  • Report:  #877717

Complaint Review: Kim Cox Kim Cox AWTN Kim Cox - brisbane Internet

Reported By:
Fannie - , , Panama

Kim Cox Kim Cox AWTN Kim Cox
brisbane, Internet, Australia
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Kim Cox, Kim Cox AWTN. Kim COx- fraud who pretends to be a listing agent Kim Cox:

 1. Kim Cox claims on her website that she is a world class DB listing agent and Kim Cox claims to have several clients.

 2. Kim Cox also claim you have not listed any other companies? Kim COx, *which is the lie?*

 3. Kim Cox is it true that Luke Backen has been arrested for stealing superannuation funds? if not would Kim Cox he be willing to submit to a police clearance?

 5. Kim Cox has recently send out an offer to the public trying to raise $500 million for Luke Bracken.
 6. Kim Cox you claim in a recent press release saying that you are giving one company 150 million shares, which are currently trading at about USD$1 dollar  http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/1BM:GR Kim Cox, you gave In Min- a subsidiary of Australasian Resources- $150 million dollars worth of shares in return for **USD$17 million dollars? Is that even legal?
 7. Is Kim Cox your name and do you operate under any other aliases?

 8. Kim Cox- I have never seen a company with a $500 million dollar market cap that does not trade, yet you claim to provide world class IR/PR services?

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