I am being charged overdraft charges on the balance with holds and authorizations and not the TRUE balance of my account. Is there anyway that someone can help with this matter. I have contacted Bank Of America about this several times and jut since Dec. 1, 2009 I have been charged 525.00 in overdraft fees. This is highway robbery!!!!!!!!!!!! Bank of America has told me that I need to treat Authorizations on my debit card as money spent. I do treat them as money spent. I subtract them from my check book register and I check my balance online. When I checked my balance on Jan. 23, it indicated that I was -18.06 due to the authorization that was pending. I transfered 50.00 to the account to cover the 18.06 balance and a 20.00 check that I was going to write on Jan 25. My account did not show the 35.00 overdraft fees on the 23rd.
I thought that I had everything covered. My account was now showing positive. When I checked my email on Monday Jan 25, I found that the bank had sent me a notice that my account had Insuffient Funds to cover 3 transactions and I was accessed 35.00 for each one of those trancactions. Then later in the week when other transactions posted I was charged more fees and now that I have been OVERDRAWN because of the way Bank of America treats Authorizations on debit cards and posts their fees before my transactions I am being charged an EXTENDED OVERDRAFT FEE. How can this be legal???? I have listed below what I printed from the Balance History section of my online banking. I am going to stop using my debit card and start writing checks because if I had written a check for the 100.00 payment on the 22nd then Bank of America would not have known that the money was not designated to a transaction and I would not have encurred any overdraft fees because my balance as of Jan. 25 with all my transactions posting would have been 11.94 on the postivie side. I know have to spend over half of my paycheck this week to bring this account postive and Bank of America will not help at all.
On Jan. 22 my account balance was 143.16.
transactions balance with holds balance without holds
100.00 using debit card 43.16 143.16
check 30.00 13.16 113.16
debit card 18.97 -5.81 94.16
check 6.25 -12.06 87.94
check 6.00 -18.06 81.94
Jan. 23, 2010 my bal
transfer 50.00 31.94 131.94
Jan 25, 2010 Opening bal. 81.94 81.94
deposit 10.00 91.94 91.94
transfer actually posted 50.00 141.94 141.94
overdraft for 18.97 charge (35.00) 106.94 106.94
overdraft for 6.00 check (35.00) 71.94 71.94
overdraft for 6.25 check (35.00) 36.94 36.94
transfer 10.00 26.94 26.94
100.00 charge from1/22 post -73.06 -73.06
check 20.00 -93.06 -93.06
Jan. 26, 2010 Balance -93.06 -93.06
overdraft on 100.00 charge (35.00) -128.06 -128.06
overdraft on 20.00 check (35.00) -163.06 -163.06
Jan 27,2010 Balance -163.06 -163.06
Jan 28, 2010
extended overdraft charge (35.00) -198.06 -198.06