  • Report:  #579829

Complaint Review: Amazon Seller Account - Internet Washington

Reported By:
charles - palm springs, California, United States of America

Amazon Seller Account
SEATTLE WASHINGTON Internet, 98108 Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

4 years of hell by amazon.com these criminals need to be immediately investigated by the feds, shut down for good and all senior ceo seller security and seller performance teams arrested and put in jail when is it going to be enough? millions get screwed by amazon.com every single day they hide behind a retained legal team endless amounts of money they steal and endless legal loopholes and trap innocent people into the accountability with there what i see as illegal policies and failure to follow allot of federal laws these crooks work right on the edge of the law but blaintently break it knowing the average customer or sellers cannot pay a $100.000.00 retainer for a good legal help.

knowing this they legally steal money ruin peoles credit and name stalk them for weeks demanding more money, they use there own staff to send emails posing as upset customers and deliberately try to cause a issue to get you mad so you send a hostel email back they they acuse you of threats and ban you off the site and use that against you as evidance your a threat to people online and a reason for there actions these guys were the cause of most issues in the first place then they ad spy bots on your computer to track everthing you do.

i personally am currently living a amazon nightmare and have been since around 2006 or 2007 when amazon ruined my name and business i was building and cost me a $5,000.00 line of credit i got against my home and a $2,000.00 income i produced at that time it works out to about $24,000.00 a year lost since 2006 or 2007 thats around $60,000.00 and change maybe more they also cost me over 2600 books most brand new hard covers many very rare of collectable all valued new around $24.00 each retail do the math it's allot of money lost in inventory i was force to basicly give away or sell pennies on the dollar in a yard sale to try and recover some of the losses.

these crooks blamed me for violation of polices i did not commit when i first used there site i was a brand new seller on amazon for the first time and was trying to learn the rules and how there site worked i made a simple mistake one day as i listed a book it was brand new and extreamly popular i had around ten copies i posted it as 10 copies, im not sure what happened next but i got tons of emails telling me i sold the books but to my surprize i sold way more than ten i dont remember exactly how many at least 50 or more so i called amazon asap to correct the issue i was told dont worry it happens and simply refund customers money so i was ok with that no problem  i was told it would not affect my account since i called so fast well at that time i spent two weeks listing our books with the help of friends i paid good money to for school they needed and i needed help, well almost immediately the next day i was shut down and sent a warning from amazon i basicly broke policy as customer dont like being refunded and it makes amazon look bad .

well we got past that and they reopened our account but most of our inventory was lost and so was my money i complained to amazon they were little or no help.

next thing we new i began having all sorts of issues being shut down multiple times in tyhe first weeks open every single time we would get my stuff back on the site instntly we were accused of a wrong some how and shut down, then these harrasments just stopped for a short time, now a new nightmare began.

people supposidly filing claims for items not as described here the deal evry item i sold was brand new or very close to it evry item very carefully inspected before i ever bought anything i had reciepts to back that claim.

well someone was targeting higher costing books i had order it then file a claim for a full refund, well amazon sends emails our requesting your proof of facts and shipping about your items sold, the problem i have with this is they already refunded the guy before we ever shipped them that information, then send you notice after investigating the claim they found us at fault or guilty of a policy violation not as descibed, well how can that be we havnt even sent that info to them yet?

when you call they refuse to discuss the issue and state you need to contact seller performance well i asked fine tell me there phone number there responce oh the dont have one you have to email them what kind of billion dollar company dose not have a phone to resulve issues about money or products selling on there website?? a crook is what i say i tried for weeks and months to get in touch with these jerk i got no answer from them.

well a short time after this situation i allowed a friend to use my account to sell school books again to be ripped off which to my understanding lead to some sort of email battle of the witts between the seller and a buyer im not exactly sure all i know i was gone that week out of town fishing trip when i came home my account had been closed the money in the account was froozen and i was banned from amazon for life, i was pissed off beyond imagination i had no clue what cuaed this i called i emailed i complained for weeks and months i used ever kind of mental issue i could dream up in emails and phone calls to get a responce or answer the email i did get from them only state we dont have to give you a reason your banned no get off our website your not welcome violator are not allowed to use the site what is it i done?

