Antonio Lucia Perez (President) and Martha Lucia (Secretary) from Global CNC Corporation, Kansas claim to be a division of Global CNC Industries, a Michigan company. Mr. Antonio Lucia Perez is a convicted Federal Fraud Felon and is on probation. Despite this, he and Martha Lucia continue to scam people by taking deposits for parts that Global CNC Industries produces that they claim to have at a discount price in Kansas, and never delivering, people are too trustworthy, never send a penny to anobody without a signed contract. Mr. Antonio Lucia perez also launders the money that they make in Kansas through his brother in Mexico, buying properties out that have been stolen thanks to turbulent waters in a development called Acqua Flamingos which have been left by various legitimate buyers abandoning the cause to recuperate their units and fixing the paperwork which has dragged on for years, and cost homeowners thousands in attorney fees.
Luckily for Antonio Lucia, his brother Francisco Martin Lucia Perez is the Administrator of the complex, and when a unit is abandoned, he is quick to put it under his brother Antonio's name. The authorities have been warned already 3 times about this guy continuing to do crime but since the evidence collected in the US is vague and Mexican authorities dont care, theres nothing that can be done but protect yourself. Worrys have also arisen since Francisco Lucia has access to many of the complex's homeowners banking information since he receives deposits for the maintainence fees. We believe that F. Lucia sends over this info to Antonio so he can steal their identities for monetary reasons. If you know any of these people, my best advice is to stay away from them as all they can bring to the table is trouble.