  • Report:  #182233

Complaint Review: Raynehart Ragdoll Cattery - Jasper Texas

Reported By:
- Conowingo, Maryland,

Raynehart Ragdoll Cattery
http://www.raynehartragdollcattery.com/ Jasper, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had put a deposit of 200 down on a kitten in late June and then another 200 in July with Brenda hart Raynehart a ragdoll cattery in Texas, deposit was 400 dollars for a mink breeder quality ragdoll. Brenda seemed nice and pleasant to talk with I figured all would turn out in dealing with her.

Brenda had a severe hurricane in mid/late September and she said my kitten died. she said that she would be glad to return my deposits. She said that she was living in a hotel but would get it to me as soon as possible. I said if it would take me very long to get my 400 dollars and if she had some minks then I may purchase one but this was not definite, since I had been having my own problems. I did not have any proof of the kitten dying. I trusted her so I believed her. I know she had many cats to place very fast because her home was damaged so I really don't know.

Over the months I assumed she was busy with getting her home back to normal as I waited for either a cat or my money. I had developed problems with my lungs including infections and allergy. that have gotten worse. I had made a decision not to get another cat by 100% and since my original cat was said to have died it it would be best to receive my deposit back, plus my cost would be 2000 if Brenda had a cat for me. I have to add on more rooms to my home to spread my cats out so that I can continue to raise ragdolls. I had two that needed to be separated and I would not be able to spend 2000 dollars when I need to cut down on breeders due to my lung problems.

I emailed her on January 25th and explained what was going on and that I would need my money back. I had said for her to take her time but that I wanted my 400 back. I thought she would be ok with this because she already offered. I was kind and friendly I was not rude at all and I told her she could make installments to me until I received my 400 back.

This breeder will not even email me back at all, the last we spoke was January 2 when I was still buying a cat. I understood that she may be having her home fixed but I have seen her several times on the net and she read my mails and just ignored them. this to me is rude and not right to treat costumers this way when they have taken a large deposit.

I have no idea if she is even offering me a cat, that is the worst part. It looks like she is taking my deposit and offering me nothing. She ignored 3 or 4 emails. I had sent them weeks apart giving her time to respond. She has responded to other buyers so I know she is avoiding me.

It has been almost 7 months since her disaster. I don't see any excuses not to send one email to let me know if my deposit will be sent back. I have my own problems too, this is not just about her problems.

If it were 100 dollars I would let it go but I am out 400 and have no breeder mink from her because she is not offering anything. I had also seen another case of her taking a deposit, way before her hurricane and offered no cat to the buyer. I found the slander back in June a week before I sent my deposit. I overlooked the slander because I know sometimes costumers can be liars breeders can and will go through some problems like this. This was a BIG mistake. But now I know that there must be someone wrong here. This is a rip-off no matter how anyone sees it. I do not treat my costumers this way so I will not deal with breeders who do it.

I have bred cats since 2001 and I always treat my costumers with respect. I get back to every email within 2 days or I have someone respond for me if I am extremely busily. In my opinion we are here because of our buyers. we try our best to raise healthy kittens and make costumers proud. If we ignore them what do we have? NOTHING


Conowingo, Maryland

21 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Don't Breed Variants of Ragdolls


Fri, August 28, 2009



New York,
Joshua doesn't know what he is talking about

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 23, 2007

Joshua, You have no firsthand knowledge of Ann Baker or her Breeding or Registraion practices. The Solids and Minks she registered in her own Cat Association were nothing more then stray domestic cats registered by her as Ragdolls.It was a money making ploy and stategy of her own creation. All the Mink and Solid Ragdoll Breeders currently are following in her very own Footsteps with the continuation of her falsehoods about these solids and minks being traceable back to the foundation cats of the Ragdoll Breed. The RagaMuffin Breed is here to stay and we certainly don't have to compete with the Ragdoll Breeders in order to do that. We Breed to our Standard while Solid and Mink Ragdoll Breeders and their cats are not inclusive of any Breed Standard. People are breeding Mink Ragdolls for an assured false rarity because they can be "produced" for a high dollar and nothing more. They exist but are not even in the Ragdoll Standard and very few Ragdoll Breeders want them. Most reputable and true Ragdoll Breeders would consider them "culls" of a Breeding program and give them away as pets. Curt


