I signed up for Platinum Service on ezpzx on July 2011 and paid for the first m3 amounting $467. After my orders arrived at their address, Desmond Law emailed me saying that my parcels covered 1.5m3 and the new invoice which inclusive of international shipping for 2m3, handling charge, marine insurance and local delivery from port to my door was $947.47, so minus the first m3 that I've paid, the total invoice was $598.47. Btw, one of the reason I signed up for the Platinum package was it was supposed to be able to pre-purchase in 0.01m3 volume, but as per the invoice I was billed to pay for the whole 2m3, and not 1.5m3.
I did not pay the balance immediately as I was not in town at the time the invoice received, and later decided to only pay once the shipment reached Malaysia as I do not want to risk paying more than a thousand to a shipping company I've only about to try.
In September 2011, Desmond sent another email saying that my parcels have reached Malaysia and is due to be sent to my address anytime. The updated invoice that was sent to me include a customs fee of $566.38, so the new total for me to pay was $1164.85. I was shocked to see the huge customs fee as my total orders were slightly more than $1000 only. He explained that the customs fee for Malaysia was 20 +10% which was absurd as I have imported the same items for 5 years on airmail and the cost of customs fee was never this high. I was trying to lower my cost by importing items on ocean shipping but the overall cost was 300% more than using airmail!
I had no choice but to make payment as my parcels will not be cleared and sent until payment received. But after a long procedure of clearance (my mistake as I was not in town to act immediately) when I finally received the parcels from the local clearance agent, I saw from the tax clearance form the actual customs fee that was charged on me was only RM567.76 (that was equivalent to $180 only!). I immediately emailed Desmond Law to inquire about this and my emails gone unanswered and only after 3rd email, Desmond replied saying that he had to cover to cost of clearance fee thus the higher charge.
It's definitely not written on the website that an additional fee would be charged to cover the clearance fee and even the invoice did not state this. Obviously Desmond is charging us a huge amount of hidden fees on top of what we have paid (we even paid a separate local delivery that should cover from port to our address!). I asked for refund but our request was turned blind and he told me they would defend vigorously when I mentioned I would so make this public.