  • Report:  #309386

Complaint Review: CCDN ROBERT K LOCK JR DEBT ELIMINATOR? - Chicgao Illinois

Reported By:
- SADDLE RIVER, New Jersey,

7144 NORTH HARLEM AVE. Chicgao, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The most interesting thing about Robert Lock's approach to managing his company CCDN aka Credit Defense League , is that when responding to complaints from troubled clients being ruined by suits and Judgments after being in his program for months, he responds quite simply " I am not aware of this incident"?? {refer to [email protected]}

Well Bob If you aren't who is?

Phil Manger and Tracy Webster hide as well.

People's lives are hanging in the balance . They have paid CCDN and R&G Marketing their last few thousands of dollars .

They were promised to be debt free by Richard Russ and the boys and Aftersix to ten months they are being served with court papers.

Yes! They have to go to court when they were told " you never have to go to court , The federal program will scare the creditors away"

Yeh! sure Bob!

When you complain to someone like Tracy or Phil they will blame you ( the client)

They will say you never sent in the proper documents .

Basically it is" your fault".

Bob will chime in with " I am Not aware of this problem" This never happens to us.

Get real! How long do you think this scam can go on?

I would think that as an Attorney you must be squirrelling away your $$ and planning your escape route with Richard Russ's buddy Ron Boston in Costa Rica

Have a good trip




7 Updates & Rebuttals


CCDN / BBB listing complaint/ Alarming News for clients, from a client.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 27, 2009

I can say with complete sincerity that if this is not going well for you, they will continue to lead you on. I know... because that's where I'm at in this program. They will tell you that the file is with their paralegal department, any number of times; send you another complaint outline, any number of times, try to make you think that it's something you missed in passing, probably not true in your case, definately not true in mine. They will claim to not have received paperwork, another lie. There are an unlimited number of misleading and dishonest answers they will give you when you request an update on your accounts, so numerous that I am too tired to list. If you make a comment here on ripoffreport, rest assure they will contact you immediately and intimidate you further into believing they are "working" for you", but they are not. They will then, at that time, send you documentation of filings that they have allegedly handled for others, to string you along further. They will follow your story through this web site, but will not handle your issue as a professional business with ethics, as you may have been led to believe. Ethical? I've been in the program since 2006. By the way, I'm not debt free. Except for the judgments I received while "in this process" that I have paid off during. If your uneasy about how things are going for you, and now researching CCDN "again" as I did a year ago, hoping there is nothing bad out there about them... Sorry, I understand & feel for you. Paul Cohen was not a client, but he appears to have a fairly good picture of much of what I have personally experienced & he didn't hear it from me. I'd say it's highly doubtful that the chances of him being so accurate by making it up and mud slingling are unlikely, but again they will tell you that what he says is not true. A disgruntled ex-employee he may be, however, he is frightenly accurate. They are not being honest with you so don't buy it. You will have all of your judgments paid off through wage/tax garnishments before "Robert Lock" get's wind of your issues. Not that I believe he has no idea about my situation, because I'm fairly certain he does. Unless his partner, Phil Manger, or his marketer Russ Richardson is keeping it a secret. They can just blame it on Tracey Webster. Robert Lock Jr, that poor man, imagine a high profile attorney and he has no idea what is going on in "his" business. I assume Robert Lock does exist. Honestly can't say that I have heard "from him". Don't imagine I will. I'm just a client of their "network of attorneys". R&G Marketing just sets up the contract, apparently they don't stand behind them or you as the consumer, just collect the monies and sign you up. Any further contact (per Russ) is with CCDN, and well, good luck with that one...........48 hours, later that day, tomorrow, more lies. I believe that Robert Lock is just another tool, like the BBB that they use to bring you on board into this program. "Legal"(Robert Lock) debt help....BBB (ethical business practices). By the way they are non accredited with the BBB. Please file a complaint if your dissatisfied, Richard Russ will even suggest it. Hopefully after a rash of complaints, they will drop them from their BBB listing. One less tool is a step in the right direction. If your in this process and hurting, I'm sorry, If your only researching this as an alternative to your current problems....Please do not put yourself through this nightmare.