i was sent a email i still have today laughing at the fact i was kicked off the site for good it appeared as if it was done deliberately by amazon staff.

and was basicly told they did care what my problems were i was banned and they were not fixing this mess as the didnt care. what the hell kind of company is this i thought i just got majorly screwed by amazon with no explanation why at all nor were they willing to state why and i never got one penny of my money nor did they care about the fact that they just cost me thousands of dollars in losses.

i became very ill right after that and landed my self in the hospital due to stress and a major heasrt failure and was force to give up thast pursuite for almost 1.5 years till i recovered but from time to time i would email and call trying to resolve the matter and explain i was not that violator and could prove who it was and why i was blown away about the fact i was told tyhey did not care my name was now known as a violator of some sort of fraud scam or threat i did not do.

so in 2008 i was in california were im at now i stayed with a very good friend with very big tied to the white house as he was a former f.b.i agent then asked by the president during ww2 to be a diplomat to england as the queen apparently was a big fan of mr rock hudson well on mr mark licoln miller accepted the offer and so on he became one of the biggest names in hollywood ever in us history he is still alive today.

i have extensive millitary and goverment work history over 20 years at some very classified facilitiesin the usa.

well my brother works full time for mr miller who learned of my health issue and offered to help so i moved in there home and over time i recovered well mark gave me a large collection of very collectable autographed books he personal owned and collected for years some came from 4 differant us presidents governors tv names and stars and many other very famous people he knew of the issue with amazon i had so we ask for help selling the items from a dear friend of marks who had good standing credit and his family was know for there work at walt disneys movie creation studio,

so we set up a new account in that persons name we immediatly sold allot of books letting the funds build up for one big payout instead of several well i needed the fund amazon for some reason would not accept his bank card to recieve the money so we were forced to use mine the very next day were were shut down my friend was banned for life and amazon stole our money all of it clain we were linked to a know violator me! and broke there policies. we fought these guys for about a week or two when i gave up again this time instead of letting these crooks steal my money i refunded every pennie back to the customers not allowing them a pennie well they kept there fees the charged for sales and refused refunds i was out now the money earned around $1000.00 and just lost mr millers books.

iwas frustrated angry and just mad that i could not get any help from them or anyone anywhere to fight these crooks. so i gave up again.

well a few months went by and i met a very nice lady who worked with children for the california school district as there top librarian at a elementry school perfect i thought as i work for over 12 years doing the same but in mexico as a part time missionary mostly working with trouble familie or kids in gangs or on drugs as a mentor, me and my girl mrs lynn johnson started seeing each other she was wanting to retire and wanted a way to earn a income full time at home and considered a ebay or amazon business she had books she had been collecting for over 20 years as a librarian lots of them and other electronic and handheld toys and such.

i was very good a building websites and knew amazons well and had some working knowledge of ebay. so i offered to help her get set up and i told her of the issue i had with amazon she was ok with that as she had nothing at all to do with any issues with amazon as we were not planning any kind of partnership i basicly was helping her get set up.

