Mary Ciaramitaro of Slater quoted a price in writing not to exceed $20,000 for our March, 2013 move from Las Vegas to Pennsylvania including transport of our vehicles. They said not everything would fit on the truck, but we had to get everything out by that evening for the walk through. I had to threaten the President of the company, Roger Shenfeld that I would have our private security company prevent his truck from leaving the development if they did not take everything from the house. They took the remaining items from the house, but then had no room for the items they were to take from our storage unit.
We were repeatedly told the rest would follow soon on a second truck. When we arrived we were told our cost for "everything" did not include unpacking. That cost us $1,278 extra. Other unexpected additional fees brought the total paid to $23,180.56. Over the past two months we have called repeatedly every few days looking for the rest of our belongings. We were told they would arrive as soon as the next truck with room became available. After two months of complaints we unexpectedly received another bill for nearly $4,000.00 and were told that we are now also liable for local transport charges to their warehouse and for storage fees.
This company is engaged in the criminal activity of not honoring price quotes, conviscating your belongings and then extorting even more money based on how much they think you can afford to pay. We complained to Allied and found they are no longer affiliated with Allied, and the contact who promised to deliver our remaining belongings is no longer employed there. We have filed complaints with the Las Vegas Metro Police, the BBB and have disputed the charges with our credit card company. This company is engaged in criminal activity - pure and simple.