  • Report:  #422956

Complaint Review: Bank Of America - Berlin Connecticut

Reported By:
- kensington, Connecticut,

Bank Of America
525 New Britain Rd Berlin, 06037 Connecticut, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Bank of America has made so much money off of us. Their on line banking is so confusing. They post charges and then the charges disappear. They repost the charges several times. It's impossible to keep track of. I am closing my BOA checking count this week.

My most recent scam was I had about $32.00 in my account. Three charges went in that day. First charge Dunkin Donuts coffee for like $6.00, Second RedBOx movie charge for about $5.00 and then a Pizza charge for about 24.00. NOw first when we looked at the account before we left the house we had about 92.00 in there. HOwever, the next day we were negative! with 3 $35.00 charges. The most maddening thing is that they took the $24.00 charge first so I ended up paying $35.00 fr a $6.00 coffee and a $5.00 redbos movie, for a total of $105.00! Frustrating.

I went to the office and the woman was so mean and humilating. She talk to me with such disrespect. I went home and felt so humilating, I just cried. I asked her if she could take the smaller charges first, then we would only have to pay 1 $35.00 charge. She said that wasn't their policy. I dont know about everyone else but we live paycheck to paycheck and every dollar goes somewhere.

To make things worse, this threw our account off more (like a domino effect) and the next weeks paycheck, after bills went out came up .06cents short. So my husband ran down and put a check in for $250.00 15 minutes later. We print our online banking account out every day so we know our running balance at all times. But they keep changing it. What is the point of online banking if they cant keep their ledger straight? With my husband and I both using debit cards its impossible to keep a ledger going at home and we rely on BOA online banking.

We counted on BOA for their online banking. That was their ploy to get us to sign up with them and open an account. I tried to open a savings account with them for over draft protection, they denied me. Who denies someone for a savings account? So anyway, I dont know what happened but they backtracked on their dates....a couple days later the -.06 date changed and our deposit date changed as well. Strange huh??

Well, they charged us $35.00 for being .06cents negative. Wow, if they are doing this to everyone no wonder the economy is in such a bad place. The banks are ripping off America and getting away with it! I dont think they should be able to charge $35.00 for being .06 cents short. Prostituton, loan sharking and gambling are illegal but this is legal??? ANd there isnt a d**n thing we can do about it. And whats worse is you try to talk to them and they treat you like scum.


kensington, Connecticut


2 Updates & Rebuttals


There's your problem.

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 12, 2009

"my husband and I both using debit cards its impossible to keep a ledger going at home and we rely on BOA online banking. " BOA's online banking has no idea what debits are going to hit the account at any given time. Only you know what debits you may have outstanding (by using a ledger). Seriously, if you can't be bothered to use a register, you will continue to have nothing but grief with your online banking (not just BOA, every major bank operates like this). BOA explains this in the "fees and processes" section of their website. It's up to YOU to keep track of your debits and reconcile them with the info available online. If, as you say, it is impossible for you, then you should not have a checking account. You could save yourself a lot of grief by using cash for small purchases instead of a debit card. By using the card for things like a cup of coffee or a movie (especially when you admit you can't keep track of these purchases), you are unnecessairly increasing your exposure to overdraft charges.


Don't Balance to the Online Account

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2009

It isn't accurate, and the bank doesn't claim it to be. No bank with such a tool can ever give you as the customer what your balance is. The only reason you should ever look at such a thing is (1) to record to your check register any ACH transactions such as an online bill pay, (2) to record interest or bank fees, if you have them, and/or (3) to monitor your account in cases of fraud. That's it. If you're using the online account as your check register, then you're giving your money away. If you want to know what your balance is at all times, you should be looking in your written check register that lists all of your transactions. If you don't keep one of those, then it's no wonder you don't keep more of your money. It's not a scam by the bank - it's money mismanagement on your part. According to the agreement you signed when the account was opened, you agreed to allow the bank to post transactions in any order they wish. This is not only this bank that practices this - they all do it. You can't go to the bank and tell them how they should reorder transactions smallest to largest since you agreed to having the bank choose how they do it. Stop using your debit card (stick to checks and cash) for small transactions and keep an accurate check register, and you'll never have a problem with this or any bank ever again....

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