This individual or group offers an attractive low interest rate loan and then makes every excuse possible to ask the targetted person to pay more and more fees, charges, taxes and gift money.
Sydney,#2Author of original report
Thu, July 26, 2018
Here are some of the phone numbers used by this team of persons
+917400317104 +919738963743 +917022547258 +918050372018 Look out for names like Shamal, Kumar, Hegry Wide they commonly use a series of banks in Spain and will ask you to verify if an account is currently avaiable. These receivers are the money collection points for the fraudsters from Indis. When you are notified to resend the fee is because the receiver has actually stolen the money and the bank assists in the cover up from my past experience.
If you decide to send money then refuse to use any of the cash immediate transfer agencies like WU or MG make then give you a bank to bank receiver details may well be the only method to start to track down account holders as receivers on behalf of the scammers
Sadly still in business as at July 27 2018 latest emil address being used is [email protected]