waukesha,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, February 08, 2013
First I'd like to say that I'm not an employee of GM or GM GW, I'm the guy who bought the SCAR in question. I came across this site by doing a search for GunWorld because I heard they opened more stores across the country like this one and was interested to know where.
The OP insists that GW gouged me for this firearm. No, they didn't. The price of the firearm was consistent with the pricing found just about everywhere. Matter of fact, I've been pricing this gun at GW for over a year and the price never changed. Not one penny. Matter of fact, this gun was taken off of layaway by the store manager so it could be sold to the public.
I was in the market for for both the SCAR and the Trijicon optic (along with the other accessories such as the Harris bi-pod)). Just like people would be in the market for a Corvette with glass sunroofs. Would I demand to speak to GM because the dealer refused to remove an accessory from a vehicle? No. Because that's the package. Just like GW packages firearms. If I don't like that package, I'm not going to cry about it, I'll pass on it. Nobody at GW forced me to buy this gun. While I did feel pressure to purchase their gun warranty and the warranty on the scope, their customer service and knowledge was way beyond my expectations.
I'd like to finally add that by purchasing the firearm, I was given a 5% discount on the accessories attached to it. I did purchase the firearm warranty for 29.99 that gave me a free cleaning and a lifetime warranty that's fulfilled by Gander Mountain. All of which was completely spelled out to me by the GW associate that helped me. Chris, I believe his name was.
Nobody likes being told they can't have something, I get it, but this "report" is silly.
Colorado,#3Consumer Comment
Thu, January 10, 2013
The dealer has priced the rifle/scope as he sees fit for HIS business. ONLY IF he raised his price after you agreed to buy it would it be a Ripoff.
Why don't you just buy the gun elsewhere? Is it a rare, hard to get model?
Car dealers add dealer installed extras to cars all the time and raise the price (considerably) on desirable models in short supply.
It may be aggravating, but it, again is NO Ripoff.
Chill out, your rant is just that.
No, I don't work for Gander Mountain, never have.