I should have guessed by the word "discount" that this place was going to sell cheaply made bags and rip me off. I bought some zip loc bags from them at a "bargain." When I got them, the box said "Made in China" and sure enough when I inspected the bags, they 100% China quality. They looked like they were hot glued together. Because I had already gotten ripped off I counted the bags. There were less than 900 in a box of 1000!!
I called and talked to Ken Woodruff who said he was the owner. At first he was nice but when I questioned him as to where they were located he clamed up and became defensive. He said the number of baggs was "within industry tollerances". He issued me a return but it was a good month before it showed up and he had me send the return to a different location from where it came from (???) Do the bags even come from them?
When I had called I first talked to someone who had a Mexican accent. They claim to be located in Irving, Texas, but when I did a Google search for "discountplasticbags.com linkedin" I found several employees that all had latin names and several of them were located in south america. I called back after not receiving my credit for the purchase after I had returned it, and a girl with a heavy accent answered named Rebecca. I asked if Mr. Woodruff was there and she said he was on a trip to the United States. I said, oh, well where are you? This girl paused and said "Costa Rica". I said "I thought you were in Irving, Texas?" She said the company is technically in Irving, Texas but that everyone is located just outside of San Jose, Costa Rica.
Look, if your a foreign company selling cheap stuff just say so. If I'm desperatte for a good price and don't care about quality then I might buy from you. But I have a business that relies on quality vendors. Discount plastic bags is deceiving their customers. They cost me a lot of money and time dealing with this.
Scott B
Florida,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, September 20, 2013
I would also like to add to Ken's comments about Rebeca, since I have well known information becuase I am married to her. Rebeca is from Costa Rica but is also a U.S. citizen from Minnesota, where she has been married to a 26 year veteran from the U.S. Airforce. She has a U.S. passport and a DoD Id card!
Houston,#3Author of original report
Tue, August 13, 2013
This man is crazy. I guess I got under his skin. He doesn't want anyone to know what cr*p he sells and how badly he treats his customers so he makes up some long winded story about a contractor who screwed him. With your track record, "Ken" I can be sure that you are the one who screwed this contractor. I would provide you my receipt but I know that you would just claim it wasn't legitimate and thus is proof that I'm a contractor or drug dealer or someone else who is after you who spells bad, and...RipOffReport tells me NOT to give my real info so stalker types like you won't come after me. (I made a few typos not spelling mistakes and what a jerk you are for pointing them out! "Rebeca" or "Rebecca" is spelled either way, idiot)
You have proved what a paranoid jerk you are. You could have apologized for the bad service and poor quality bags and promised to make it right. Instead you insulted me and made up some fantacy about some guy who's after you.
By the way, I looked up your "address" in Texas. It's a Mail Box Etc! You don't even have a location in Texas, just a registered name. See: https://www.google.com/search?q=7750+North+Macarthur+Blvd.+Suite+120+%E2%80%93+151+Irving%2C+TX+75063+USA&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS455US455&oq=7750+North+Macarthur+Blvd.+Suite+120+%E2%80%93+151+Irving%2C+TX+75063+USA&aqs=chrome.0.69i57j69i62l3.1866j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Also, I noticed that the Better Business Bureau gives you a rating of "D-"! You can see Discount Plastic Bags rating of "D-" here: http://www.bbb.org/dallas/business-reviews/services-general/discount-plastic-bags-and-packaging-in-irving-tx-90135573
Finally your prices aren't DISCOUNT!
These sites have better prices and service, and they aren't suing everyone and ripping off their customers:
Discount Plastic Bags
Irving,#4REBUTTAL Owner of company
Mon, June 03, 2013
We have been doing battle in court with a former SEO contractor who has stolen copies of our software and database in an attempt to set up shop as a competitor using our years of solid development. This complaint has no relationship to any communication with any of our over 20,000 customers. We believe it is an attempt to smear our good name, and has no merit.
Pending trial in January of 2014, he has been ordered to stop using our software, thus his new web site has been shut down, and it appears that he has a lingering resentment toward us. We terminated his contract because we believed that his fees exceeded his value, and the continued web traffic to our site has proven the basis for our decision to be accurate. The errant grammar, spelling, punctuation and the phrases used in this complaint are consistent with those we saw during the long-term contract we had with this service provider.
Our location: We are a registered Texas LLC filing taxes as a corporation, paying our income taxes to the IRS and sales and franchise taxes to the State of Texas. We are in good standing with the Texas State Comptroller's office and the Internal Revenue Service (United States Treasury Department).
Our Customer Service Center is located in San Jose, Costa Rica. Our staff includes both Americans and Costa Ricans. All of our staff are well trained and fluent in English, including Rebeca (one "c") who is one of our most popular representatives with our customers. She does have a Spanish accent, but her command of the English language is as good as (better than many) within US borders.
We operate the center from Costa Rica in order to keep our overhead down so that we can offer you the lowest possible pricing on the high quality products we have sold since 2005. We will soon be opening our second Latin American Customer Service Center in Medellin, Colombia. Opening Date: TBA
Ziplock Bags Origin: Almost all stock ziplock style bags are now sourced in Asia. As the President of Discount Plastic Bags with 34 years of flexible packaging experience, I have seen the transition take place during my career. China has wiped out the ability of American companies to compete in this market segment with their cheap labor, and their quality is equal to (or better than) their extinct American competitors. It causes me great pain to say that, but it is true. No matter where you buy your stock industrial ziplock bags, if the price is low, they will have been made in Asia. They are made on state-of-the-art lines, and none of them are "glued together."
Asia has also gained a significant pricing advantage in stock flat poly bags and gusseted poly bags 18 inches or less in total opening, stock polypropylene bags, PVC and POF shrink bags and films, bag sealers, adhesive tapes and other commodity items. Unlike some of our competitors, we make a concentrated effort to insure that we source only the Asian products that meet or exceed our high quality standards. These are not just words, but something that is backed by our liberal Five Star Guarantee which is prominently displayed on our web site.
Our sales have grown exponentially since our inception. This is only made possible by providing top shelf products and service.
We provide jobs at our American vendors' multiple locations around the USA. The jobs we provide in the United States of America far exceed the few jobs we provide in Latin America. Many of our customers are international, adding to American export statistics. Our business model is extremely efficient, and we take great pride in offering quality products, low prices and shipping costs, superior customer service and fast delivery.
99% of our refunds are processed with a "no questions asked" policy. We have no refunds pending on any ziplock orders at this time, and no history of any such complaint as the one stated here.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me personally. I take great pride in the company we have built, and your inquiries will receive my prompt, personal attention. I travel throughout the USA frequently and will be happy to schedule an appointment to meet you the next time I am in your area. Our toll-free number is 877.718.7627. Just ask for Ken.
Thank you for the opportunity to prove our claims.