Let them eat Cake or throw it up

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 27, 2008

I know I have not personally been accused of pouting, but I have been misaligned as either having recourse, and reality bites because that is an illusion in terms of Mr. Lock following through on ANY of his 'promises' to call, contact, work, perform, make whole. That is a glaring and ugly fact. I have been told by Colleen Lock that I was unwilling to take advise and was uncooperative. Interesting analysis as all I did was cooperate and frankly there was no 'advise' I did not take. I took the 'great' advise of CCDN Support/Tracy Webster to not WORRY about the judgments as they'd be turned over in the end. I took his advise, when 2 days away from court and representing myself AGAIN he told me to call the collector/attorney and ask for a payment plan. I was incredulous. I mean I paid over 5k for this program to 16 months into the program call them and ask for a payment plan! I could have saved myself the energy, angst, time and legal entanglements and just called from the beginning. Apparently they AGAIN had no federal filing ready. These people from CCDN are really quite incredible as they think if they 'tell' you long enough that the Emperor has clothes you will believe them. As to how many harmed people, let me say that the amount of people you saw emailed and copied on your email is simply that. We have certain folks that get certain updates as they are working on specific issues in regards to this problem. Others have their story and their injury and will be adding their names to our filing. So assuming anything by a few folks emailed would be dangerous and unwise. Additionally I would like to state that I keep hearing this attitude being bandied about by the CCDN/Marketing companies in general. They say things to the effect, 'there's no such thing as 100% success or satisfied customers. Very true. The problem though is that the CCDN does not CARE about those that they have been unsuccessful with, nor CARE and take ACTION for those who have been put in harms way and left hanging. Mr. Lock STATES he does but my experience and others I'm hearing are singing a sadly familiar tune, 'he did nothing. He promised and sounded caring but each time, nothing'. I can testify that I still am waiting for Mr. Lock to follow through on ANYTHING he promised to me. ANYTHING? Why the delay, why the silence when he knows that I'm drowning. All the while he stands on the shoreline saying 'I'll make you whole; how can I help; what can I do? I'll be happy to speak with you and any other concerned CCDN clients'. But the silence is the evidence. A legit company with regard for clients ALWAYS works WITH their dissatisfied customers to show good faith effort to resolve the problems. Sometimes they can't. What is so different about the CCDN culture is that they negate to do this. They tell you things are going to happen or are happening when they are not. Then they get you into a bind, leave you hanging and they blame you. Then they cut you off if you are 'too disappointed or vocal'. This is not a business culture of endeavoring to fix their 'percentage of unsuccessful cases', this is a business culture of blaming the client and then dropping the client after lying to the client. I can see nothing that allows the CCDN to compare itself to a business that has it's share of unsuccessful/unhappy clients, as the CCDN has a completely different attitude and non-action toward that 'percentage of failed clients' no matter how many or how few they are. CCDN has an attitude, one that says, 'hey, got served a bad meal? go home and throw up'. Wrong answer. I would really like to know what takes CCDN so long to perform on anything they state they do, when they do it and why Mr. Lock can't just move ahead and do what he said he would do? What more does he possibly need? He's got the money from us, the files, two years of paperwork and judgments. what is he waiting on? This is the 10k dollar question. Or is reality that we are supposed to 'throw up and move on'?

Attorney Debt Help

Britta No one has states your posts as pouting.

