  • Report:  #652299

Complaint Review: Northway House Meade Investments Aaron Gershfield - London Select State/Province

Reported By:
Northway House Tenant - London, Internet, United Kingdom

Northway House Meade Investments Aaron Gershfield
1379 High Road London, N20 9LP Select State/Province, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a tenant of Northway House, we got the following email. I must say, I knew things were bad, but not as bad as this make out. Having read the attachments, I'm posting a copy on here because frankly, we've paid so much money and it's sickening that it is not spent on providing us the serivces we pay for.
Greetings, dear tenants,

We hope you have rested well over the weekend before returning to the cold, harsh reality that is Northway House, and cold it will be.  Freezing cold and probably dark as well . . . with cold water and lukewarm pastries. 

Yes, problems abound at Meade Investments.  Trailers sit idle, the labs are desolate, and the building is literally crumbling to the ground with staff defecting from the nearest exits.  The dozen or so who remain have been given their marching orders and its only a
matter of time before tenants are the only ones left. Have you noticed how theres already nobody left to clean and maintain this crumbling mess? Yes, all gone.   

Also, did you know that the banks are about to call in the loans on this shockingly maintained building?  Oh, yes. And when that happens, that health risk of a coffee shop will finally close down for good (if it hasnt already from last months dire inspection) and the creditors will seize all the fixtures and fittings in lieu of the substantial debts owed to them. We wouldnt want to be in your offices when the heavy mob comes.  It even looks as though current Meade frontman Ed Tracey has seen the light and is about to bail. This could explain why exiled Meade leader Aaron Gershfield has been spotted at Northway House over recent weeks. So, its business as usual at Meade with various comings and goings.

But back to you poor tenants.  Just how much are this rag tag bunch of crooks still charging you for their ridiculously overpriced serviced offices? And have you ever wondered why there are no, urm, how should we put this, services provided? Just why IS the
building such a shambles?  Where DOES your rental income go?  New and interesting revelations that have only recently come to light about Aaron and Meades illustrious past (City & Westminster, Heathmill, Cash Today, The Harris Holdings, etc) could help you
answer these and other questions.  Its certainly not lack of money that has left you paying for cold, damp, dark offices, with draughts flooding in as the temperatures drop, no heating, hot water or working toilets, and multiple power failures, because millions of pounds have been made and transferred to (not so) secret bank accounts abroad, safe (or so Aaron thinks) from the taxman and creditors.

In fact, if you want to know just where your money is going, you can find all the details here:


At a glance, it looks as though between 2005 and 2007, deposits totalling $114,253,774,09 were paid into various Gershfield  controlled bank accounts (though the money was quickly taken out leaving only a modest balance of $1,230,989,54). But thats just a partial picture. We estimate the total amount pilfered from American bank accounts to be in excess of $200m, tax free, diverted to the Harris Holdings in Guernsey and then concealed (not very
well) in various accounts worldwide! So just how do you make over 100 tax free? Hire a good lawyer, thats how. Fascinating revelations in the letter attached to this post . . . simply a must read! We are on to you, Mr. Gray!


And what happened to all that money?  It was wasted on childish, amateur, and wholly irresponsible business failures ranging from the dismal film Three & Out (laughable for all the wrong reasons) to fanciful mobile eye, car, and healthcare testing companies as
well as others. Do be sure to ask Aaron for a full list of failed ventures when you see him, though you can find some of the answers here:


So the next time youre told by the fashionably undressed Loretta that theres no money for upgrading the pitiful infrastructure, or for buying toilet roll or soap, just remember, theres not even any money to pay the gas and electricity bills! Welcome, dear tenants, to the cold, harsh, Northway House winter of discontent.  A word to the wise, get out while you still can! The staff have.

And thats all for now. But do keep your eyes and ears peeled. You will soon be able to read all about the exploits of Aaron and his cohorts on the front pages. By the way, you really shouldnt go out in public Aaron . . . the reporters are lying in wait and you never know when they will pounce! 

And finally, a word to Ms. Kleyman, go ahead, have Costas trace this email . . . youll be chasing a ghost!

The Ghost of Northway House.

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