Rating? Thieves, Liars, Stalkers, How about negative infinity stars. If this place fell off the face of the planet the sun would
shine with a whole new radiance. Robert H. McBride, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, JOKE, Chief Executive Officer, Nicholas E. Oliveri, CPM, President, JOKE, and the evil Kathleen MacDonald, Portfolio Manager, BITHCH FROM HELL. I hope they all get what they got coming. Their attorneys are even worse. Charles A. Perkins, Jr., Esq. JOKE, Robert W. Anctil, Esq. JOKE and the biggest and most pathetic JOKE of all Scott J. Eriksen, Esq. SCUM, JOKE, PIECE OF CRAP. They harass residents endlessly, use court dates to make people broke, lie, stalk, and anything nasty, abuse the Superlien law to collect tens of thousands illegally.
FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD. Please report complaints to
[email protected].