I am relating my experience I have had with eckankar study group. I am high initiate (HI). Our group is supposed to study eckankar teachings but all we do is take money from people and send it to headquarters in Minneapolis. I had to empty my wife and my bank account during summer time to bring an American here so it would look like he was not using eckankar to launder his money through rental properties his wife and he own. I have been pressured this year to pass study group money through my wife's employer's medical practice. So that excessive amount could go missing without being associated with our study group that the American visitor has been using for years. Using to pass profit through take money off the top before passing this onto eckankar in Chanhassen. Now my wife is shouting at me. She talks to get a divorce because I used our bank accounts to pay for airline tickets so this man from United States could come here for free. Take our money and expect that our group cover the loss. Loss for using a study group advertised to the public to get money for this man. Give to the American rather then sending to headquarters in Chanhassen. I have had to reach deep into my wife and my bank account to cover payment to headquarters.
Ever since I got this higher initiation the RESAs have been asking me for more and more money to cover programs in our country which RESAs use as study associations to make money then sends the profits onto headquarters. I am boiling because the bosses of our study group have been tightening my neck with so much debt to pay for losses from taking money themselves instead of transferring profits onto eckankar headquarters. This American man and his wife live off the fat of our land and all of us are suffering. New high initiates must cover losses of those above them who are taking the money to pay for a lavish lifestyle. I heard eckankar headquarters sent a nice black lady to president Clinton so he would encourage American tax authorities to look the other way. Look away as eckankar made exhubeant profits. Eckankar making lots of money. Headquarters cleaning through many banks in host countries abroad. Host countries paying as study satillalites. Tax men in countries has gotten smart to scheme and started to investigate eckankar franchises as global satalittes. American president will not go easy on eckankar when he finds out scheming used to keep business corporation from tax debt. I am contacting him about money cleaning scheme in our country. Changes to religion laws misusing tax scheme for profit of privileged hidden shareholder owners is what this religion is about. No body knows this not even tax offices. Maybe new president will discover. Deceit makes Eckankar look religious but much later discovery is owners making money and paying no tax.