so i built a website got amazon up in her name set up twitter facebook and ebay linking all four together, amazon started out slow but soon grew and then in about the fith week it just exploded with business to the tune of around 1,500.00 per month and was doubling every month or more about the fourth month she was at $7.500 in only 2.5 weeks amazing income result well what happened next was the beginning of another amazon nightmare of the worst kind the phonie claims start poping up again and once again amazon started refunding before the fact even when we speciclly request by email they hold funds till we get our products back we were ignored and found guilty in amazons eyes and lost both our books or items and the money they help that crook steel amazon helps steel money even if you can prove no wrong on your part your guilty to them and they pursue deliberate results to prove that fact causing situations via email to set you up for a fall and we have one such incident to prove it very well documented were a crook tred to scam us saying were sent paperbacks he did not order instead of the hard cover set he wanted well we of course looked up the item to make sure we didnt make a mistake listing the item well we did not infact the order recipt very clearly stated what he ordered and it agreed with the ad we had on amazon, this clown then changed his story and tried to make us look like crooks with hostile message over and over next thing we get a message from amazon cliaming we violated there police for listing books in the wrong catory or listing them not as they really are well for one these were brand new books we bought from sams club and we had hard proof right down to postal tracking, amazon deliberately tried to set us up and balame us at fault amazon had there web tech change the listing to agree with the buyers claim he filed as claimed they had hard proof we scammed this guy well our responce was nice try you are busted for fraud as we documented this whole transaction we copied the htlm source code of the original ad and have it in our possesion as proof and it matches our proof of innocents, we were then informed the customer was just issued a full refund as a result of our policy violation and our account could or will be terminated if we continue to violate there policies, well i was just shocked again they broke the law and just lied about it via email and refused to answer our question they helped a scammer steal our money who was stalking us online so i sent them a spam warning and requested they stop all emails from this guy, as he was sending them to a guy who worked for a goverment official they ignored me then i told them again and sent the same message to the problem itself the scammer who in return laughed and mocked me and continue so warned him directly that i was calling police so this clown emails our local police claiming were stalking him i emailed amazon again and was told they dont involve themself in customer issues well these jerks caused the issue in the first place so i was forced to call the lubuck county sheriffs dept who immediately paid this jerk a visit at 3am after i explained who i was and who i represented i informed amazon and demanded our money back we never got a single responce we lost again and that happened several times again same situation same results we lost everytime we were a 5 star seller the high goal reachable on amazon perfect sales record then amazon struck again email stating we are no longer allowed to sell well mrs lynn this was her business she ran it i basic had nothing at all to do with it i only got it going for her and found products, she was banned and amazon again siezed her money and caused more issues with there phonie email complaints and dwindled her money down then began charging her credit cards for thing she did not ask for and blocked her completely off there website we began all of a sudden getting a large amount of complaints or questions from customer who want recipts from us or a refund or more info about shipping or tracking info well amazon made sure we could not respond by lock the account right after they just sent us a email rtelling us we would have limited acess so we could address customer concerns this email was sent to cover amazons but legally we were not ever granted access and customer began to think we were scammer we complained via email no responce we called and was told contact sellers performance so we did about 200 emails later we still never got one responce at all so we continued to call got floor suppervisor security bosses who all simply jerked us around or put us on hold never to answer again making us call all over again with the exact same results well lynn was maniac mad buy now over all this as she never diod one thing wrong to start with, now we both got involved demanding they release her account so she could remove her banking info and the credit cards on file and asked amazon for all credit card transaction recipts both for her transactions and the customers for tax resons and her identy protection we were ignored again and more charges to her card continued, now as a result of this issue she lost about $4,000.00 in brand new inventory she bought for the site listings out the money stolen on the site buy customers amazon stole helping these crooks her credit cards were ilegally repeated times even after we sent multiple email stating they had no permission to use them at all as there policie no longer applies as they banned us off the site and our account as they put it was now closed. over and over we sent demands for payment and removal of our information we continued to get emails claiming we owed money or harrassed my name was assosiated to her account as a known violator and she was conspiring with me so now i have been slandered for the third time buy these crooks who neve took the time to get the fact way back when when i was accused of wrong doing i did not commit,

