On March 6th my wife used my eBay account to look for shoes for a party we had planed for, and she found a pair on the sassnscooter eBay store which was recomended to her by a seller named Hubcapjoes after I bought a Hub cap from this guy in New Jersey so we thought the deal would go good unfortunetley it didn't.
We waited and waited for the shoes to be shipped and they never got shipped, we sent them many emails to their store and their website at YouTube and we also emailed them on eBay.com using eBay Messages like Hubcapjoes tells us to do. We got no answer from anyone and never to this day got our items. I think eBay is a scam and this seller appears to be a promotional marketing spinner for eBay if you look at her youtube channel. Hubcapjoes is a con man himself, he tells us to look up Sassy and then she rips us off on $126.96 of which we are demanding a refund on. My wife is pissed and will never order from eBay again.
For the heck of it, I did a lookup on this guy Hubcapjoes and it appears he's a real piece of work. If you google "Hubcapjoes Gang Stalking Sellers" you'll see many article about this guy. Sassy's Savings is actually KathyKeefe.com and I sent her an email there too but no reply on getting the refund.
I read a lot of bad situations happening when buying from eBay, I attempted to take a chance this time because I usually shop on Amazon in the home & garden category and have no issues with anything ever!. I'll go back to buying there I guess.