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United Traders Association - International Merchandise Group ripoff How Do They Get Away With It Sylmar California
I have looked at two other web sites with complaints against WTA,whitch includes a Federal Trade Commission web site.
The rebuttal on this web site of offering partial refunds back to 12 menbers who complained could possibly be more misleading words from WTA. I'm talking about the dollar amount. They offered me 1800.00 out of 6950.00. As many of you have already experienced you spend more than 6950.00 to run their business opportunity. I probably lost more than 6950.00 just taking extra time away from my job. 1800 dollars,not a decent partial refund for all my time, money, expences and trouble, give me much more, because they really ought to give it all back.
It's amazing how a number of little things like office supplies and phone calls can start to add up into bigger money. They owe us all these things too. Once you get started with money going out like that, it has a domino effect to other parts of your financial life.
I'm not sure if they register with any of the 27 states that requires them to before selling these memberships. They didn't in Oklahoma. Do they even register in Nevada if required?