  • Report:  #194044

Complaint Review: Vics Bingo Bingo Hall Jon Daley Of Winward Casino - Internet

Reported By:
- Freeport, New York,

Vics Bingo Bingo Hall Jon Daley Of Winward Casino
vicsbingo.com/www.bingohall.com Internet, Costa Rica
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I signed up and was a new player about 2 months ago. My friend referred me there and I was extremely sceptical about giving my credit card and/or banking info on the web so my friend offered to deposit from her neteller account if I would give her the cash.

So I figured what the hell... I'll give her the cash and try it out.

Well I did and I won and all together between deposits and winnings I had exactly $468 in cash in my account.

I went away on a trip for 1 week and upon returning went to log into my account at bingo hall and it was disabled. My account at Vics was also disabled. So I went to live help inquiring about my account and this is the response i got...

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Luis'

Luis: Hi, this is Luis. How may I assist you today?

you: can u please tell me why i cannot log into my account? It's saying account is disabled

you: ----- is my name and i have a lot of money in my account ((PERSONAL INFO REDACTED))

you: all my accounts are coming up disabled i have another account at vics bingo as well

Luis: I kindly ask you to send an email regarding this situation to our Customer Service Manager, Johan at [email protected]

you: why?

you: what about all the money in my account?

Luis: We is the only one that can assist you

Luis: He can provide you information about it

Luis: I'll like to be more help for you

Luis: But he is the only one who can provide you with a response

you: well i don't think this is right. So I guess all of what people have been telling me about this site is true. You close down peoples accounts and take their money

you: ok well i guess i'll take this to someplace higher. Thank u for your support and i have copied all this info have a good night

Luis: You have a nice one too

Luis: Thank you

At this point I was so Aggravated. Why couldn't they give me any information? Why did I have to email Johan. Well I did and this is the response i got from Johan.

No Response!

So I went back to live help. This is what they said:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'David'

David: Welcome this is Dave, How may I help you today?

you: can u please explain why my account here and also at vic's has been disabled?

David: May I have your user id please ?


David: In this case, we would kindly ask you to contact our Manager Johan [email protected]

you: i already did that. is there any way you can please explain the reason. I think I am entitled to that since I have gotten no response to my email

David: Unfortunately I do not have that information

you: What will happen to all the money that i have in this account and also at Vics as well?

David: As I mentioned before Johan will be more than glad to help you with this

David: Unfortunately I do not have any more information about your account

you: I already emailed him and I don't think it is right for you to keep my money without an explanation

you: hello????????

you: Is anyone there?

David: As I mentioned before, if I had that information I would be glad to explain this to you

David: but I do not have any information on why it was closed or what will happen with your money

David: Johan will be replying to your email first time in the morning

you: ok ty

well after that I continued to wait for an email from Johan and still after no response i went back to live help and got this response:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Luis'

Luis: Hi, this is Luis. How may I assist you today?

you: please explain to me why my account is disabled and why when i emailed johan he has not emailed me back as of yet

you: is he in?

you: can you please have him respond to my email?

Luis: I'll be able to assist you if you let me know your alias


Luis: Thank you

Luis: Please hold one moment I appreciate your patience.

Luis: Thank you for waiting

Luis: I kindly recommend you to re-send the email to him

Luis: Or you can call him in this moment

you: i sent an email yesterday as well as today too

you: i cannot call him. I am leaving for work

Luis: What is a good time for him to call you?

you: well I don't get home until 1am EST and I leave at 6am for another job so I am very busy. Can you please have him respond to my email?

Luis: He is going to answer you by email

you: ok ty did he get my email then?

Luis: Yes, he did

you: ok so do i have to email him again then?

Luis: That will not be necessary

you: is there anyway you can tell me when you will be re-opening my account or if you will be sending back my funds? I also have an account at bingo hall as well which I was just recently told you owned both Vics and bingo hall. I didn't know that

you: but i was wondering why both accounts had been disabled. It seemed strange.

Luis: As I told you yesterday, Johan is the only one authorized to provide you with your account information

Luis: I'm really sorry but I'm not able to assist you in that matter

you: Thank you for your time and assistance. Have a wonderful day!

Still no response from Johan!

and then i received one finally! But it was via the phone. And he said it's because someone who they had barred from their site was the one that had deposited the funds for me so my accounts were disabled and that he would talk with the person in charge of accounting (Christie) and make sure I got my payout!

But Monday came and went and after a whole week went by I went to live help again and got this response:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Steve'

Steve: Hello, this is Steve. How may I help you?

you: i spoke to johan yesterday and was just wondering when the leftover funds would be returned to me. my name is ---- ((PERSONAL INFO REDACTED))

you: he said he would email me but hasn't as of yet

Steve: For information about that process you need to wait for the response of that email or contact our accounts manager, Cristie, to: [email protected]

you: well he said i would be receiving an email and i haven't received anything yet

Steve: You need to wait for his response, if that is what he asked you for

you: well i just wanted to know when that might be?

Steve: We do not have any information about that

you: well this is not right. u are so quick to take the money but when it comes to giving it back u are so slow why?

you: if u won't allow me to play there then my funds should be returned ASAP

Steve: I apologize but I do not have any specific information about this procedure. You need to wait for a response from them. If they are returning your funds you need to give them some time, so to process all what needs to be done

you: my account has been closed for a few days and it shoudn't take that long to process a refund

you: when it only takes monday when people do cashouts the money should have already been returned then

you: and this is not from a cashout. But it's not right to close someone's account and then to keep their money

Steve: Is there anything else that I can do for you at this moment?

you: if your closing my account i should have gotten my money back and i just told u what u could do for me at this moment

you: is johan there

Steve: No he is not here at this moment

you: you'll probably say he's not but i have his direct extention so i guess i'll call him on it

Steve: Feel free to do so

Steve: And confirm the information

Steve: !!

you: 214-432-3599

you: I knew you would say he wasn;'t there

Steve: Have you called him?? And confirm what I said?

you: it's okay if my money doesn;'t get returned to me by monday which will be exactly 5 business days since my account was disabled, Im going to talk to an attorney.

Steve: Great, feel free to wait for your money and to wait for a response from Johan, as I said there is no information I can give you regarding that, as I do not have any

you: well thank u for your time and patience, once again I have copied all information and will foward onto my attorney if I DO NOT receive my money on monday. Have a wonderful day!

Steve: Do the same!!

Steve: You are very welcome

Steve: If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Anyway, needless to say, These threats did not even stir Vics. They know what they are doing. They're PRO'S!!!

Well Today I called Johan at this phone # above and he stated that they will not be paying me because it is "against the rules of the site and also against the law" to have someone else deposit funds for me.

They screwed with the wrong one and I am not having it!!!

If I have to go to Costa Rica and sue them from there I will!

They don't know who they messed with!

I'm with everyone who's down with boycotting Vic's!!!

P.S. Sorry for making it so long!!



Freeport, New York

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