  • Report:  #24876

Complaint Review: BestBuy.Com -

Reported By:
- Lewistown, MT,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I placed an internet order and tried to cancel it one hour later. I was told that they had no way of doing that. I asked that since my credit card can't be billed until the item was shipped, what is the problem. The next day I spoke to a SUPERVISOR who was rude and hung up on me.

I found the same item at Amazon.com for $40.00 cheaper, so I am going to refuse the package from these BestBuy idiots when it comes. Do not take the chance of getting burned by these un cooperative ignorant people. I will never buy anything there again!!!! ROCK-ON AMAZON.COM !!!


Judith Mountains, Montana

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