We were watching a movie last night on our DVD, of course through our Vizio 42" TV. The screen just went completely blank, no picture and no sound. No one was near any remote or equipment. We just sat there. I figured it must be some simple electronic glitch.
The TV is not even 2 years old. I couldn't imagine a TV, which cost over a $1,000.00 would last less than 2 years. So I got out the manual followed all the troubleshooting advice, and nothing, just one dead TV.
Since Tech Support is closed on Sunday I have to wait until tomorrow to call this in. So I got on the Internet and began searching to see if I could find a resolution that way. Then I became educated. This is an epidemic problem of Vizio. They call it "The Black Screen Death". And countless folks have reported the exact same thing we experienced last night.
There's no excuse for this and the Vizio Company should be made to either completely restore these units at their total cost, or give folks vouchers for them to purchase new TV's in the same price range, but not necessarily Vizio's. So I will call in the morning. You all know what's going to happen right? Just read the other folks experiences. I've owned my share of TV's in my lifetime. A less than 2 year TV? Never heard of such a thing. Vizio should be made to pay for this and their products banned from America until they can produce a product worth the money.
Nevada,#2Consumer Suggestion
Fri, June 01, 2012
I have contacted Vizio many times on a Sunday because that is my day to do just that. You state that Tech Support is closed on Sunday; did you even try to call? Doubt it.
And your dramatics with "The Black Screen of Death".. even if an HDTV has a black screen doesn't mean it is dead. Perhaps the video card has gone bad. Maybe the power board needs replacing. "They" -- who is "They"? Your aunt and her gay lover?
Of course, you looked on the Internet and saw so many people reporting the same thing. Let me ask you something. Did you by chance look on the Internet to see how many people HAVE NOT had this problem? Of course you didn't!
The Internet can be a negative and one-sided source of info. No one is going to go online and state "No problems here! My Vizio [or other product] is working just fine!!"
So you vented your frustration on RipoffReport before you even were able to contact Vizio and try to get resolution. What DID Vizio do for you? Of course you can't even be bothered to take the time to eat some crow and tell us what they did for you when you called in, right? Just another example of how negative and one-sided the Internet can be.
In closing, sir, perhaps you could take in to consideration that there are some awesome companies here in America that sometimes have products that break down. But you want them banned! So we can start bringing in products from other countries? Can you imagine what the US economy and industry would be like if all products were banned because they had a problem? Oh wait...you don't have to imagine -- look at Detroit!