*** ***** Street, Apt. # ***
Marietta, GA *****-****
August 16, 05 2005
To Kenneth Lewis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
I am writing this letter regarding the some funds in the amount of $249.00 was withdrawn without my permission by Company name "Sure way Finical Corporation" on or about April 01, 2005. I filed a dispute letter on or about May 31, 2005 but it was denied for being to late.
I am living on limited income due to disability that occurred when I worked for Cobb County Sheriff in year 2001.
On this day, August 15, 2005 went into the branch located at 140 Cherokee Street, Marietta, GA 30060-1690 and asked to speak with Manager, the only information I was some help to find out the name and company that was the third party (ACH), but this was to no avail, she was not nice to me at all, she was rude and abrupt and have me escrowed out of the bank.
The only information I wanted from the bank is who was the third party (ACH PROCESSOR AND THEIR STAFF WHICH SHOULD INCLUDE THE CEO) that process that transaction to remove the funds. It is Sureway: ID=419209748, and their phone number is 866-642-9465 with this phone I will only get a voice mail and only time did I get to speak to live person who indicated to me to write to this address. Attn. To Mrs. Marsha Grant, Sure-way Finanial, Corporation, Post Office Box 3548, Champlain, New York, 12919.
I wrote a letter to Mrs. Marsha Grant, of Sure-way Financial Corporation, Post Office Box 3548, Champlain, New York 12919, on or about June 2, 2005, with no response to my letter or phone call as of this date.
I read this book from that indicated to me how to proceed to be able to recover my funds from this fraudulent company.
I will file a report on the Internet
regarding this situation that occurred on this day, August 15, 2005 with bank of america and this fraudelent Credit card company Before this day, how I taughtI was signing up for a credit on the internet and found out later that this company is a fraud. They do not produce as they promise and it next to impossible get the situation corrected, or get my funds back in my it indicated to me that I should file a small claim action in court against the Bank president and this fraudlent company, as of now I am not pursuing that action, but I will have file a cause of action against your the Bank of America if this situation is corrected as soom as possible.
I have been doing business with Bank of America for over five years, due to this situation I will have file a report on the Internet regarding this situation concerning a Bank of America Manager refused to help a good customer get the information that was requested so he can take some legal action to recoup he funds in the amount of $249.00 that was fraudulent taken.
Vernon Cell ph. ***-***-****
Social Security #***-**-****
cc: Federal Trade Commission
Sure-way Financial Corporation
Post Office Box 3548
Champlain, New York 12919
Bank of America Corp.
Kenneth Lewis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
100 N Tryon St
Charlotte, NC 28255-0001
Marietta, Georgia