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 26, 2008

Hello Britta, Thank you for your post. no one has stated your comments as pouting as Mr. Lock himself has stated that you have a legit complaint and I will not detract from that. However, as I stated before, customer satisfaction is of extreme importance to us. No company in the U.S. or rest of the world has 100% customer satisfaction. No matter what you do, some customers you will not please. In legal cases, sometimes the customer is angry if they lose the case. Laws are constantly changing which causes timelines to change. This upsets some. Britta, you speak about all these other unhappy customers and how you communicate with them. What I seen when you did that was the email address to all of them you were copying. There were a total of five and two were not customers which leaves a total of 3. Now let's put that into perspective. That makes up 1/300 of 1 percent of the total customers. That leaves a 99.7% satisfaction rate. I hate to even see any unsatisfied customers. I would prefer, of course, 100%. I just know by facts that 100% is impossible for any company/business. It just will not happen no matter how hard we try. Now anyone reading these posts can see there are just a few people posting. I guess it is believed that if a couple of people posts many times it makes it appear that many people are posting. However, it is clear by simply looking at the author, that is not the case. Our testimonials are VERY real and no Britta they are not all the same person. Please look again. Also, Paul challenged us to post "proof" of the CCDN's success he stated if we did so, he would apologize and retract his statements. We did so in the form of court documents, NAF Arbitration documents, letters from attorneys, creditors and collectors showing zeroed out debts. Yet, Paul Cohen is still on his rampage. This right there clearly shows him to be 1) a liar and 2) not a man of his word. I know he has viewed them on the site as I have seen his IP address pop up in visitor tracking several times. I would ask Paul the reason why he has not held up to his word? Now we surely have not been able to con the court system now too. Use the case numbers and confirm them with that state's court. Now Britta do you HONESTLY believe that he is not angry that he lost his marketing contract with the CCDN? I have done many types of different analytics on both of Paul's websites Credit Defense League AND PSC Credit Corp. Both sites rank so extremely low that I would be willing to bet he gets zero customers from them. Therefore, I KNOW they are not creating any business for him thus his anger toward the CCDN. Now us "going after Paul" has nothing to do with the detracting from the facts. We can, and have, provided the requested proof of what we are claiming. Us stating the things we do about Paul has to do more with Paul's slanderous statements. Paul has never been associated with R & G. He was never a customer of R & G. He has NO first hand knowledge of R & G. By the laws of the Great State of New Jersey where he resides he is guilty of slander and libel. We have already consulted with a Saddle River attorney who has stated a case against him would be in his own words a "slam dunk". All we have done is simply state the facts and provide the proof requested which is something that he has chosen to not even confront or detract from. His tactic has been to just not mention it. Anyway, Britta, as I stated before, I will continue to push from this end as I am concernded with your case and I sincerely do hope that everything works out and to your benefit. Please keep emailing me as you have done informing me of your status.


Chalking up all these complaints as 'more pouting'??!!

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2008

Mr. Paul presumably 'pouting' has NOTHING TO DO with the facts of the matter which are that the CCDN/Robert Lock Jr. of Chicago are not providing the services they market and Clients paid for. This is egregious as it attempts to distract from the facts and negate the experiences of paid Clients who have been severely harmed. My warning to people looking for Debt Relief........DO NOT believe Marketing Companies 'testimonials', there is a conflict of interest there. DO believe Clients who paid for services and never got them. At the very BEST the CCDN is sloppy, disorganized, random and their ability to 'handle' clients with expertise, precision, attention to detail and proactive communication is NON EXISTENT. Why would anyone enter a program that has major red flags, no matter what ANY marketing arm might say?? If need be, hire your own consumer debt attorney and go direct. You'll save a lot of money, time, energy, frustration and actually get the time and attention you need and results and you won't be paying a useless middle man, because that is ALL the marketing arms of the CCDN provide. They take their cut, hand you over and that's it. Hiring your own attorney is really what you end up doing with the so called CCDN Program. It has become a 'joke' among the harmed clients of the CCDN as we all are relating either how the CCDN did not have an attorney for us at the end or it was one that was not aware/connected with the CCDN and did not necessarily even do this type of work or could they 'step in' this far into someones process. So just hire your own and save yourself a lot of money and angst. You don't need a middle man template 'program' as you can get these same forms right off the net at Zoom Law or the like. Then you can find your own attorney right away as all the CCDN does is drag you into a long process (we're at 2 years in a few weeks!) and you end up sued in state court, defending yourself and losing. Or you can hire your own attorney to represent you they now 'offer'! So again, why in the world do you need the CCDN then?? They DO nothing.........nada..............and their Federal Complaints?? You take their templates, make the changes, fill them in and then file them pro-se! Then you wait for them to 'find' an attorney........and they don't. Lots of testimonials to that. So you end up hiring your own........which you should have done from the beginning and paid the attorney with the money you paid to the marketing company and the CCDN for non state specific templates.........Now that is a racket but very lucrative for them, obviously. Still have not heard a peep from the CCDN/Robert Lock AGAIN.

Attorney Debt Help

More Pouting By Fired Ex-Marketer!

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 18, 2008

This post is just more pouting from fired ex-marketer Paul. Paul has posted 99.9% of negative posts. He was fired as a marketer for lying to debtors in order to gain their business, just as he is doing to you right now. He has REFUSED to provide proof of his claims.

Credit defense league

New Jersey,

#7Author of original report

Sun, February 17, 2008


Credit Defense League

New Jersey,

#8Author of original report

Sat, February 16, 2008


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