Indianapolis,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, February 17, 2012
I will tell you I used to work for HR Block. We had these exact same comments. while not saying the manager is correct most of the time people just hear what they want to hear. when they are getting a $300 loan they dont care what fees are they dont care what happens they just need their $300 fix. They sign all docs w/o reading them and then swear they were tricked. People need to wise up, read what you are signing. these tax companies are required to disclose everything to you up front. slow down read and if you arent interested in the high fees then dont accept the loan. No one is forcing you to do it.
If you dont want to pay the fees then dont get the loan.
Memphis,#3Consumer Suggestion
Sat, February 11, 2012
That's why he became defensive, lied to you some more and threatened you. His location will take a big hit because of your posting and the district manager will probably screw him over as well. These tax prep franchises are just plain bad. They do minumum work for maximum $$$. Have some real fun and wear big signs that say "Ask me About My Instant Tax Ripoff" and walk up and down the street in front of his location. Perfectly legal. I'll bet you get youir $300 back the first day.