Minks are RAGDOLLS

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 21, 2007

First of all Poor Ann is deceased and cannot speak. I really don't think you or your group of Miracle ragdolls got along with her. The Ragamuffin was ragdoll when it all started, maybe not today because there are different lines but the fact is that your breed started from the Ragdoll whether one likes it or not!! Baker did all the colors not just pointed but she did prefer the pointed. She did solid and minks. Your ragamuffins were crossed to other breeds to make them look different but the breeds used are also the same foundation as what was used for ragdoll just different cats same type. I feel in my opinion Muffin breeders fear that if these colors come into the ragdoll then the sales for muffin breeders will be low. I feel these should most definitely be outcrosable to Ragdolls.


New York,

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 20, 2007

Seems like $2000.00 is alot to invest in a Breeder cat to produce more Mink Ragdolls as Pets that are sold for less. I suspect more are being sold as Breeders and if you produce 4 in one year you have tripled your investment.The fact that they are advertised and touted as rare is also a flag to everyone.I repeat these cats are not being bred to the Ragdoll Breed Standards and those Mink Ragdoll Breeders are gouging the public and their fellow Ragdoll Breeders alike. Curt Liebling Cats


Mink colors

#6Author of original report

Thu, April 19, 2007

I charge according to how many of the color I produce and when you only produce 4 minks a year you have to go a bit higher. I don't know what others do but most charge the same thing as it would be unfair not to. I do agree that mink came from the Ragamuffin lines but I breed minks because I like them and I was told by many breeders that they were in Ann bakers beginning colors when she started the Ragdoll which I also read. I also know that others wanted to continue this color so the cats were registered as Ragamuffin. Ann used many cats to get the Ragdoll so I guess Ragdolls are not pure either. These cats have the same temperament same body type and many ragdoll traits they are so close in relation that I feel In my opinion out crossing these is better then using Birman to get flames and lilacs. Isn't that the same or worse? I do own flame and tortie so I am not against any breeder who wants to do this. Many ragdolls are inbreed severely so finding a breed that is closely related but not on the pedigree I think can help the gene pool. This is not a money making tool for me and I don't think most mink breeders are rubbing there hands together to make a load of money off minks. I have thought many times that I would just purchase a pair of ragamuffins and never breed them to my Ragdolls just because I like this breed also. I have tried to bred to the ragdoll standard as to eye color and type with my minks. I am working towards producing bluer eyed minks and not so much with the green and body type and so on. I have seen some pure ragdolls with green blue eyes and that Is also not breeding for the standard. Even though Brenda and I had a problem its wrong to pass this kind of judgment on her and many mink breeders as my self. This report was about her and I having a problem and I wish I would have never even came to this site. I should have contacted an attorney. Im sorry you feel that perhaps I and many other mink breeders are out for a buck I know its not what I do. Take care!


New York,
Ragdoll Breeder Pricing Greed

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 19, 2007

To All Mink Ragdoll Breeders: I feel a major problem here is the fact that many Ragdoll Breeders have experiended lack luster sales and some needed to create a rarity with the introduction of a "New Color" to justify a higher price for their kittens. I feel all the Mink Breeders are in competition to only make a buck! I will remind all Mink Ragdoll Breeders that they are not even breeding towards the Breeds (Ragdoll) written Standard. I feel they are in it for the money ONLY and are trying to justify the price for a color that is not to a Breed Standard. These Mink Colored Ragdolls are "VARIANTS". The fact is ALL Mink Ragdolls are Bred from the RagaMuffin Breed. No matter how many times you bred them to a Ragdoll. They are not "pure" Curt


St Pete,
I worked for Mrs Kerns and own a ragdoll from her.

