Woman called early this morning from 866-823-1656and asked to speak to me. She never identified herself. I told her she had me. She then said she was transfrerring me to a third party for a buisness related message. Marissa or Melissa or Smith then proceeded to grill me about a debt I supposedly owed. When I told her she had the wrong person, she then gave me the last for digits of my SSN, I told her those were the last for digits fo my SSN but she still had the wrong person. Then she gave me my entire social security number.
When I tried to get her to put me through to her supervisor she refused and got extremely hostile, demanding Ipay the debt, called me a theft for not paying the debt, the started threatening me. Said she would call my work place everyday, she would call my employer, that I owed this money and she was going to collect it. If this wasn't so dangerous it would be funny. I'm retired and have been for over many years. So, I insisted she put me through to her supervisor, which after a full two minutes of me demanding it she finally did. She put me through to Keith Brong, who, I laterlearned by way of the internet is the owner of the company.
When I told him how agressive this woman had been he apologized and closed the account. But I didn't stop there. I tracked down the company, called them back, got hold of a guy who gave me the name of the person who called me and Keith's name and direct line. If you have a problem with company, which by the way has 144 complaints filed with the Better Busines Bureau in Jacksonville over the last 36 months, I strongly suggest you call Keith. at 800 597 8238 ext. 5358. He seems like a very nice guy who has hired some really stupid people who think it's the 1980s and that people like me are going to roll over and play dead just because they let their allagator mouths over load their hummingbird asses.
This woman who called me has some serious mental health issues and I wouldn't admit to owing any debt she came after me to collect. Fight Back! CCS has been in business since 1988 an A+ rating from the BBB, but people like this woman who called me need to apply to Gitmo for a job. Maybe as a trainer. God I would hate to be this woman's husband or boyfriend. She needs to be fired. Maybe Keith could work on that. Call him, he's a super nice guy. 800-597-8238 ext. 5358