I was offered great sounding vacation opportunities at a kiosk in the mall. I needed to deposit $20.00 from a credit card which was to be refunded upon arrival to attend an encounter informing me about the time share opportunity with Cibola Vista. The sales person named d**e Miller was convincing about some issues.
I will say that I was misinformed about most of the issues. I feol enormous pressure to make a rash decision or I would not be elibible to obtain the greatest benefits which would include daily use of the resort facilities any time of the year that I was close to the resort. I drove out to the area within the week and did not find evidence of any resort.
I spoke to a person representing the resort on the phone and they reassured me that it indeed was there. I drove by the downtown office where I originally met with the sales staff on a Wednesday when they were supposed to be there working. The offices were closed and dark. I requested to wait to make a decision in order to speak to my financial advisor and to my cpa. The sales staff poured on the pressure then by saying that others had asked the same questions and when the professionals named had attended they also invested in the opportunity.
It was presented as a real estate investment that would grow in value and could be handed down as an inheritance. Of course the annual fees for maintenance were quickly mentioned. Upon further research and reflection I feel that I have made a grave error and that this definitely is not an investment opportunity that I am interested in at the moment. I feel that I should receive my money back and that the contracts should be considered void. I plan to seek legal counsel regarding the matter. Thanks for listening.
glendale, Arizona
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