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 18, 2007

My name is Nancy. We know there was a hurricane in Texas I honestly would have not came here to report what happened and look like the bad guy but from what I read the story that Heather told seemed on the level. Why would someone make out a report if they were lying after a woman had a hurricane that would be very mean. I feel that If Emails were being read from Brenda's email account then there should have been correspondence and she should have not waited until Heather felt she was being taken advantage of, by then it was to late for Brenda because Heather's several emails were avoided. Brenda brought this on her self as I see it. Heather waited patiently for several months from June to Sept then she had a kitten for Heather then the hurricane hit and the kitten died from what Brenda told her. Heather did agree to wait she did not ask for any money back until Brenda started avoiding Heather's emails that were being read. Heather was nice enough to even offer Brenda a mink for trade to help her out during the hurricane that mail was also read and avoided. Brenda claimed she had no electric but the emails were read and there were kittens being born after Brenda told heather she had none a few months after the hurricane. Claims her son found mom giving birth. sounds fishy. Brenda told Heather her mom read the emails and that the computer was hooked up over her home but that does not make it better it sounds like an excuse to get out of not responding. Im not saying im 100% sure but it looks that way. If her mom was reading the emails then she should have helped her daughter by emailing heather back to clear the problem up and this would have never happend. It is also a person right to change there minds about purchasing especially if they are sick with lung problems and its there right to make a choice to continue breeding. I am not taking sides but I have a cat from Mrs. kerns and I helped her out a few times with pet sitting when she was away. I have known her for over a year She does not seem like a mean person at all and I was even given a large discount because my kittens mom laid on her and I waited for another kitten. that is how nice she was to me. I don't know the lady from raynehart but I do know the one from Castletopdolls so I am here to let it be known what I had experienced with her as a breeder. Although I think this all shows a nasty side to Heather from people who don't know her. I do know her and I know it very well looked like she was being taken advantage of. The kittens being born and the read emails is why I think this and the lady that was helping Brenda I find it odd that Brenda would not tell her to call Heather or email her if she felt she was being ripped off. Brenda was still placing cats durring this time and suposdely getting so much help. If someone did take advantage of Brenda by keeping thousands of dollars on cats she placed for her (Brenda) then how is it that Brenda claims on here that everyone was treaing her kind and giving care packages? sounds like Brenda story has two sides. If you have time to open an email you have time to respond plain and simple.


St Pete,
I worked for Mrs Kerns and own a ragdoll from her.

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 18, 2007

My name is Nancy. We know there was a hurricane in Texas I honestly would have not came here to report what happened and look like the bad guy but from what I read the story that Heather told seemed on the level. Why would someone make out a report if they were lying after a woman had a hurricane that would be very mean. I feel that If Emails were being read from Brenda's email account then there should have been correspondence and she should have not waited until Heather felt she was being taken advantage of, by then it was to late for Brenda because Heather's several emails were avoided. Brenda brought this on her self as I see it. Heather waited patiently for several months from June to Sept then she had a kitten for Heather then the hurricane hit and the kitten died from what Brenda told her. Heather did agree to wait she did not ask for any money back until Brenda started avoiding Heather's emails that were being read. Heather was nice enough to even offer Brenda a mink for trade to help her out during the hurricane that mail was also read and avoided. Brenda claimed she had no electric but the emails were read and there were kittens being born after Brenda told heather she had none a few months after the hurricane. Claims her son found mom giving birth. sounds fishy. Brenda told Heather her mom read the emails and that the computer was hooked up over her home but that does not make it better it sounds like an excuse to get out of not responding. Im not saying im 100% sure but it looks that way. If her mom was reading the emails then she should have helped her daughter by emailing heather back to clear the problem up and this would have never happend. It is also a person right to change there minds about purchasing especially if they are sick with lung problems and its there right to make a choice to continue breeding. I am not taking sides but I have a cat from Mrs. kerns and I helped her out a few times with pet sitting when she was away. I have known her for over a year She does not seem like a mean person at all and I was even given a large discount because my kittens mom laid on her and I waited for another kitten. that is how nice she was to me. I don't know the lady from raynehart but I do know the one from Castletopdolls so I am here to let it be known what I had experienced with her as a breeder. Although I think this all shows a nasty side to Heather from people who don't know her. I do know her and I know it very well looked like she was being taken advantage of. The kittens being born and the read emails is why I think this and the lady that was helping Brenda I find it odd that Brenda would not tell her to call Heather or email her if she felt she was being ripped off. Brenda was still placing cats durring this time and suposdely getting so much help. If someone did take advantage of Brenda by keeping thousands of dollars on cats she placed for her (Brenda) then how is it that Brenda claims on here that everyone was treaing her kind and giving care packages? sounds like Brenda story has two sides. If you have time to open an email you have time to respond plain and simple.


