkup. I'm healthy, thank God. Went to a dermatologist, after paying the $500.00 for a year. (I recently moved to California and had to change companies, and this was recommended by AARP, so I thought I'd trust them.) Had two moles removed and a biopsy. The bill was $850.00. My doctor, who accepts Aetna, sent in the claim. I got a letter after a couple of weeks from Aetna, saying they needed proof of prior insurance, to make sure I didn't have a pre-existing condition. They gave me an address to send the letter from my previous insurance company. I got the letter, sent it to the address. Got another letter, every month after that, asking for a letter confirming I had prior insurance. After sheepishly calling the other insurance company 4 times, and getting 4 copies of proof of insurance, I finally got smart and started making copies of that single letter, so I could send them to Aetna every single month. I kept calling. Every time I asked what was happening, they said they had no paperwork. I faxed the letter. I got names and mailed it to specific people. Finally, I sent it registered mail. I just called last week--this is now a year after the appointment--and was told--big surprise--that they didn't have any confirmation of prior insurance. I finally lost my temper and told the person to start digging, that I'd sent the da*^ed thing out 8 times. I quoted dates and letters I'd sent along with the letter confirming my previous insurance. I kept all that, just in case. "Oh! Here's something!", she said. Then she told me she'd send it off to the claims department. I have just received two more letters in the mail, this week, only this time, they're adding on "late charges/penalties", for what, I don't know, since the poor doctor finally called me last May, and I paid the bill out of my own checking account. I'm just hoping to get either a small reimbursement or some credit at the dermatologists. Still no word about the claim. I'll call tomorrow, but right after that, I'm going to get some different insurance. 

I have never had any trouble with any prior insurance company. This never happened with Blue Cross, and if they'll take me back, I'm going. I figured I've spent over $8000.00 in the last year and a half, to a company that can't even manage the simplest claim. Not only that, they're rude. No, thanks. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Fred A

Las Vegas,
United States of America
Join the Club of anyone with so called "Health Insurance" in america

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2012

You're not the only victim of these crooks. These criminal Wall Street finance and insurance corporations must be stopped...the only reason they exist is because they the have bought the government and they buy every election to prevent universal healthcare from ever being enacted.

The funny thing is, people like us who are responsible enough to pay large portions of our incomes to get so called "health insurance coverage" are getting absolutely nothing at all other than the opportunity to make these Wall Street multi-billionaire crooks richer with our health insurance premiums!

I just filed my own report here: 


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