i tried the cops got no help i tried attornys i cant afford a $100,000.00 retainer in fact i cant even afford a 1.99 guy as i to this day have no income as a result of my illness were i cant work i have been personally portrayed as a crook in the eyes of millions on amazon by amazon three times now and i have proof of that fact lynn was targeted for a deliberate fall by amazon then they stole here money stalked her for weeks many phonie claims against her stole her idenity, posiblly sent her account to collections to ruin her credit then refused refunds refused to give credit card recipts on request blocks the entire account so we could not comply with policies when customers had issues this in turn appeared as us being at fault amazon cost this lady $7,500.00 a month since june of 2009 thats almost $50,000.00 just for 2009 and dose not include 2010 at current estimate of 28,000.00 in addition plus inventory lose of around three thousand dollars the moey and products stolen aroun a $2,000.00 estimate and cash in the account around $800.00 now my totals dont include the fact that this business sales were doubling and tripling every single month so at this point im sure she would have been earning around $40,000.00 to $50,000.00 every single month by august 2009 till this day in 2010 and this is not including losses thay would have been earned on ebay linked in once all was completed in setting us her business, ok i personally started up my anti amazon emails for the last few years since my first nightmare i constantly emailed amazon i want you to know this up front so it not some sort of ghost in the closet as i know for a fact these crooks have every email and i hope they do as i deliberately planned it that way to catch these jerks i used every situation i could dream up to get answers i stated i was guilty then i was innocent i used mad tactics then im sorry i used the resume aproch stating who i was in our state and who i knew in goverment i try the fact i was a us national guard then a missionary i wanted them tothink i was out to get them well i was i set letter claiming court actions goverment actions or simply calling the cops not one thing worked ever and 99.9 percent of the time i was just ignored period and they refused to here document facts in all this they just placed blame and broke the law multiple time and stated they did not give a crap about our issues we are banned.

these jerks owe me the most as i see it fraud slander stalking harrasing theft of idenity use of my account as a example assosiating my name with others as a criminal ans so on. mad over all this we gave up again and move to ebay only to learn our biggest nightmare just got bigger to a size that make godzilla look like a shripmy guy.

we set up a account on ebay in both our names we where put through a extensive credit check by ebay and was approved right away as lynn had god credit and we were told we had to use paypal as a payment processor as its was the only acceptable form of payment for our kind of business well i was ok with that as we trusted ebay as they appeared to have a great fan base well that was a misguided false by the net and we fell victom of the real ebay right away we set up our paypal account assuming they were a federally approved bank offerring merchant account services its all over there site about using there service for buyer payment on ebay and almost any business venture on and offline so we fell for it well i found it strange they did not ask for credit info or a driver licence or proof of anykind about who you really are i assumed cause ebay owns paypal that info was forwarded and linked to the money on paypal by ebay well they own the bank why would we have to do a second credit check?

so i asked ebay i was assured my ebay account info was linked directly to paypal so we started selling again thing took off immediately so i contacted paypal and requested a debit card as i wanted to turn our ebay store into a drop shipping company and i had several really good sources for products and asked paypal specicly if this type of service was allowed there responce was of course we have thousands of accounts set up just like this so we got the card i obatined it for a reason, we were tired of being ripped off by people and companies online who commited fruad so i used that card and that card alone to make purchases for inventory shipping and or business supplies for one simple reason, if a issue would arrise we would have hard proof of no wrong doing and paypal could easily track the pruchase start to finish,

well we were doing so good i wanted to reach out to the international markets simple because we got allot of request for items over seas well i reached out and business exploded we shipped our books as agreed all purchased with the pay pal debit card from amazons website as we drop shipped directly to us customers and had international orders shipped to us first for inspection of quality and to make sure the customs lables and paper work work completed correctly we started this new ebay store on 12 31 2009 officialy opened 1 1 2010 from this date till about the end of febuary 2010 we had a 98.9% perfect feed back we would have 100% but a lady tried to steal our brand new books we shipped her and made the mistake of lying to paypal and was caught in a lie as we had proof i bought those books the day i shipped them from sams club she the delibrately left us a offensive feedback that to this day ebay refuses to remove even after we proved we are innocent. well next thing we know we get notice from paypal they noticed suspecious activity assosiated with our account and we are being limited pending a investigation i was scratching my head at this point so i called they got scared cause we had to many sales they claim well that the point of working on ebay lots of sales right ??? thats what i asked there responce were not set up for this type of business on ebay as we are not a merchant account???? now im really lost as it clear shows they are all over ebay and paypal so i called her on that fact i was lead down a conversation of lies policies and allot of misdirecting bull.