St Pete,
I worked for Mrs Kerns and own a ragdoll from her.

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 18, 2007

My name is Nancy. We know there was a hurricane in Texas I honestly would have not came here to report what happened and look like the bad guy but from what I read the story that Heather told seemed on the level. Why would someone make out a report if they were lying after a woman had a hurricane that would be very mean. I feel that If Emails were being read from Brenda's email account then there should have been correspondence and she should have not waited until Heather felt she was being taken advantage of, by then it was to late for Brenda because Heather's several emails were avoided. Brenda brought this on her self as I see it. Heather waited patiently for several months from June to Sept then she had a kitten for Heather then the hurricane hit and the kitten died from what Brenda told her. Heather did agree to wait she did not ask for any money back until Brenda started avoiding Heather's emails that were being read. Heather was nice enough to even offer Brenda a mink for trade to help her out during the hurricane that mail was also read and avoided. Brenda claimed she had no electric but the emails were read and there were kittens being born after Brenda told heather she had none a few months after the hurricane. Claims her son found mom giving birth. sounds fishy. Brenda told Heather her mom read the emails and that the computer was hooked up over her home but that does not make it better it sounds like an excuse to get out of not responding. Im not saying im 100% sure but it looks that way. If her mom was reading the emails then she should have helped her daughter by emailing heather back to clear the problem up and this would have never happend. It is also a person right to change there minds about purchasing especially if they are sick with lung problems and its there right to make a choice to continue breeding. I am not taking sides but I have a cat from Mrs. kerns and I helped her out a few times with pet sitting when she was away. I have known her for over a year She does not seem like a mean person at all and I was even given a large discount because my kittens mom laid on her and I waited for another kitten. that is how nice she was to me. I don't know the lady from raynehart but I do know the one from Castletopdolls so I am here to let it be known what I had experienced with her as a breeder. Although I think this all shows a nasty side to Heather from people who don't know her. I do know her and I know it very well looked like she was being taken advantage of. The kittens being born and the read emails is why I think this and the lady that was helping Brenda I find it odd that Brenda would not tell her to call Heather or email her if she felt she was being ripped off. Brenda was still placing cats durring this time and suposdely getting so much help. If someone did take advantage of Brenda by keeping thousands of dollars on cats she placed for her (Brenda) then how is it that Brenda claims on here that everyone was treaing her kind and giving care packages? sounds like Brenda story has two sides. If you have time to open an email you have time to respond plain and simple.


St Pete,
I worked for Mrs Kerns and own a ragdoll from her.

#11UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 18, 2007

My name is Nancy. We know there was a hurricane in Texas I honestly would have not came here to report what happened and look like the bad guy but from what I read the story that Heather told seemed on the level. Why would someone make out a report if they were lying after a woman had a hurricane that would be very mean. I feel that If Emails were being read from Brenda's email account then there should have been correspondence and she should have not waited until Heather felt she was being taken advantage of, by then it was to late for Brenda because Heather's several emails were avoided. Brenda brought this on her self as I see it. Heather waited patiently for several months from June to Sept then she had a kitten for Heather then the hurricane hit and the kitten died from what Brenda told her. Heather did agree to wait she did not ask for any money back until Brenda started avoiding Heather's emails that were being read. Heather was nice enough to even offer Brenda a mink for trade to help her out during the hurricane that mail was also read and avoided. Brenda claimed she had no electric but the emails were read and there were kittens being born after Brenda told heather she had none a few months after the hurricane. Claims her son found mom giving birth. sounds fishy. Brenda told Heather her mom read the emails and that the computer was hooked up over her home but that does not make it better it sounds like an excuse to get out of not responding. Im not saying im 100% sure but it looks that way. If her mom was reading the emails then she should have helped her daughter by emailing heather back to clear the problem up and this would have never happend. It is also a person right to change there minds about purchasing especially if they are sick with lung problems and its there right to make a choice to continue breeding. I am not taking sides but I have a cat from Mrs. kerns and I helped her out a few times with pet sitting when she was away. I have known her for over a year She does not seem like a mean person at all and I was even given a large discount because my kittens mom laid on her and I waited for another kitten. that is how nice she was to me. I don't know the lady from raynehart but I do know the one from Castletopdolls so I am here to let it be known what I had experienced with her as a breeder. Although I think this all shows a nasty side to Heather from people who don't know her. I do know her and I know it very well looked like she was being taken advantage of. The kittens being born and the read emails is why I think this and the lady that was helping Brenda I find it odd that Brenda would not tell her to call Heather or email her if she felt she was being ripped off. Brenda was still placing cats durring this time and suposdely getting so much help. If someone did take advantage of Brenda by keeping thousands of dollars on cats she placed for her (Brenda) then how is it that Brenda claims on here that everyone was treaing her kind and giving care packages? sounds like Brenda story has two sides. If you have time to open an email you have time to respond plain and simple.


