  • Report:  #442447

Complaint Review: The Orchid Recovery Center - Palm Springs Florida

Reported By:
- delray beach, Florida,

The Orchid Recovery Center
2925 10th Avenue North Palm Springs, 33461 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
2 years ago I went to The Orchid Recovery Center to get help with addiction. The admissions process was very comforting, and convincing, however what I was about to experience was the complete opposite. I actually went to tour the facility before entering, so I really feel duped by their marketing! When I when to look at the facility I was greeted by a former (so she says) addict named Lauren, who smoked the entire time I was there and only had wonderful things to say about their treatment program. I asked her specifically, "how many people leave before the 30 days is up?" She looked me in the eye and said, "0." this turned out to be a complete and total lie, because once I entered the program i watched 2 people run away within the first week and over the course of 6 weeks I saw only 3 people successfully complete their treatment. They emotionally beat the crap out of you... as if this is supposed to stop someone from taking drugs and then if you decide you do not want to follow their aftercare plan, which consists of living in an all women's facility for criminals just released from jail they literally kick you out of the program!! It is ridiculous!! The first week and half they leave you alone, then they start hampering you and everyone in your family about you staying longer. Once they get you to commit to a longer stay, and you pay (everything is paid in advance) then they lose interest. At that point they could care less about you or your recovery and they want you out so that they can get a new admit and another $40,000. My therapist, Melissa, who actually is not even a psychologist, was just as deceptive as Lauren in Admissions and the owner Julie. Melissa was the type of person who you felt you could pour your heart out to, however in the end everything you say and do becomes fair game for group discussion. There is absolutely ZERO confidentiality. By the way, if you have gone to their website, you have probably seen pretty pictures of women doing yoga on the beach, etc...well, ladies be ware because those pictures are definitely NOT from the Orchid Drug Rehab in Florida... the housing is located in Palm Springs, FL, right in the middle of a complete drug infested prostitution zone. Three doors down, there is a shady motel that has crack heads and other freaks wandering around at ALL hours of the day and night. They do not even provide food at this place!

Ladies, save your money and look for a place that cares, because at The Orchid Recovery Center you are just another addict...there is no compassion, understanding or flexibility with their program. Quite frankly, for $20,000/month (no insurance), I think those things should come standard. Be ware of this AWFUL drug rehab center in Florida... there are horrible and should not be allowed to conduct business. The therapists are abusive and do not care about the well being of the addict. The treatment center is run by a women who is never even there and has no clue what goes on day to day in the treatment. .


delray beach, Florida


5 Updates & Rebuttals


lake worth,

#2General Comment

Mon, February 16, 2015

 Ok, the only problem with writing negative things about drug treatment programs is...

1) it worked for you, so therefore your negative comments mean nothing because IT WORKED!

2) it didnt work, and your just a high junky mad at the world and you are trying to blame other people or places for you getting high again.

So i dont get the point of anyone wrtiting negative comments, because its a lose lose, and its not credible.


New York,
United States of America
my Orchid experience

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 11, 2013

If youre considering The Orchid and youve just read this complaint, if youre anything like I was, youve just found your reason to not go to treatment. Why would you go to somewhere like what Michelle has described in her rip-off report? It might not matter how many success stories you hear about clients who got sober there, who have stayed clean and who owe so much of their sobriety to their time at The Orchid. You might read those testimonies as the not-so-clever work of internet trolls.

I would have done that six years ago, but back then, there wasnt a bad review that popped up on a Google search. The term, troll, didnt exist. Few people believed that a black man could be elected president. Michael
Jackson hadnt died of a drug overdose. The Gulf waters hadnt been poisoned by the second largest oil spill in history. The earthquake in Japan that caused a tsunami that prompted a nuclear meltdown? Hadnt happened yet. All of this is to say that six years is a long time and the beauty of it, for me and for my family, is that I have been alive to see it. If I would have listened to one persons nay saying, if that would have prevented me from getting on an airplane headed to Florida, I would be dead right now.

Six years ago, I would have exaggerated that point, but today, I mean every word I write. I was close to death and, as far as everyone in my life was concerned, I was beyond hope. The real statistics about the percentage people who stay clean after rehab are staggeringly low. My ex-fiance has been to 17, maybe more by now. The truth is, it doesnt really matter where you go to get treatment as long as you have the desire to get sober and youre
willing to do the hard work, all of it. The statistics do say that the only thing that makes a difference is the length of your stay. The longer youre in treatment, the better your odds of staying clean. I dont know what success
rate The Orchid claims.

