The product I am reporting is called "Clair Skin. supposedly made in Akron, Ohio.
The first shipment made me think I ordered this accidentally, then, two more came, each a month apoart. I have been traveling for work & been very busy, so time got away from me. Then, I try call them today, August 4, 2017. The only company I could find was the Consortium Group LLC located in Las Vegas. These poor gusy are so sick & tired of people calling them, they almost hang up on me. I explain why I am calling and he tells me his phone rings all day with people yelling at them.
I really don't blame them....they have to deal with people that call them & yell!
I never ordered this product to begin with. I have NO idea how they got my creidit card. I am in the middle of cancelling my card, but have lost just over $300 so far.
I do hope you can help this situation. Please contact me as soon as you can.
Thank you!