Calumet Park,#2Author of original report
Sat, May 26, 2007
Companies should not be allowed to made rude nasty phone calls to people regardless of whether someone owes money or not. If I say that I don't have time to take a message end of conversation. Hang up your little phone and go on to another call. End of conversation. End of rebuttal.
Just Me
Somewhere,#3Consumer Comment
Fri, May 25, 2007
I think certain states have certain privacy acts. Some can tell you little or nothing, some can tell you just about everything except the account number. I would be more upset with the person who took the loan out. They gave out your number. And they are probably still calling, obviously, because the person has not paid them, and that is the # they have for them. I would keep calling too if I knew that person was there and wasn't paying me. As far as calling them bottom feeders just remember who went to them to take out the loan. They didn't come to your doorstep did they? No. it is NOT THE COMPANY'S FAULT, once again. It is the person who takes out the loan! People need to realize that, and if they are not going to pay, don't borrow. It's always easier to blame the company but the real blame should be on the person who borrowed it and is not paying it back. If someone borrowed money from you and didn't pay you back I'm sure you wouldn't like it. They are doing their job. Regardless of whether you don't like the business, it's something everyone should be used to by now, they have been around for a longtime and I don't think they are going anywhere.