jersey city,#2Author of original report
Sat, July 01, 2006
As of this date July 01,2006 I never got my refund all money that was wired by Western Union is under the name of Richard Doyles. I tried to call them every single day 7 days a week but everytime I called the number the response is your Universal Account has been temporarily on hold please call customer service. How can I call them or fax my report if my number is block to them. It's been 2 months now that I want to do something with them but I don't know what to do? Please help me!!!!!!how can I contact them? I also checked the address but can't get the rigth one. THEY TOOK MY MONEY!!! Now tell me how? They promised that I will have my REFUND last June 19,2006 and Mr MICHAEL vICK gave me a money transfer number that I will have my money in my bank but never happend...