My best friend was just fired by USIS. This is a man who had 2 jobs in his entire life, the first ith the Marines and the most recent one being at USIS. He was honorably discharged from the military service after 25 years... and immediatelly got a job with USIS. That turned out to be a terrible mistake!
I know this guy very, very, very, very well! I can assure anyone that there isn't a more honest, truthful and strait-laced person to have as an employee. Want to know this guy's character? Ask his ex wife... she has nothing but positve remarks about him. That should say something.
YET, USIS idiots were able to abruptly terminate him, cut his pay, then fire him w/ an horrible remark right to his face (as his local Manager put it) saying "you are being fired because it appears that you have taken some short cuts with your investigations".
Based on the report produced with the "discrepancies" found in a couple of the investigations conducted by him, I can honestly say that, at a minimum, these people in Fairfax need to to go back to school and be placed at a serious boot-camp for termination procedures.
They conducted re-work/re-investigations with a few of my friend's files and in all honesty, the comments they made were nothing short than a joke!
People say one thing today, tomorrow they will say something else, but for USIS, there is "fraud" and "discrepancy" involved. HOW many people out there are so desperate to get a clearance that they will simply lie on their applications? HOW many people can accurately remember addresses, names and phones numbers of s**t that happened years back? So easy to forget, so easy to mix things up... BUT, USIS will simply chose to accuse it's investigators of fraud! I ASK THE LEADERSHIP OF USIS; what the hell would anyone gain by committing "fraud" with investigation of people that they don't even know and nothing to gain by doing it? In FACT they have evrything to lose! Their dignity to get started. Their job, the respect of their peers...
I ALSO ASK; WHO ON EARTH ARE THOSE LADIES RUNNING THE FAIRFAX OFFICE?? IF my friend were a liar, he would not have been fired. G.U.A.R.A.N.T.E.E.D, he would not!
Congratulations Manager and Team Leader in Fairfax, VA! You got a guy w/ a blemish-less record, who served this country for 25 years so that your stinky asses could have freedom, and you made him look like a malicious evildoer! Shame on you! Shame on you all. Specially you Managers in Fairfax, VA!
Specially you, lady in black today. Get a business suit woman! At least, make an effort to look like you know what the hell you are doing!
DO I THINK that my friend should retain legal counsel? Hell, yeah I do! He would be stupid not to. I am going to drive him nuts to do it. Should he hire his own "investigation" service? Of course, he should... I wonder what would come out of it. How many "discrepanices" would appear on the Management body.
I hate injustice... I think I am going to vomit...
Fairfax, Virginia