I had the misfortune of being referred to Eli Collis of Lavanta Holistic Coaching by a friend who handed me a business card. I was hooked in by Eli Collis who in a very short space of time made me question my whole existence, my life, my love for my family and my unconditional love for my partner. This led to a nervous breakdown and I ended up being admitted to the psychiatric ward for 2 weeks as I was a suicide risk.
This comes to show how unqualified fraudsters call themselves Holistic Coaches. She claims she was trained by her own coach of many years... after checking both of their credentials it turns out neither Eli Collis of Lavanta Hollistic Coaching and her "coach" have any official qualifications. Beware of this fraudster. She claims she has done this for a lifetime and she actually believes she in touch with some archangel energy s***.
I ended up completely alone, homeless, jobless and with a nervous breakdown because of Eli Collis. I recently saw her on the street and she was walking around with a homeless guy with no teeth who looked like an alcoholic... it turns out he is her partner of many years. Beware of the leech - she will destroy your life