she reluctantly reopened the account only to have it closed again 4 days later with the same email well i went thru the exact same crap again and called ebay who offer to help and talk to paypal well all these crooks really did was call paypal and told them i had a issue and placed me on hold and ebay disapeared with no help what so ever after a while our account was reopen overnight paypal claiming they found no wrong doing as they looked into how we were doing business and approved.

the very next day our account was closed again this time we had tons of orders coming through we had lots of books in the amazon website ordered pending paypals payment to amazon some cleared well paypal this time demanded we sent every trans action to them to prove we were delivering as agreed we did what they asked i personally stayed up 24 hour to put this nightmare together for them and upload it to them well then they still refused us and wanted drivers licence info and social security info ect we were concerned and reluctant as this matter was getting scarry as we had hundreds of dollars floating out the both us and international so we sent them what they wanted and i called them to confirm they got it all i was then told thing were going good and we should be able to get back to business by the next day for sure well that next day came and all we got was a email from paypal claim our money was being siezed and we were no longer allowed to use paypal as a result of there investigation and the suspecious activity????????? what activity we can prove every single transaction ever completed and why  there responce was we dont have to tell you why were closing your account and we dont need a reason to sieze your funding ??? i was furious then it clicked amazon struck again some how well as a result of paypal shutting us down and stealing our money this sparked a wave of buyer complaint on ebay right away well we noticed book we purchased on amazon were not being delivered at all one or two showed up later but we paid hundreds of dollar for books that we were to ship overseas we paid in advance for these books so we filed a to z claims and some of the funds were returned but then paypal blocked all transaction we had peole still buying on ebay who paid and the money never got to paypal or if it did paypal stole that to well after a week or two i still did not get books we ordered so i went and wrote amazon again with no reply from a real peron so i filed more a to z claims and never even got a email this time into responce of the new claims of about $400.00 of our ebay customers moneys well because paypal blocked our account we may never get it back now well the worst is yet to come paypal started sending us buyer complaint of item not being recieved well that hard to do when they have our money and refused to let us use it to complete the many transaction in the system as some of these claims we already bought on amazon and needed to use the paypal postal part of the funding customer sent us well we were refused again and expected to use our own money to pay the shipping when paypal already collected that money and charged a fee for that service and refused to release it thats postal fraud in our eyes and it was international orders for the most part so we contacted ebay and was told they have no asossiation with paypal what so ever????well thats a load of crap they own these crooks and were now aiding a criminal we got jerked around by ebay for days be redirected in there endless loop of no help at all so we demanded a refund of all fees collected by ebay for all sales related to every claim against us as a result of paypals actions and no explanation why we were shut down a seller that was only a couple weeks from a power seller status they refused us period as just stole customer fund as we paid all ebay fee from sales as they were earned directly out of the funds paypal siezed its my understanding all money collected and paid out to all parties involved during a credit card transaction must be returned immediately if a buyer complains and wants a full refund well ebay and paypal both collected fees from these sales then they caused this nightmare we are currently in and paypal has been issuing refund to countless claims without our permission or request to do so as a result we are now viewed as scammers on ebay to anyone who want to buy to make things worse allot of the claims filed are coming from international order so these buyer are getting double claims paid for a single purchase and in some caseses claims are being filed on the ebay uk site then again on paypal then again on the us ebay site against us making us look at faut and now ebay is demanding we reinburse the money they refunded to customer as a result of claims or actions we caused????? hellow the jerk caused this entire stinking mess we did not do a single thing wrong at all and we have proof we are screwed majorly as a result of the frauds we encounter buy all three companies working together against us we just recieved notice today from paypal we were in violation of there policies because of the massive amounts of claims and buyer complaints against us and were on notice our ebay account is now in jepordy of being shut down and we will be banned from there website , then we got another email informing us we are in another violation because ebay attempted to bill our paypal account and learned we were banned from paypal resulting in ebay fee not being collected and were facing possible shut down our our ebay account and sent to collections for claims against us and ebay fees unpaid hello jerk offs i told you weeks ago paypal stole our money and caused these claims and you refused to help correct it now we are really mad i called the people over and over and over demanding our money and removal of all claims against us as they were false and caused by a company ebay owns who is a known internet scam as we learned to late paypal....

