My husband and I received a priority mail envelope in on 8-24-13.. Inside was a letter, which was actually a copy of a printed out email, and a cashiers check in the amount of $1680.00. The letter instructed us to cash the check at our bank, keep $200.00 to ourselves as compensation.for the training assessment. , and to transfer $1450.00 to a woman names Linda Brooks in Mantilla, Philippines, using the remakig $30.00 to cover transfer fees at a Western Union. We were immediately. suspicious. and googled the name Dennis Garner along with the phrase "cashiers check scams". This site. popped up with a couple of reports with the same name and same amounts. Thankfully. we did not cash the check. If you get something like this in the mail then not cash this check. You will be held accountable. for the amount when the check bounces. If you did fall victim to this persons horrible scam then please do.not feel guilty or. even "stupid". These scanners.are extremely tricky and very convincing. Always contact. your local authorities. and the banking institution. that these people try to these checks as coming from.