Another thing

#12Author of original report

Wed, April 18, 2007

Another thing here this woman NEVER EVER called my home once and never emailed me what so ever until I was starting to worry. And its none of your buiness how many cats I breed or have. I have well kept healthy clean cats unlike some breeders who alow theres to live in crap and never clean it to even breath anything in! By the grace of God I am fine now and I will continue to breed Ragdolls for many years to come. if you are another ragdoll breeder I would sugest you get back to work!


Slander going around from an unknown fool

#13Author of original report

Wed, April 18, 2007

I would like to know who you are or can't you tell me? Why are you hiding? You have nothing to do with this or do you? strangely I think you are Brenda of raynehart coming on here because you are mad at yourself. Anyway. I told what happened and how I was ignored and then I was emailed the moment I got angry Very odd! I am done with all this and have been. I am sorry we both had a disagreement but its over I hope she is ok and her life is better. If she reads this I sincerly wish her well! For one thing a woman named Peggy was helping Brenda do all her web work which apparently you don't know and later on Brenda claimed that a woman that was doing her website work ripped her off and cheated her out of 4,000 dollars by taking several cats to sell for her. That calls for a law suilt (not this case. I have recieved my deposit back) You need to gain info before you shoot your mouth off. I have the Email that Brenda sent me about the ripp off. If that is true its very cruel but I have my doubts. Like I said this had nothing to do with the hurricane. I heard from another buyer and one recently that Brenda was into taking deposits and giving no cat. if its true I don't know but I did hear it. I will not post again this is getting ridicules. Another thing about minks being fake, that is true these cats are from ragamuffin lines some but not all can be traced back to old ragdoll lines. I have some mink lines that I am crossing with my ragdolls I see no problem with it as they are Ragdolls once the line is pure from the breeding. If you read about it you will see.


New York,
Heather, you should be ashamed of yourself!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, April 16, 2007

I find it amazing how your only area of concern during such a natural disaster is YOURSELF. Admittedly you changed your mind so many times during the purchase of your kitten. Couple your indecisiveness with the breeder's temporary inability to respond to emails and telephone calls, and you have some nerve slandering this woman. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps she could not update her website correctly due to the fact that she was HOMELESS Or that perhaps telephone service is not available while living in a TENT SHELTER? You must be really proud to successfully get your $400 back after your horrible display of behavior. I hope the breeder takes you to court and sues you for every cent you're worth after your attempts to discredit her breeding program and herself as an individual. And furthermore, a person with "lung problems" as severe as you claim should not be having cats at all, let alone adding to one's cat collection and breeding them.