now we had problems with amazon ebay and paypal we are out thousands and thousands of dollars our name is ruined our credit is next we have hundreds of dollars for mulitle claims against us most likely to end up in collection our identity was stole by amazon and paypal all three are demanding money from us and all three stole money from us what make the ebay thing so bad is we shipped all these orders paid both paypal and ebay hundreds of dollars in there ridiculus fees they refused to give that money back and allow the refunds from amazon to process so we can give that money to customer then were locked out them stalked again lied to hharrassed well the problem is i nor lynn never collected a single penny at all for our work not one cent in profit this has all turned into a 100% loss of money and property and the two crooks stole thousands and now we are about to be shut down perminatly and our creit ruined and our name on trw..... for a issue they caused is there any real help out there folks we are basicly bankrupt as a result of these online monsters who think there above federal laws and deliberatly ruin people every day and not one person or goverment programs or service is punishing these online gangsters as we see it they just by there way out of every situation we read about when is somebody going to shut them down for good and sieze every penny they have and give them a taste of there own medicin = one last note against amazon we notice that last month amazon charged our credit card again 5 more times for items we did not order or ever recieved at at all we called them and immediatly got put on hold for 1 hour and nobody ever answered so we called discover card for a second time as the year before we had problems again as amazon was charging or stealing money for services they claim we made we did not so we asked discover to ban amazon from use they did well somehow they got around it and started charging and double charging us againg so we filed a second claim against amazon so discover sent a demand for payment only for those transaction well amazon the next day started refunding all transaction ever done on there website with our card????? we did not ask for this as we got all the other items we only refused payment to items or service we did not request or order.

they refunded hundreds of dollars and we immediatly started getting threats of collection action from several companies demanding payment from us well the probem is we did make refund request no has discover ever got there money or those refunds back to this day once again amazon stole hundreds from us and they used discovers funds owed to the card and or those sellers they took the money from then they sent demand of payment reinbursement to us and notified us they block us off amazon again this time from buying at all and we were not allowed to use our account well thats a crime cause we have hundreds of dollars in transaction in refunds pending not to mention order we paid for never recieved so being screwed is now a understatement, the way i see this mess there some prision time in all this for several people assosiated and amazon owes us millions in damages ebay needs to pay us 5,000.00 stolen from us and forced to clear our name pending investigation of there involvment of fraud and theft with in turn i think again we are owed millions in damages as well and paypal need to be shut down perminatly or be forced to fedal banking laws and maintained or baby sat by the highest goverment offices they have 100,000 + claims all over the world they also owes us so much money for this mess they created i cant count that high these guys all three flat out ripped us off and honestly believe its ok and they dont have to follow the laws of the usa because they have intrapping policies that apear to be in favor of all partie that a crock of crap there just like al capone every were you go you look like a hero and the real truth is the devil is setting you up for a cash bonanza all in there favor ruining peoples lives in the process  please help fix this people we need the best to take all three down at once all in front of one judge all suffer or face shutdown and loss of money they profited from or forced to pay it back to millions worldwide and have there power or policies removed and governed by a third party they cant byu or own ever none of the so called evidance they collected as they put it has any proof i personally ever done a thing wrong yes i spammed them with complaints and demands for years only in a attempt to get my money they stole and my name cleared there responce we dont care

3 Updates & Rebuttals

B Miller

United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

Why do you keep trying to use Amazon if they treat you so badly?

Here's what happened:

You didn't know how to use the VERY SIMPLISTIC system that Amazon has set up and entered a quantity of at least 50 books when you intended to list 10.  Amazon forgave you for the mistake once you called them up and state that they say "It happens".  That's now the conversation and you know it.

Then at some point, you leave on a fishing trip and allow a "friend" to sell text books and they end up in some sort of e-mail war that you don't know the specifics of because you left and were not there.  That doesn't matter, you allowed this individual access to your account.  Amazon can't be bothered to investigate WHOM has access to your login and PW, then make a decision based upon that.  

