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Sunrise Financial or Law Group Bob Smitherson Vile Barely Human Being Sunrise Florida
If you as a consumer have any inclinations to retain Sunrise Law Group, more specifically Bob Smitherson at 484-201-8584, I would seriously encourage you to reconsider. There are very specific laws in regards to debt recovery, consolidation and collections. Bob Smitherson has no regard of any of these laws and frequently relishes in violating them. This places you, as the consumer trying desperately to resolve your debt issues, in a very questionable and legally tenable position. There is a law named UDAP (Unfair Deceptive Acts and Practices Act) which specifically prohibits abusive behavior. Bob Smitherson is a severly abusive and vitriolic person who has a business tactic of harrass and abuse until the desired end game is reached. Using this tactice never, I repeat, never works and only pushes creditors to seek legal action against the consumer. These practices are ILLEGAL, again, ILLEGAL! You as a consumer, under UDAP, can be held equally liable as the committing party in court for actions you hired to be performed. He is a vile, bottom feeding, barely human sack of wasted flesh who places his customers in extreme legal peril. Do not engage in business with this person. There are many, many other options available to resolve debts other than using people like Bob Smitherson at 484-201-8584. I can recommend several companies that are reputable who do not resort to such despicable tactics. If you are currently a customer of Bob Smitherson of Sunrise Law Group/Financial Group, fire him and move your business elsewhere.