New York,
Mink Ragdoll Breeder are ripping everyone off

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 15, 2007

I personally know Mink Ragdoll Breeders are ripping all their consumers off by telling everyone they are traceable back to original Ragdoll Lines. This is a big fraud and they are all traceable back to another Breed of cats called RagaMuffins. I am the Owner of the male stud RagaMuffin. These Breeders are charging huge amounts of money for cats that are not even a part of the Ragdoll Breed standards and are totally giving the cat buying public false imformation regarding the heritage of Mink Colored Ragdolls. Curt Liebling Cats


New York,
Mink Ragdoll Breeder are ripping everyone off

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 15, 2007

I personally know Mink Ragdoll Breeders are ripping all their consumers off by telling everyone they are traceable back to original Ragdoll Lines. This is a big fraud and they are all traceable back to another Breed of cats called RagaMuffins. I am the Owner of the male stud RagaMuffin. These Breeders are charging huge amounts of money for cats that are not even a part of the Ragdoll Breed standards and are totally giving the cat buying public false imformation regarding the heritage of Mink Colored Ragdolls. Curt Liebling Cats


New York,
Mink Ragdoll Breeder are ripping everyone off

#17Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 15, 2007

I personally know Mink Ragdoll Breeders are ripping all their consumers off by telling everyone they are traceable back to original Ragdoll Lines. This is a big fraud and they are all traceable back to another Breed of cats called RagaMuffins. I am the Owner of the male stud RagaMuffin. These Breeders are charging huge amounts of money for cats that are not even a part of the Ragdoll Breed standards and are totally giving the cat buying public false imformation regarding the heritage of Mink Colored Ragdolls. Curt Liebling Cats


New York,
Mink Ragdoll Breeder are ripping everyone off

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 15, 2007

I personally know Mink Ragdoll Breeders are ripping all their consumers off by telling everyone they are traceable back to original Ragdoll Lines. This is a big fraud and they are all traceable back to another Breed of cats called RagaMuffins. I am the Owner of the male stud RagaMuffin. These Breeders are charging huge amounts of money for cats that are not even a part of the Ragdoll Breed standards and are totally giving the cat buying public false imformation regarding the heritage of Mink Colored Ragdolls. Curt Liebling Cats



#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 06, 2007

I reported Brenda of Raynehart Ragdolls because she has lied to me in the process of the sale for a cat. It has nothing to do with her disater or her suffering, it has to do with her as a person. Here is the most inportant part of this report Brenda Hart is also doing the same thing to someone else and I have proof. I spoke to one of her customers and had been talking with her for several months. This person has a large deposit down and Brenda will not offer a cat. No breeder should take a large sum of money and just keep it for over a year. (Her hurricane was in 2005) There no excuse to do this to a new person!! However when she had her disaster in Sep/October I was in no way slandering her or rushing any sale during that time. It was months later. I had questions as to why my kitten was said to be resold and why she lied to me. she said that when she had a first litter she would gladly return my deposit of 400 dollars but then lied about not having any kittens born when the time came. All my emails were opened up for months and never replied to. She was corresponding with other sales people months after the hurricane but was avoiding me. If she was honest and just told me that there was no way she could return my deposit I would have understood this and let her keep it as long as she needed it. I am not a mean person I was treated unfair. This was never about the disaster and me having hate in my heart as she claimed I had. It was about LIES and avoidance of several emails. She claims she had no electric but read every single email. As I stated before I had severe lung problems that are under control now at this time. I was going through my own hell as Brenda was going through her hell. I was about to close my cattery or at least keep less cats. We all have problems and its sinful to use it to try and bring guilt on someone. I never expected Brenda to take care of any sale prior to helping her own family. I have every email I sent her and the one I sent to a large ragdoll chat board saying how NICE Brenda was and what she went through was a tragedy before she started acting odd. I was wrong this woman was not nice to me at all maybe she is nice to breeders that deal with her but not me. I told her to wait until she was back on her feet to give me my deposit back or I would buy a cat later. I did feel leery of her after I heard slander that she kept money on a ragdoll board. I felt uncomfortable about who I was dealing with, plus I was going through my own set of problems. I never wrote back to rip off report to smooth anything over. Brenda gave me my deposit back I was updating that she did the right thing. It was nobodies fault she had a hurricane. I will not be a part of this guilt trip. I spoke to someone on this website and asked them to remove all this because I did not want trouble. They will not remove it. After her hurricane I did decide to wait until she had more litters but my already lung problems became worse. I figured with all this and me feeling leery about my prior kitten was a wake up call that maybe I should RUN and not deal with her. Boy was I right Brenda Hart claims I can't proof anything well she just out her foot in her own mouth. Like I said I can prove she is doing it again to another buyer. Brenda should have never stirred this back up because I will ask this person come forward and post on this website as well what she is going through. She claims she had so much help but yet had nobody to return my emails. I know she was under stress but she still ran a business and still was reading emails. I have AOL and seen every email read for months strait. In these emails I was kind to her and even asked to exchange kittens so that she would NOT have to return my 400 dollars later on. I was about to allow her to keep the money as I recall now because I thought she seemed nice on prior emails. This woman is the one who is cruel and telling only what she wants this site to see and others who read it. She only has one leg to stand on THE HURRICANE. Brenda responded the minute I got angry on my last email to her. Very odd. She does not know me beyond the Internet. I am a nice person but am tired of lies and gossip that I have been hearing since I started breeding. I am an ethnical breeder I play fair with my customers and don't try to rip them off. I feel now she is slandering my name and I will not have that. I also am finished with this game and will not respond back. I will not hesitate to seek an attorney.