The staff at The Orchid made me one promise- to teach me the tools to get sober and to live a clean life. They delivered on that promise.

When I sat down at the desk after being transported from a detox outside Miami, they put a piece of paper in front of me. It was made abundantly clear that if I were to leave at any point after I signed my name on the dotted line, I still owed the $17,500. For the first few days, that money might have been the only thing that kept me there. Thank God for that. 

I thought that the cottage houses that Orchid clients live at are beautifully furnished (or were in 2007). The beds, tables, chairs and light fixtures were from West Elm. There was benign and peaceful art on the walls. The
appliances were all new. The houses were clean. The only bugs in the two houses I lived in were ones that we accidently let in by leaving our front door open.

The cottages are all surrounded by a high fence and foliage. Theres a generally uninterested cat that mills around the yard. It might not have been the best neighborhood, but other than the walk from the van to the locked,
secure, alarm-rigged front door, we never set foot in the street. Plus, theres always a staff member awake and working, 24/7. I didnt feel unsafe during the two months that I lived there.

And as far as the complaints about the staff are concerned:

Every one of them is a human being and none are perfect.When I was there, I had my own issues with various therapists and employees. Towards the end, I worried that they would kick me out (though only one person was
kicked out in my 60 days. She was my roommate and best friend there. And she was given a choice, either follow through with something or leave. She chose to leave. It might not have been a great choice, but it was a choice). I saw some of their character defects. I had beef with one of the techs who lied and then my phone privileges were revoked. It wasnt until after I started living my own life back in New York that I realized that those feelings, those experiences had taught me a lot. In the real world, I still had authority figures, nasty bosses who told me what to do. Some things were just out of my control. I was even arrested for a failure to appeal in court on Christmas Eve.

The eight-year-old charge was from when I was using. I had been falsely accused and the case was dropped. But somehow the paperwork was never filed and so, when I was pulled over, there was a warrant for my arrest waiting in the police databank. I dealt with it. I dealt with the feelings of remembering my complete bottom. And after the dust settled, I was able to move on. 

Life has been happening! And all things considered, I have handled most of thehurdles with grace. Not one of us is perfect and being bossed around while vulnerable, angry and scared, I learned how to take action instead of just reacting. I make decisions in my life based on reason and emotion. I think before I speak. I am honest now. I can look people in the eye and, for the first time in my life, I believe I am worthy of respect and do not accept being treated badly. Everyone has her process, counselors included. Who are we to judge how they live their lives?

I learned what I needed to learn while I was at The Orchid. I learned how to let go of my excuses and blame. I learned to take care of myself. I learned that holding onto painful memories and bad relationships was preventing me from being happy, from being a good sister, daughter, friend, partner and human being. My life since getting sober hasnt been easy. I have had to deal with my other diseases and that has been physically, mentally and spiritually exhausting, but I could never have done this while I was still drinking and drugging. I could only have done this sober.

Today I am happy. I have a loving, supportive partner who has, for five years, helped me through disabling disease, hospitalizations and surgeries. We have a beautiful house in the woods. We have two dogs and a cat. We eat clean, whole food. I keep trying to quit smoking that half cigarette a day I still cant quite let go of. I go to AA meetings, though not as often because of illness, but I have responsibilities at them. I have a sponsor.

Today, I show up for my friends and family. Today, they trust me fully, more than they ever could before. Today, I tell the truth. Today, I love myself and that might sound contrived, but six years ago, I hated everything about who I had become. There are solutions and I learned how to find them while I was at The Orchid.

Make the decision to save your life, whether thats at The Orchid or at another treatment facility. But please dont let one persons experience at this treatment facility be the excuse youve been looking for to not go to rehab. The Orchid gave me a foundation to build a healthy life. I am proof that, if you really want it, The Orchid can teach you how to live life differently.

Like I said, they made good on the only promise they made me.



Ellen H

Mount Dora,
United States of America
The Orchid Saves Lives

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 11, 2013

I completed rehabilitation at The Orchid in March of 2010.  I recently celebrated 3 years of sobriety.  The Orchid save my life!  The therapists who work at the Orchid are qualified, licensed addiction professionals  The success rate of the Orchid is phenominal.   I personally know that at least 14 of the ladies who were at the Orchid with me are sober today, and living amazing lives.  The ones that I am not sure of are the ones who did not chose to follow recommendations, and who did not stay in touch with their sober friends.  We had just one young woman who left before completing the program.  Sadly, she is deceased now.

