I ordered a hat from Flight Inspired and paid $9.39 for priority shipping. Estimated shipping was supposed to be around 2-3 days. I received a tracking number, but it never showed shippimg activity. I contacted them several times via email and instagram. They called me a punk kid and then blocked me on instagram. Then Flight Inspired wrote me back via email and told me that they shipped my order 2 days ago. I checked the shipping one more time and it still hasn't been shipped. When I wrote them back saying that I have no other choice but to do a chargeback, they got furious. Flight Inspired emailed me saying they would press charges on me for taking a hat (that I paid for and never received). I couldn't believe they went as far as to threaten to send people to my house to retrieve said hat, and that they personally will show up at my doorstep. They also mentioned to slander my friend's business because I am sponsored by her (and she had absolutely nothing to do with this) This business is shady and I wouldn't recommend anyone ordering from them.