  • Report:  #1080527

Complaint Review: STIFORP - Anaheim Hills California

Reported By:
Mark - Los Angeles, California,

5753 G Santa Ana Cnyn Rd # 512 Anaheim Hills, 92807 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Basically This was my scenario. Stiforp sent out advertising stating that they would build an active downline for their or any other online opportunity. I went to the site gave them my name and email address and I was taken to a page with my name at the top of a list of people who joined the program that day. Right before my eyes my name started to drop down the page as people were signing up after me. Stiforp emmediately sent me an email stating that I could profit from this downline they were building for me and that I could make GOOD money WITHOUT having to directly sponsor anyone!

After about an hour there were several hundred people below me. Stiforp stated that I had better become a paid member as to profit from all these people who signed up after me. By now there were about 900 downline members many of them had already paid the $50 startup. Stiforp stated that if I became a paid member all of these people would be in my downline matrix. So I paid.

What Stiforp Didn't say was that not I nor Anyone could make 1 dime from any of this downline untill you get 3 people to signup for $50 Each and pay $10/mo. NO ONE makes Any money in STIFORP until you get get at least 3 other people to pay $50 with an additional $10/month charge! My matrix downline grew to many thousands and ther was a big fat "0" in my payments section. I never would have signed up If I had known it was a clear PYRAMID platform.

You can never make any money even after the $50 signup and paying $10/ per month until you SUCKER a minimum of 3 other people out of $50 + each!!! I believe in hindsite that STIFORP just sends auto-responder emails to everyone who leaves their name and email telling them of a tremendous downline and it is totally BOGUS. Needless to say There is NO refund policy at STIFORP. The initial $50 is divided as follows- Your sponsor gets $25 and the rest goes to Khazan in the Aneheim Hills. That's It

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael Lee 4 STAR Team Leader

Setting The Record Straight On STIFORP PROFITS!

#2General Comment

Mon, April 03, 2017

Hello everybody on here. My name is Michael Lee. I have been a STIFORP PROFITS Member for 5 and 1/2 years!! I have read many of your posts and I simply cannot believe all of the information that has been shared on here is TOTALLY inaccurate, untrue and OUTRIGHT False!! In the last 5 and 1/2 years I have made more money with STIFORP then I EVER imagined possible! Look me up on the STIFORP "Top Leaders Overall" and you will find me in position 29 out of the top 100 STIFORP members in the WORLD! That means that since I upgraded to "Paid" Member on August 15, 2011, 168615 PAID MEMBERS have joined since I did and I am the 29th ranked STIFORP member in the entire world! No brag, just fact! Why am I where I am with STIFORP you may ask? Because I work, work, work work STIFORP PROFITS 24/7. This a Home Based Business, not a "FREE Lunch". Nothing in life is FREE you people. In order to have a business, you have to "Build Your Business"!! STIFORP PROFITS Is NOT a "get rich quick scheme" PERIOD! When you become a STIFORP member you acquire over $5000.00 worth of Business Building Tools designed to take any home based business Iincluding STIFORP PROFITS to THE NEXT LEVEL all for $9.95 per month. That is LESS than .33 cents per day to CHANGE your Finacial future. When you Upgrade to Paid Member You are Guaranteed by STIFORP to receive a commission on the 1st 3 people underneath you in the Powerline and POTENTIALLY thousands more people underneath YOU in the STIFORP Matrix through "Spillover" and "Spill Under".These are FACTS!!! One more thing. In the last 5 1/2 years of being a STIFORP member I have been paid EVERY Wednesday for my previous weeks personal enrollments. STIFORP pays like clockwork!! What a joy!... Okay everybody...I have said my piece to set the record straight about STIFORP PROFITS. STIFORP has changed my life! It can for you too. In sales and marketing there are 2 old sayings. "The PROOF Is In The Puddin" and "Quitters NEVER Win" and "Winners" NEVER Quit"! If you are a Winner" like ME or would like to become one go To: http://michael54.stiforpmovie.com/?SOURCE=SCR Take the FREE Tour and find out for yourself. After all "seeing is beleiving". To Your Success EVERYBODY And God Bless! Sincerely, Michael Lee 4 STAR Team Leader

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