Slanderous report by Heather

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 04, 2007

Heather ((REDACTED NAMES)) contacted me to purchase a mink breeder kitten in 2005. She paid a $400 deposit toward the kitten. I allowed her to pay the deposit in installments, not paying the final payment until after the kitten was born. The kitten would be ready for release in October. Heather and I had friendly communication during this time. In September 2005, our home was totally destroyed by Hurricane Rita. We live in Jasper, Texas which was directly in the path of the Hurricane. This was the most devasting thing that had ever happened to us. We have 6 children and we were suddenly without a home. My children lost all their clothes and belongings. Our cattery suffered. We lost several kittens, one of which was the kitten that was reserved for Heather Kerns. We contacted our customers as soon as it was reasonably possible under the circumstances. All of our customers were completely understanding except Heather Kerns. Immediately after the Hurricane our family was living in a tent in the yard along with many other homeless families in our area. Our town had no electricity or running water for weeks. I'm writing this because of the slanderous remarks that Heather Kerns has been spreading all over the internet. It's amazing to us (and many others) how she could be so cold hearted. While other catteries and friends were sending us care packages of food and supplies because there was no gas to leave the town, Heather was worried about her deposit. As soon as I had electricity I found several emails from Heather Kerns. She was already getting upset because I had not responded to her emails. When we talked in January 06 she told me she didn't want her deposit back for the kitten, she wanted to wait for another kitten. I explained to her that my ragdolls had been through a big stress and I didn't know when we would have more kittens. She decided to wait. We were displacd out of our home for 11 months. We finally got into a home again in July 06. During the first few months of 2006. Heather emailed several times changing her mind about wanting a kitten OR wanting the deposit back. I always agreed that I would refund the deposit if that's what she wanted. I was always very kind and honest with her. In April, while our last agreement was to wait for a future mink kitten, I started getting hateful emails from Heather Kerns. She was ugly and used bad lanquage. She called me hateful and ungodly among other things. She acted very strange like she didn't remember our agreement. I still agreed to return her deposit if that's what she had decied on. She threatened me and blocked her email and wouldn't return my phone calls so I couldn't contact her in any way. I sent her deposit back as soon as I knew that's what she wanted. She had changed her mind so many times. After I refunded the deposit, I started finding slanderous comments and reports on various sites throughout the internet. Heather Kerns must have a lot of time on her hands to spend her days bad mouthing people that she doesn't even know. She posted things about me personally and about my cattery. Everything that Heather Kerns said is completely untrue. We have a small cattery and have never had any problems with anyone other than her. She posted a lot of lies about me and my cattery on this website and then posted an update and tried to smooth it over a little. The fact is that Heather Kerns has been very dishonest regarding this matter. I was always willing to do whatever she wanted to close our agreement. She started accusing me of outrageous things and being a "rip off". She has no right to say these things. I returned her deposit like I told her I would. The bottom line is that Heather had absolutely no consideration for the catasthophe that we went through. She accused us of using the Hurricane as an excuse. That is so unbelievable. We were without a home. We lived in a one room hotel room with 6 children for months. Many families in our area have still not recovered from that terrible storm. She has no idea what she's talking about unless she goes through it herself. Heather Kerns is accusing me but she did not follow the agreement that we had. I did exactly what we had agreed on. I was planning on giving her first choice of an upcoming litter until she changed her mind again and wanted her depsoit back. She expected me to put our business transaction above everything else, including my family and my children's welfare. All of the other customers that had deposits for kittens were very unerstanding and it all worked out well with them. Some of our past customers and breeder friends even sent care packages and drove to Jasper to check on us. All at the same time Heather Kerns was calling me ungodly and unfair. We are tired of the slander that Heather has spread about us. We have been quiet and not commented on these things until now. She needs to report only things that she has proof of, or we could take futher action to resolve this matter. We have a reputable business and we do not deserve this unlawful and unethical treatment. We do not have hard feelings about this but we would like Heather to remove the slanderous reports that she has posted against us.


