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SunCom Wireless Fraudulent billing & collections activities Charlotte North Carolina
I was a very happy AT&T wireless customer for over 8 years. Then Cingular bought AT&T wireless, except in North Carolina, where SunCom took over the operations. After months of shoddy service, horrible customer support, dropped service, lost voicemail & text messages, and significant damage to my business endured due to SunCom's poor transition of my account from AT&T, I was forced to move my mobile phone service to Cingular in late June.
I never signed a contract with SunCom. I paid every invoice from AT&T wireless in full and on time. I paid every bill due from SunCom until they dropped my service without warning and without recourse while I was in Detroit on business. No one in customer support could do anything except "blame the customer".
Recently I received an invoice from SunCom in the amount of $1,191.95! Despite repeated calls, no one at SunCom can explain these outrageous charges. SunCom representatives have told me they don't care whether I pay or not, as it's your credit rating. I'm told by one representative to Call AT&T Wireless. I'm told by another representative to Call Cingular. When I contact those companies they have no idea what I'm talking about.
Warning - do not do business with this company. Something very wrong is happening.
Meanwhile, I've learned that there are a number of lawyers bringing class-action lawsuits against SunCom on this. It's my problem and I'll deal with it. Just want to get the word out. Stay away from this company!