So they suspended you, you say for no reason, but what transpired in conversation between your "friend" and the "consumer"?  Perhaps they said something that Amazon finds beyond offensive and shut you down so their buyers don't have to deal with you again.

Then you have your war hero, presidents first pick, uber military/hollywood celebrity that nobody's heard of take you under their wing and give you their prized and signed book collection, you set up an account and couldn't get it to work with his bank info.  THEN,  you put your bank information in and got banned.  You completely disregard the previous message you got from Amazon informing you of the ban that states "Any subsequent accounts you try to create will be terminated"

You were linked by the bank information and they followed their policy.

Here's what happened after the nonesense is filtered out:

The seller got into an email war with a buyer, said something that Amazon didn't like and got suspended.
Seller tried to open a new account with a friend and got caught when he used his same bank info
Seller is upset because Amazon is no spring chicken and did not fall for their bs hospital story, nor the excuse that his friend did all of this while he was on a fishing trip, seller is also upset to discover that Amazon uses sophisticated ways to track banned sellers attempting to get back on.

Seller is attempting to get back on because he's tried selling on other venues and realizes nothing compares and now feels like a fool for getting into the e-mail fight.

You can tell that this is what happened.


palm springs,
amazon.com are crooks

#3Author of original report

Sun, November 07, 2010

the person who posted on our complaint most likely works for amazon.com.

to update our complaint amazon committed several attempts of fraud on our discover card trying to steal money they claim we owe them we dont owe these people one single penny.
they stole thousands of dollars from us and helped customers steal our product and we can prove this as im a web designer and one of the best Google indexers on the planet period and can prove that as well.

amazon is good about covering there track by changing webpage to be in the customer interest and i have hard proof as this happened to us so i put it to a test to prove my case.

a customer claimed we sent them the wrong books when i know we did not he ordered hardcovers and claimed we sent paperbacks well this guy is out of his brain why because the day i shipped the item i had to go to Sams club personally to buy his books and personally shipped them 30 minutes later. i.e hardcovers what he ordered and yes i have receipts to prove it and shipping info.

this jerk called amazon.com and complain so he could get a refund claiming we shipped soft-covers amazon emailed us about the complaint were amazon claimed we had a few days to prove our side of the case well i immediately called amazon.com to set the record straight amazon claimed we were at fault as they were looking at the page he ordered from claiming we listed our books in the wrong book catagorie with is against amazons policies and issued this jerk a refund.
what amazon did not know was, i set them up for a serious fall 5 minutes before i called them about this complaint i went back to the original order page this jerk ordered from and copied the html codes from amazons site to protect our interest and file internet fraud charges against amazon.com we also have the original order receipt itself which clearly proves our claim well during my call to amazon they put me on hold when the rep came back on the phone they directed me to the so called order page.
which was completely different.
next this jerk stalked us via email for two to three days we asked amazon to block this guy they ignored us completely and never to this day responded to this issues at all.
we were forced to call the Lubbock county police in texas.
to file a complaint only to find out this jerk had a history with the police there and they knew this guy.

we have amazon by the balls with tons of documented proof 4 years of there illegal crap we can prove we seriously want to sue these jackasses right off the internet .
the issue is im terminally ill and just cant afford any attorney.

is there any attornies out there perdium or 50/50 split if you win?
we never got any of our item stolen this way back or our money this example above is only one issue we had out of many where amazon stole our money they banned us for life and they banned us for life from buying as well we had a 96% feedback most 5 out of 5 
here is proof




You proved I am not the only person slandered or blamed

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 17, 2010

I am busy and little time to use, wish I read more, later I may. I read part of what you wrote, I see I am not the only person they did it to.

I tried to sell something, thinking it was in perfect condition, because it was new and rarely used. I received email asking about if it had something, I already wrote it had. I tried using it, to my surpise it did not work perectly, I unlisted it thinking I should fix it first. 

Amazon.com wrote I was not allowed anymore, they wrote I sold it to someone, yet its etill here, where it always is. I could just imagine, what would happen if I let them force me to sell it, before I fix it.

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