Deposit Refunded

#21Author of original report

Mon, June 12, 2006

I got a chance to resolve my problem with Brenda. She has returned my deposit. She had sent me long emails explaining her problems. This lady did have a severe hurricane and was under stress there is no doubt about this but I really wish she would have handled things different and not have avoided me for those months, reading my emails and then letting months pass with no response was wrong. This is what has made me come to this website. It was wrong of her not to respond and make me track her down. She claimed she was confused and thought that I wanted another cat, could be I am not sure. When we spoke recently some of her wording on email was very true and easy to understand, especially when she said she was under stress. If she is using this I feel this is not the point, the point is that it was a tragedy and I can understand her problems I will except this and that Brenda and me may have had a lack of communication during this time and I am giving her the benefit of the doubt. She handled this wrong I will say this but I am not going to hold this over her head. I had to email and fight for my deposit I feel this was wrong of her to make me do. She was not comunicating with me enough. Maybe next time she will be more up on providing emails to her costumers making them feel that she is not taking deposits and running. Many of companies were using there weather trauma against buyers, not just cat breeders but others. I'M not saying that she did but I do not know her. I feel this woman should have had someone email me if she could not do business at the time if she still wanted to run a smooth business it would have been different for me if she spoke with me. I have asked the owner of this site to remove this whole posting but they say they will never remove any of them. I did not know this when I signed up. I am not out to hurt Brenda or damage anyone. Even if I was or thought I was being ripped off I feel now that I should not have went public. I feel it is not right. but what's done is done. I was not happy at all with her service and the months I was avoided and wondering if she was ripping me off. Even if she had a trauma I should have been contacted by someone. If I felt ripped off I should have just contacted an attorney but in any case Im glad that this breeder did refund me, now I can end this and move on. There were some things that I could not believe in her emails recently but I will say to people who want to buy her cats give her the benefit of the doubt and don't hesitate to purchase, she does have an excuse to an extent and maybe this was a mix up like she claimed. I am the one who had this experience with her but that does not mean you will too. The truth is that people should be up on things more and get help with emails if they are extremely busy if you still run a cattery or business it is the normal thing to do or else people will think you are ripping them off and that should be reported.


Update: Raynehart Ragdolls

#22Author of original report

Thu, May 11, 2006

To all it concerns, I am updating my negative experience with the Raynehart cattery. I finally got Brenda to speak with me by email on March 26th She has told me that since her severe hurricane she has not be able to get one cat bred and that all her cats were in stress. I had slightly backed away with pursuing this and waited for an email at a later date. I believed her in a way. She told me that as soon as a cat breeds and conceives that she would gladly return my 400 deposit. She seemed to act on the positive side But I knew better. Yesterday I went to her website and saw that Brenda had a litter of kittens born on April 4th so She has lied to me about not having any cats bred or conceiving kittens. I really don't think she intends to return my deposit or even offer me a cat which I will not execept after all this time. It has been close to one year and she never keeps in touch with me like most breeders would with there costumers who have there money. I also overheard that the kitten I had on hold back in July of 05 was resold and did not die. I did see the kitten up for sale on her site after she told me it died during the hurricane. A friend of hers said it was a mistake and that the picture was not taken down. I would not do any business with this breeder she lies and takes deposits and continues to lie. I do not trust anything she has to say. I have not contacted a lawyer yet I feel that I should not have to fight this hard to get my money back but I will if I have to.

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