This company stated will help you get out of payday loan debt once and for all. You must have more than 2 loans to qualify. They tell you to send money thru your bank to them first and give them your account info so that they can block companies from getting your money. This will go on for 90 days and it totally destroys your credit but they tell you that can't happen. The bank told us that if you suspend any ACH transfer that you have legally entered into a contract with (hence payday loan) you will be dropped as a member for fraudulent activity. Payday center says this is false info. Why would your bank lie to you then. They dont tell you that they are not a debt relief agency. They only take your money to tell you what you already know; that the company is legal. Our payment was 162.00 bi-weekly (sounds like a payday loan to me) but when we found this info out from bank we cancelled ther services and were then told Monies are non-refundable which was not disclosed in signing up. They try to discredit comments from other companies and tell you you don't have to pay and when the collectors start calling your job and family embarassing you, you are supposed to tell those people to give them a number to call which the collectors say "No" we don't do that. So now you are in a worse situation and ruining your credit as well for a few dollars. Out of the 324.00 a month they take from you they will tell you that 38.00 goes to their fee but won't tell you where the rest of your money goes except that again it is non-refundable. They are worse than any payday loan company. At least the payday loan company will help you out of a situation and disclose up front how much it costs but these guys try to speed talk you into signing with them with the promise of a good outcome, take your money and do nothing. They have the Balls to say Payday loans are rip offs.. Wonder how many people they are gonna rip off before something gets done. At the end of your 90 day validation period; they have collected a thousand or more dollars from you and then you are told you have to now pay off all your loans at once that are now in default but what they don't tell you is that if you get in a financial situation that you can "Never get a Payday loan again".......Don't trust them at all.