Josh W
Hackettstown,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, February 06, 2009
OK, so I have seen reports all over about DiVinci Sound being a scam. Well, what makes it a scam? I actually purchased the DV606. I think they sound good. Fairly clear. Good imaging. Don;t get me wrong these are not Infinity or Klipsch. But, look at it this;s only a scam if you pay too much. Let's face it. The speakers work. They look nice. So whats the prob? The MSRP? Well sure, if you are dumb enough to pay $3200 for something you never even heard of, the you got scammed. But you can't find floorstanding tower speakers in Best buy for under $800. Go, to Walmart...see anything there? Sure you do, another Chinese brand you've never heard of for $400. That dont look half as good. Im not saying these are the best speakers in the world, in fact the sub/amp sucks (speakers nice). All I am asking is that people use their heads and say. "Is this worth the money?" For everyone that says "it didn't work". Make sure you hear it before you buy it...and what are you doing taking to some dirty guy driving a hatchback for anyways?