While attempting to apply for a cash advance payday loan I was directed to "Last Chance Cash Advance". This site also prompted "Liberty Discount Club" as an option to sign up for membership. The was a box at the top that was automatically checked "yes, I agree to terms". I tried to uncheck this box but it would not allow me to do so. There was a box at the bottom with smaller letters to check "no thanks". When you check this box and submit, it automatically removed the check mark in that box. I IMMEDIATELY called the number provided to verify I was or was not enrolled. OF COURSE, they enrolled me in their membership. I informed them I DID NOT want the service and they cancelled my enrollement. The next day my account was debited the membership fee. I called the number that was provided on the check they created and submitted and was told I had to go to their website to request a refund and it would be processed within 72 hours (not acceptable). After 72 hours I called again and was told I must go to the website
www.liebertyclubrefundstatus.com to check my refund status. I went to that site and was prompted for additional information needed to process my request, again indicating a refund in 72 hours. I then went to their site and did a "chat" with a "live operator" and was told my refund had been approved and to allow 7-10 days for processing.