While surfing EBay for an outdoor camera, I made an offer for one with Seller but the offer was ignored. I made another offer but that too was ignored so I sent Seller a message through EBay. A woman named Manda responded and she offered me a price that included 100% satisfaction in the even of problems. From day one, I experienced probelms setting the camera up so I contacted the Seller through EBay. I was directed to a Skype address by Mandy, where we conversed for weeks to troubleshoot the issuee but without success. Then one day she stopped responding. I sent several communications to her and the Selller's Tech Suppot address on teh WSeb but I got no response.
This company ffailed to fulfill a conditioin of the purchase, which is 100% satisfaction and a 2 year warranty, which is standard and as advertised on their EBay site for these cameras. This is a breach of the purchase contract.
Seller fails to exercise the level of integrity that it claims to possess. It abandoned the needs of the consumer. It failed to fulfill it's business promises. This Seller is a fraud.
Don Not Buy Anything from thsi EBay Seller.