The living facility is secure, comfortable and safe.  The ladies do not leave the facility alone, but always in groups with "techs"  who are also recovering addicts with at least 2 years of sobriety.  There would be no opportunity or reason for the residents to come in contact with any unsavory places or persons in the area, unless the resident breaks rules and leaves the campus unescorted.

The program is meant to teach women to be responsible for themselves, since many come from co-dependant relationships.  That is why each woman is required to shop, and prepare their own meals, do their laundry, keep their living quarters clean, and to adhere to a schedule.  This is needed discipline for ladies who have spent their days in drug or alcohol induced inactivity and irresponsibility.

The therapists target emotional issues and use proven methods to help clients to deal with issues that contribute to their chemical dependence. Group thereapy is the predominant means of dealing with addiction, even AA uses it.  Keeping secrets feeds addiction, this is a forum for sharing those secrets in a safe and controlled environment.  A variety of activities help to heal the entire person, from nutritional instruction, to art projects, to yoga and exercise, and yes, even to FUN!, the program helps the addicted woman learn to care for herself and become healthy and happy again.

Every woman employed by the Orchid, including Julie, the owner, Loren, who is the intial contact, the therapists, and the techs, is a recovering addict.  Even the one and only man you will see during your stay is in recovery, and he is amazing. 

The cost is high, but less than many facilities, such as the Betty Ford Clinic in California, which charges at least 3 times as much.  My insurance, which was far from the best, covered most of this cost. If you have ever read about Elizabeth Taylor's stay at Betty Ford, you would know that even she was required to take care of her own needs, including cleaning duties, while she was there.

If you need more indorsement, please note that the ABC program 20/20 filmed and aired a report on the care given at the Orchid in 2010.  This was filmed while I was there. 

A website like this one serves a purpose for people with legitimate complaints.  I feel the management of the website should perform "due dilligence" before airing the gripes of an addict who is obviously still mired in their disease.  Such a shame that the reputation of a fine place like the Orchid can be sullied like this.

Jennifer C

United States of America
So Not True!!

#5General Comment

Sun, September 02, 2012

I recently graduated from The Orchid in August 2012 and I have to say that it was the best thing I could have ever done!! It saved my life!! As far as Loren goes. I witnessed her celebrating her 13th year in recovery while I was in treatment at The Orchid and she takes her job and recovery very serious. While in detox, Loren came and visited me every day to make sure I was okay!! Once I arrived at The Orchid, no one left the program and they kicked no one out. I was there for 60 days and watched over 15 women successfully graduate from the program. All of the therapists are licensed therapists! There are techs who work at the residence and transport you- they do not work inside the group rooms. The staff care about each and every client and based on your track record, some would benefit by extending longer. They are not out to get your money and make you stay longer- if you want to leave- they have a waiting list a mile long of women with the same amount of money as you do who want to be there!! There is no staff member there by the name of Melissa. so we don't need to worry with that! During group sessions, the therapists discuss issues and situations in your life that you need to deal with in order to recover. they don't beat you up or try to make you feel bad about yourself. They are there to help you get to the core of your disease and help save your life!!!  Also, the women's residence is located in a different area other than where the home office is, but it is well kept, beautiful and guarded by alarm systems at all times. It is a safe environment- a lot safer than some of the places we where when we were deep in our addictions. It is real easy to point fingers and call out all of the negative things about any place- but the main focus should be that this program works- if you are willing to go in, make a change and do the work required to stay clean! That is the bottom line!! Please do not be fooled by this person's report!! If you are looking for a resort style rehab- you are dreaming!! It shouldn't matter what the facility looks like or where it is located. rather on the fact that it is going to save your life and help get you on the road to recovery!!  Jen C- Georgia  

PBC Consumer Affairs

West Palm Beach,
You May Be Able to File a Complaint With the Palm Beach County Division of Consumer Affairs

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 17, 2009

You May Be Able to File a Complaint With the Palm Beach County Division of Consumer Affairs Division of Consumer Affairs 50 S. Military Trail Suite #201 West Palm Beach, FL 33415 (561) 712-6600 - Ask for Investigator Daniel Dodson (561) 712-6610 Fax

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