It first started with Owner Wiz. Then we were referred over to LMT Pro Servies also Upware Marketing. There it was Tyler Black, Pattie Bowler, and Wayne. We never really could reach Pattie or Wayne. We always talked to Tyler.
We sent in $1500 first before they would help us. After that we started working with a realtor to get everything to them and for looking at homes. Before we could get our pre-approval letter we had to pay the remaining $1000. We found a house we liked and paid for a $285 inspection.
We never got the actual approval letter. They started dragging their feet. After all we did by sending everything they needed from us and sending in money they told us that they couldn't finance us and emailed us a sheet for us to fill out so we could get our money back. We faxed it in and never received a dime. If anybody hear of them starting a lawsuit please inform me.