Menlo Park,#2Consumer Suggestion
Sun, May 21, 2006
This IS a very nasty one. Using a reference to a legal lottery site. So people searching the internet might think it is a legal business. The legal lotteries are very aware of this. If you check the Catalunya site, there is an "Attencio! Loteries Fraudulentes" sign on it. There are similar warnings on other foreign lottery sites too. Btw even without Spanish language knowledge, it should be clear in a minute, that the Catalunya lottery site - as every lottery site - shows winning NUMBERS, and not winning e-mail addresses, the scammers refer. What to do, if you get ANY postcard, mail, e-mail, phone calls about winning ANY lottery? Throw out, delete, hang up. There is NO way it is legal. Not even if you DO play foreign lottery. Why? To play legal lottery anywhere around the world, ALWAYS requires buying tickets in lottery offices or if playing on-line, registering, then paying for on-line tickets. There is NO way anybody plays without knowing about it. About notification of winners of foreign lotteries. Similar way, as in the US, nobody sends e-mail, postcard, letters to the winners. The winner itself has to notify the proper lottery office, comission, require an EMPTY claim form, fill out the claim form, and send back. ALWAYS free. IF somebody buys foreign lottery ticket during a trip aboard, on the ticket there is always info, how to claim a prize. If somebody plays on-line, at the registration there is again info how to claim a prize. (Disclaimer: I mentioned the details of foreign lottery only to show how HUGE difference is between legal and scam lotteries, and not to advertise them. I have just learned, that US citizens are not allowed to play foreign lotteries. Hm. It must be a very old law.) Sweepstakes have different rules. BUT something the same - WINNER NEVER EVER HAS TO PAY.