recently bought rimless progressive high index glasses from global. The ordering, quality and promptness was good. 4 month later, the frames broke. I asked if I could have the glasses repaired (and expected and offered to pay). This was not possible according to the customer service department. Just not possible. below is the email exchange with the names removed. These are not my words but globaleyeglasses' statements from their customer service department.
Hi ,
I truly understand your frustration and I apologize for the inconvenience. As per checking, the Charmer- Blk SKU: 8683 is already out of stock that's why we can no longer repair your broken frames. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email, chat, or through our customer service lines below:
Toll Free: (800) 315-4428
Direct Line: 404-369-1777
[email protected]
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Customer Support
Aug 06 11:49 (EDT):
I was told today that globaleyeglasses does not repair broken frames. that is very disappointing. I am willing to pay for the repair or even frame replacement, because the lenses are expensive and only 4 months old. I did not read that global did not do repairs on their products.
as such, if you are thinking about buying eyeglasses from, think twice. If the frames break, you are on your own. if the lenses are expensive, that makes it even more of a problem.
Lastly, this companies customer service phone are truly designed to provide extensive and unrelenting frustration. Barely literate, poor communication skills and you can feel that they just dont care.